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Mainstreaming Young Women Embroidery Workers through Organising and Linkages. Presented By : Shweta Singh Organisation : SEWA Country : India. Background and Justification.
Mainstreaming Young Women Embroidery Workers through Organising and Linkages Presented By: Shweta Singh Organisation: SEWA Country: India
Background and Justification • 93% of the workforce of the population of India is in the unorganised sector and the workers in the unorganised sector contribute 62% to the GDP, and 50% contribute to the national income. Out of this 90% is constituted by women • The access of women in informal sector-to education, health and productive resources, among others, is inadequate • There are gender inequalities in the distribution of income, access to resources, discrimination at work, and do not have full control over their basic asset,i.e, their own labour • The hierarchy within the Informal sector is complex, which is characterised by a maze of Contractor- Subcontractor relationship • Despite this due to the poor socio-economic conditions of the family ,women are involved in various economic activity and are contributing to the family income
Cont.. • But irregular work is a constant insecurity for these workers • Limited access to credit facilities which leads to monopoly of money lenders who charge high rate of interest • Lack of access to Insurance and other Social Security schemes adds to their daily insecurities • Lack of collective strength makes them voiceless and relegates them to lower level • SEWA has been working in this area of linking the Home-based women workers with the formal markets, and the program is running successfully, as 200 women workers are getting regular work at reasonable rates • SEWA is committed towards the empowerment of Home-based workers and is putting rigorous efforts towards the ratification of ILO convention(No.177)
Target Groups • Young women in the age group of 17- 35 years will be involved in this program • They are mostly Home-based workers engaged in various activities like Embroidery, Bangle making ,Aggarbatti making etc • Poor, illiterate and work for the contractors at a very low rates, lack the bargaining power • Reluctant to step out of their houses , as their family members object to it as they are girls and many a times their own inhibitions stops them.
Development Objective This work plan / Project will contribute towards achieving the following Building the Economic Institution of the Home-based workers, that will give them Full Employment and make them Self- Reliant.
Immediate Objective At the end of this project, following results will be achieved: • Technical skills in Embroidery work that would help the members get regular work from many employers and enhance the incomes • Organization of workers that would help in negotiating with the employers pertaining to piece rate or other business issues • Elimination of the middlemen • Increasing Awareness on Ethical Trading and Company Code
Key Output/ Direct results For Immediate Objective I • 50 Young women workers trained in Embroidery work (in Aari, Zardosii, Dabka work), Quality maintenance and Production Management in a span of One year • New Designs and Products (like samples of bags, cushions and catalogue of samples) made by the young women For Immediate Objective II • Negotiated rates with the employers and women involved in the delivery and transactions of goods • Increased earnings of women ( absolutely double of that given by the middlemen) For Immediate Objective III • Women linked directly to three Export Houses • During off season( when exporters are not able to provide any work) ,women involved in their own production and marketing
Main Activities • Setting –up of a centralized workplace for Trainings and for Distribution of work • A trainer will be hired from the Export house, to give training on a regular basis (preferably a woman trainer) • Exposure to the Export companies like Matrix and Nanditas • A five dayExposure Visit to SEWA Ahmedabad, to expose the workers to the SEWA Union and the Livelihood Cooperatives of SEWA. • An external Supervisor would be invited to judge the level of the women skills, who will evaluate them and put them practical test. (preferably from the Export companies) • A production manager of the companies would be invited to the SEWA centre, So that they get a sense of the functions of the centre and get to interact with workers directly, and develop trust on the workers capacity • Conduct Ideology Training ,weekly meetings with the members • Conduct market survey of the existing market trends
Cont.. • Ensure a consistent flow of work for the workers and make timely payment (from SEWA revolving fund) • Resource person from the Export company would be invited to aware the members on issues of fair trade and company code
Main Inputs • Technical inputs from Experts • Setting up of a Centralized workplace • Regular efforts by the team of Employment generation in Organizing and mobilizing , Home-visits (for building up a healthy and strong relationship with the women) • Consultation on ways to innovate trainings, and for creating worthy linkages (if required) • Liasioning and Correspondence with the Export companies and with the Donors • Report Writing and Documentation • Financial assistance from the donors • Membership fee of Rs. 5 from the women members
Indicators of Achievement • 50 skilled women workers • Regular and Consistent work • Enhancement in the income and Directly dealing with the employers • visibility and recognition in the national and International market • Self-Sufficient and major contribution in the family income • Increase the bargaining power • Able to participate in the national and international dialogue concerning their specific issues • Develop a direct Employer –Employee relationship
Monitoring ,Reporting and Evaluation • Project coordinator would prepare monthly work plans • Adhere to the reporting requirements of the donor and prepare quarterly progress and finanancial reports • Visits will be organised for the donor agency to the field area, so that they have clarity on the nature of activities being reported and carried out • Joint Evaluation by SEWA and the Donor