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数字博物馆的新思路 New Ideas of Digital Museums. 张小朋 南京博物院 研究员 中国博物馆建筑空间与新技术专委会 秘书长 国际博物馆协会 AVICOM 执委. Zhang Xiaopeng Researcher,Nanjing Museum Secretary-General,China Committee for Architecture and Museums Techniques Executive Member,AVICOM,ICOM. 目录 Catalog.
数字博物馆的新思路 New Ideas of Digital Museums 张小朋 南京博物院 研究员 中国博物馆建筑空间与新技术专委会 秘书长 国际博物馆协会 AVICOM 执委 Zhang Xiaopeng Researcher,Nanjing Museum Secretary-General,China Committee for Architecture and Museums Techniques Executive Member,AVICOM,ICOM
目录 Catalog 面向公众的博物馆 The Museum Belongs to the Public 网络虚拟博物馆 Network Virtual Museums 数字博物馆 Digital Museums
面向公众的博物馆 The Museum Belongs to the Public 中国的博物馆已经有3589座。 The number of Chinese museums have 3589. 故宫博物院院长单霁翔先生: 中国博物馆每年接待观众约5亿人次,平均每一个人2到3年参观一次博物馆。 Chinese museum visitors annually receive about 500 million people, an average of 2-3 years each individual visit of a museum(Curator,Palace Museum). 为什么会这样? 因为普通人无法看懂博物馆,这却是我们造成的。 Why? Because ordinary people can not understand the museum.This is caused by us. 千篇一律的展览方式,千篇一律的内容。 Exhibit stereotyped way, the monotony of the content. 青铜器、玉器、陶器、瓷器、书画。北京、上海、广州、南京。 Bronze, jade, pottery, porcelain, calligraphy and painting. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing. 文物 + 玻璃柜 + 说明牌 ≈ 博物馆 Cultural relics + vitrine + note cards ≈ Museum 这样的博物馆和普通人没有什么关系。 不参观这样的博物馆,对大部分人而言基本没有损失。 Such museums and people did not have anything to do. Do not visit this museum, for most people basically no loss.
面向公众的博物馆 The Museum Belongs to the Public 我们没有明白博物馆究竟是什么。时代在发展,而我们却墨守成规,禁锢了博物馆的发展,导致了博物馆 几乎只剩下了今天的这一种形式:以物为基础,以过去为中心。 We did not understand what museums.In the development of the times, and we are legalistic, constrained the development of the museum, leading to the museum almost only this form of today: a Cultural relics-based, historical center. 情感 affection 我们割裂了历史,让大部分人认为历史只存在于博物馆之中。我们颠倒了人和物的关系,用冷冰冰的文物 隔断了博物馆和公众的联系。 We cuts off history, so most people think that history exists only in museums. We reversed the relationship between people and cultural relics, the museum and the public cut off contact. 物是人类行为的结果,每一件人造物都是为了达到一个目的,由人类创造的。 人类一连串相关的行为构成了历史的进程。 人类的所有行为都是受情感的控制。 Relics are the result of human behavior, each one artifacts is to achieve a purpose, created by humans. Human history is constituted by a series of related human behavior. Human behavior is controlled by the emotion. 物 Object 行为 action
面向公众的博物馆 The Museum Belongs to the Public 国家文物局副局长宋新潮先生: 今天的博物馆不再是封闭的、曲高和寡的,而是更加开放、包容和富有活力,是一个服务于人的全面 发展的公共文化教育机构。 Deputy director of State Administration of Cultural Heritage,said: Museum should not be a conservative. Museum is open, inclusive and vibrant. Museum is to serve the public comprehensive development of public cultural and educational institutions. 从1977年起,国际博物馆协会确立每年的5月18日为国际博物馆日。 今年第37个国际博物馆日的主题为“博物馆(记忆+创造力)=社会变革”。 This year the 37th International Museum Day theme is "Museum (memory + creativity) = social change." 我有一个梦想: 建造一座和公众感情想通的博物馆。 建造一座记录现代人情感和行为的博物馆。 这座博物馆是由公众建造的。 I have a dream: Build a museum connected to the public feelings. Build a museum record of people's emotion and behavior. The museum was built by the public.
面向公众的博物馆 The Museum Belongs to the Public 博物馆的资源来源于公众 The museum resources from the public. • 博物馆的资源由两个部分组成: • The museum resources are made up of two parts: • 文物 • Heritage • 专家和公众对文物的解读 • Experts and the public on heritage Interpretation. 博物馆用这些资源服务于公众 The museum uses these resources for public service. 传统的博物馆没有收集来自于公众的资源的通畅的渠道 The traditional museum is not a good way to collect from public resources.
网络虚拟博物馆 Network Virtual Museums 存在于网络中的博物馆 Museums existing in the network. • 有对应的实体博物馆 • With a corresponding real museums. • 没有对应的实体博物馆 • Without a corresponding real museums. 目前,这种虚拟博物馆很多是实体博物馆的网络重现 At present, many of these virtual museums is a copy of the real museum in the network. 这是博物馆探索信息时代中更好传播博物馆资源的有效办法 In the information age, this is the museum explore better way for the museum to the wide dissemination of resources. 但是,这种虚拟的博物馆脱离了实物,只有照片和三维的模型 However, the virtual museum does not save the actual artifacts, save only the photographs and three-dimensional models. 虚拟博物馆可以提供收集存在于公众之中资源的渠道,并且将这种资源和实体的文物相结合 The virtual museum provides channels to collect public resources, and become the combination of real heritage.
数字博物馆 Digital Museums 我认为: I think 数字博物馆是实体博物馆和虚拟博物馆的结合体 Digital museums is a combination of real museums and virtual museums. 实体博物馆拥有实际的收藏品,虚拟博物馆提供能够从公众之中获取资源的渠道。 Real museums have physical collections, and virtual museums can provide channels to collect the public resources. 公众能够通过虚拟博物馆对文物深入了解,并能做出自己的解释 The public can deeply understanding the heritage through the virtual museum and conveniently feedback. 博物馆收集这些来自公众的资源成为自己的知识集,并且再用知识集为公众提供服务 The museum collect resources from the public to form their own knowledge base, and using the knowledge base to provide services to the public. 在这座博物馆里: 虚拟博物馆成为连接公众的桥梁。通过虚拟博物馆公众探索历史,质疑、补充、研究、发展历史结论,公众在博物馆里存放自己的认知和情感;博物馆展示公众的各类研究和情感。 In this Museum: Virtual Museum to become a bridge connecting the public. Public through a virtual museum to explore history, questioned, supplement, research, development history conclusions. The public in the museum store their cognitive and emotional,museum displays various research and emotion.
数字博物馆 Digital Museums 通过这样一座博物馆将社会公众和历史联系起来,使社会公众意识到他们就是历史的一部分。 这座博物馆为未来保存现在,使普罗大众成为未来研究的个体标本。 Through such a museum will be linked to the public and history,make the public aware that they are part of history. The museum's contemporary save for future research. 这座博物馆由三个部分构成:实体博物馆的虚拟复原、连接实体博物馆和虚拟博物馆的平台、基础资源。 The museum consists of three parts: In the cyber space virtual show real museum, Connected real museum and virtual museum platform, Basic Resources. 华伦天奴的虚拟博物馆 Valentino's Virtual Museum 这座博物馆实现了:实体博物馆的时空延展;博物馆资源的社会化积累;博物馆展览的成长性。 The museum is going to reach the goal of: Expansion of real museums services in terms of time and space.Social accumulation of museums resources.The development of museums exhibition. 我们正在按照这样的模式建造南京博物院数字博物馆,并将在今年11月6日开幕。 We are building the Nanjing Museum‘s digital museum accordance with this mode,the museum will be opened on November 6, 2013 建设中的南京博物院数字博物馆 Construction of Nanjing Museum's digital museum
关于数字博物馆和智慧博物馆的论述可参考如下地址的文章:关于数字博物馆和智慧博物馆的论述可参考如下地址的文章: Can read the following article for the description of the Digital Museum and Smart Museum 南京博物院网站 张小朋的博客 Websiteof Nanjing Museum ● Expert blog of Zhang Xiaopeng http://zxp.njmuseum.com 2013 Asia Museum & Theatre Construction and Development Summit 张小朋 Zhang Xiaopeng 2013.09.08于南京 Nanjing, 09,2013