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Vocabulary Review

Vocabulary Review. Digestive System. Digestion. Process in which the food we eat is broken down into usable materials. Duodenum. First 25 centimeters of the small intestine. Absorption. Process through which digested nutrients pass through the small intestine into the blood stream. Villi.

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Vocabulary Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Review Digestive System

  2. Digestion Process in which the food we eat is broken down into usable materials

  3. Duodenum First 25 centimeters of the small intestine

  4. Absorption Process through which digested nutrients pass through the small intestine into the blood stream

  5. Villi Microscopic fingerlike projections in the small intestine that increase surface area for absorption of nutrients

  6. Bolus Ball of partially digested food passed from the mouth, down the esophagus to the stomach

  7. Peristalsis Wavelike contractions of the smooth muscle in the digestive tract that moves food through the alimentary canal.

  8. Fiber Indigestible carbohydrate such as cellulose that stimulates peristalsis in the digestive tract.

  9. Carbohydrates One of three basic food types, may be in the form of sugar, starches, or fiber found in cereals, breads and vegetables

  10. Starches Complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread or rice

  11. Pepsin An enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins

  12. Gastric Juice A combination of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin that is responsible for the chemical digestion of proteins.

  13. Chyme A pulpy mixture of food and gastric juice that passes into the small intestine for further chemical digestion and absorption.

  14. Enzyme Protein capable of speeding up chemical reactions in the body

  15. Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats What are the three basic food types?

  16. Minerals Chemicals that occur naturally that our bodies need like calcium or magnesium.

  17. Vitamins Compounds that have been made by living organisms that our body needs but cannot make on its own

  18. Bile Greenish yellow liquid that acts like dish soap breaking large fat molecules into smaller pieces

  19. Nutrient Substance that an organism needs to live

  20. Mechanical Digestion Digestion that increases the surface area of the food we eat by physically breaking into smaller and smaller pieces

  21. Chemical Digestion Process in which digestive enzymes and acids change our food into substances our body can absorb and use.

  22. Stomach Muscular balloon shaped sac that mechanically breaks down our food and the place where protein digestion begins.

  23. Duodenum Site of most chemical digestion in the body

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