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Introducing the Industryis Best Test Automation Platform KiTAP

According to the latest market research, 39% of companies are interested in No-code Test Automation. <br>KiTAP is here to revolutionize your testing game. Our groundbreaking advanced AI-powered no-code platform empowers anyone to create automated tests, regardless of programming experience. https://klabs.kairostech.com/kitap-for-total-automation/

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Introducing the Industryis Best Test Automation Platform KiTAP

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  1. www.kairostech.com IntroducingtheIndustry’sBest TestAutomationPlatform KiTAP AutomateEverythingwithNoCode Ourno-codeplatform,KITAP,helpsyouautomateeverything withlightning-fastexecution.KiTAP’s IntelligentAIengine helpsyoumaintaintestswithself-healing,withnovendor lock-inandthefreedomtochangeandevolve. It'sFaster.Simpler.Smarter.It'sKiTAP. Swipe

  2. www.kairostech.com KiTAPOffers SimplifiedTestScriptCreationwith AI-Powered No-code TestAuthoring VisualRegression Testing Record&Playback AdvancedAI-poweredFeatureswith GenAI-poweredAdvanced End-to-EndTestAuthoring ComputerVision-Based VisualTesting Self-Healing SeamlessIntegration withCI/CDPipelines forDevTestOps Multi-platformmastery withParallelexecution Auto-wait KnowHow

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