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Date: 9 th December 2011 Venue: Preparing learners for a digital future, The Studio, Birmingham. Developing Digital Literacy. Sarah Knight, JISC Programme Manager Twitter tag # JISCdiglit. Why develop digital literacies ?. Digital Literacy.
Date: 9th December 2011 Venue: Preparing learners for a digital future, The Studio, Birmingham Developing Digital Literacy Sarah Knight, JISC Programme Manager Twitter tag #JISCdiglit
Why develop digital literacies? Digital Literacy “digital literacy expresses the sum of capabilities an individual needs to live, learn and work in a digital society” Share what you understand by digital literacies with your neighbour....
What do we mean by digital literacies? Digital Literacy “the use of digital tools to undertake academic research, writing and critical thinking; digital professionalism; the use of specialist digital tools and data sets; communicating ideas effectively in a range of media; producing, sharing and critically evaluating information; collaborating in virtual networks; using digital technologies to support reflection and Personal Development Planning; managing digital reputation and showcasing achievements.” JISC definition
What have we learnt to date? Digital Literacy 2006-08 Learners' experiences of e-learning programmeStudents' success depends on strategies for integrating ICT into academic practice; students' strategies and preferences differ widely 2009 Learning Literacies for a Digital Age studyDigital literacy needs to be integrated across the curriculum: learners develop through authentic tasks in meaningful situations 2010 Supporting Learners in a Digital AgeNine institutional case studies in developing learners' digital capabilities: listening to and responding to learners as a theme 2011 Digital literacy workshop seriesCascading outcomes of LliDA and SLIDA: tools for organisational and curriculum development; sharing best practice 2011-13 Developing Digital Literacies programmeFunded institutional projects, integrating digital literacy development across the board; community consultation
Abingdon and Witney College • How can focusing on induction support learner development of digital literacies? ‘If people are spending a significant amount of their life online using technology and we’re not supporting them to use it appropriately in College, then we’re not doing our job.’Ellen Lessner, ILT Coordinator
Integrate Digital Literacies Developing Digital Literacies 2011/13 A sector-wide programme promoting the development of coherent, inclusive and holistic institutional strategies and organisational approaches for developing digital literacies for staff and students in UK further and higher education University of Greenwich University of the Arts London University of Exeter ColegLlandrillo University of Plymouth University of Reading University of Bath University College London Oxford Brookes University Cardiff University Worcester College of Technology Institute of Education www.jisc.ac.uk/developingdigitalliteracies/ Digital Literacy
Working with students Digital Literacy
Collaboration JISC is working in collaboration with sector bodies and professional associations to: Gather information and user requirements Develop professional frameworks and practices Synthesiseand validate outcomes from the programme Raise awareness and consult widely with stakeholders Organisationswe are working with initially include: Opportunities to involve and engage others will follow. Digital Literacy • Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) • Association for Learning Technology (ALT) • AUA (Association of University Administrators) • Heads of Educational Development Group (HEDG) • Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) • Organisational Development in Higher Education Group (ODHE) • Standing Conference on Academic Practice (SCAP) • Staff Development Forum (SDF) • Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) • Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL) • Vitae
Supporting resources Design Studio: http://jiscdesignstudio.pbworks.com/ Digital Literacy • A developing set of resources for institutions to use and share around digital literacies including • Existing resources and tools to support DL • Workshop resources • Project resources • Project outputs(2012) http://bit.ly/ddl-wkshop
Further engagement University of Greenwich, Digital Literacies Community http://dlinhe.ning.com/ Digital Literacy Building in the project CAMEL group this is an open community for anyone interested in digital literacies.
Further engagement Digital Literacy • Follow the JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme blog: • http://elearningprogs.jiscinvolve.org/wp/ and project blogs: • http://bit.ly/rIxCEi • Online Seminars -Dave White, Visitors and Residents, Recording available from the Design Studio • Innovating e-Learning 2011- Panel session on digital literacy (Helen Beetham, Alex Bols, Andrew Eynon, David White, Alison Mackenzie, and Matt Benka) available in January 2012 from www.jisc.ac.uk/elpconference11 • Developing Digital Literacies Programme: • http://bit.ly/ddl-prog • Digital Literacies Mailing List: jisc-diglit-public@jiscmail.ac.uk • Programme Managers • Paul Bailey (p.bailey@jisc.ac.uk) and Sarah Knight (s.knight@jisc.ac.uk) • Twitter: #jiscdiglit