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Presidential Posts … By Jordan

May, 2008. Presidential Posts … By Jordan

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Presidential Posts … By Jordan

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  1. May, 2008 Presidential Posts…By Jordan It has been an awesome year, and I am glad to say it has been a success in the eyes of God and me. We are nearly done with the school year, and summer is around the corner. You may lose contact with many friends, but don’t lose contact with our Lord and savior. As we all move up in school, remember the younger become older, and the oldest become the youngest. Be an example, and take your candle out into the world to put light into the world. We have new officers appointed for next year! I know you are anxious to know who they are. According to our bylaws that we set in place this year, 7th grade officers moved up and 6th grade students were nominated and voted on by the current board. Here are your 2008-2009 Jr. BASIC officers: President: Madison Quattlebaum; Vice President: Sierra Harris; Presidential Secretary: Kara Wireman; VP Secretary: Isaac Holbrook; Music Minister: Brandon Wallace; and Outreach Director: Jacob Holmes. We will have an Outreach Committee to help Jacob next year consisting of Brianna Bossert and Joanna Bickers. Thank you ahead of time for your service. Reeder’s Requests/Praises: Keep in prayer the many parents that are going through rough times right now. I would like to thank all the members of Jr. BASIC for good behavior in our meetings. I am glad the meetings went well in spite of some technical difficulties. God wins no matter what! Kara’s Korner… Devotion offered by: Breanna Elliott Life can get pretty stormy sometimes. Fights with friends, problems with parents, pressure to be the best in school and sports, fear of being left out or not liked, and decisions about the future when life hits you full in the face like a 90 mph wind. It can be awfully scary! That’s when you have got to hold on tight to the One who MADE the wind and the waves. The same power that Jesus used to calm the seas and stop the flood will help you with the storms that assault you each day. Referenced 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 You may wonder why God has allowed certain difficulties into your life. Instead of asking, “Why?”, ask Him to comfort you. God comforts us in our troubles so that in turn we can comfort others. Referenced Mark 4:35-41 JR. BASIC NEWS at the cross Skyler’s Songs… Beautiful Lord When the storm is raging all around me You are the peace who calms my troubled seas And when the pains of this world darken my day You are the light that shines and shows me the way Oh the beauty of your majesty, On the cross you showed your love for me Beautiful LORD awesome and mighty I’m captured by this love I see Beautiful LORD tender and holy Your mercy brings me to my knees On the cross you showed your love for me Summer! By Madison Quattlebaum It’s finally here! School is almost out, and you can hardly wait to get to the beach! Oh yeah! Sometimes, during the summer, we tend to let go of the reins, and forget about God. Is that cool? God never forgets about us! He is always watching over us. So, this summer, just remember to REMEMBER HIM! From the Secretaries’ desks… By Sierra and Madison Hebrews 11:1 “For he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” What will it take to make you believe? John 20:29 “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

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