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Changes of microbial contamination in different phases of meat producting Petr Smutný

Changes of microbial contamination in different phases of meat producting Petr Smutný. Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Michal Voldřich Csc. Introduction. Monitoring changes of microbial contamination during food production by different methods.

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Changes of microbial contamination in different phases of meat producting Petr Smutný

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  1. Changes of microbial contamination in different phases of meat producting Petr Smutný Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Michal VoldřichCsc.

  2. Introduction • Monitoring changes of microbial contamination during food production by different methods. • Results of single methods were compared in relevant cases with realist determine values.

  3. Methods • Classical count method • Method detecting total quantity of ATP • Measuring air contamination by aeroscop • Tertiary predictive models

  4. Measurement • Measuring in area of poultry and pork slaughter and meat production during all the production shift (between subsequent sanitation). • Sampling points: 1–Pork slaughter 2-Cooling tunnel 3-Cooling room for offal 4-Cutting room 5-Packing room 6-Mixing room

  5. Classical count method Change of surface microbial contamination during shift.

  6. Measuring air contamination by aeroscop • Developement of change microbial contamination in the air during shift.

  7. Method detecting total quantity of ATP • Change of surfaces pollution level during shift detecting by bioluminimetre.

  8. Tertiary predictive model • Growth curves for Listeria monocytogenes (nought initial contamination) at 16, 20 a 23 °C • Condition: pH = 7,0; aw = 0,985

  9. Conclusion • Classical count method – expected growth of surface contamination on equipment during shift (8 hours) • Surface microbial contamination at the end of shift – higher about one to two order then after sanitation • ATP-Bioluminiscent – unacknowledged expected increasing amount of ATP on equipment => unsuitable for monitoring of microbial contamination • Air contamination – increasing concentration of microorganisms despite active air changing in produce area propable reason: irregular air flow, deficient providing recommended direction of air flow from „clear“ to „dirty“ part of produce • Tertiary predictive model – comfortable and rapid method for suggesting of maximal lenght productive operation in different condition

  10. Thank you for your attention

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