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Clixplit – Multiply your visitor clicks by up to 300% • Clixplit is a first-of-its-kind WordPress Plugin that is designed to maximize visitor clicks by up to 300% while on site. The way Clixplitdoes this is with a simple tweak to your hyperlinks. The core of Clixplit is an elegantly covertfunction. • http://crownreviews.com/clixplit-review-bonus • ClixplitOverview • Homepage: ClixPlit OfficialSite • Product Name:Clixplit • Type of Product: WordpressPlugin • Authors: TravisMorgan • Target niche: Conversion Rate Optimization, maximizevisitor • clicks by up to 300% while on site. The way Clixplit does this is with a simple tweak to your hyperlinks. The core of Clixplit is an elegantly covertfunction. • Official Price:$37 • Special Discount: 30%-OFF DISCOUNT HERE!(It’s verylimited) • Bonuses: [EXCLUSIVE] You will get any of the bonus packs in below: • GIANT Bonuses Pack1 • SPECIAL Bonuses Pack2 • ULTIMATE Bonuses Pack3 • HUGE Bonuses Pack4 • MEGA Bonuses Pack5 • What IsClixplit? • Do you like missing opportunities if you know they're there and you are fully capable of seizingthem? • Of coursenot.
Every time your visitors click on a link from anything you're marketingonline, whether it's an article reviewing an affiliate product, a "No Thanks" button at the bottom of a sales page or just an internal back link for your blog's SEO, there is an opportunity for moreclicks. And up until now, with the exception of a very few elite who really know what they're doing, this opportunity is missed. Every. Single.Time. Every time someone attempts to leave your website, there are at least two opportunities for more clicks. Every new page your visitors open is a newopportunity. And all these opportunities have been blissfully ignored under the assumption that "there's nothing more I cando." In the past, maximizing clicks meant implementing intrusive techniques like pop- overs, pop-unders, slide-in advertisements, littering your site with banners,interstitials, obnoxious video ads and plenty of other non-pleasant gimmicks that only ended up turning your visitors away from otherwise valuablecontent. It wasn't streamlined and it sure as hell wasn'tuser-friendly. With Clixplit, all this changes today. From here on out, maximizing visitor clicks is smooth, covert and practically undetectable. Not to mention, it no longer scares your valued trafficaway. Clixplit is a first-of-its-kind WordPress Plugin that is designed to maximize visitor clicks by up to 300% while on site. The way Clixplitdoes this is with a simple tweak to your hyperlinks. The core of Clixplit is an elegantly covertfunction. This means that, while you get real, targeted eyeballs on your most valued URLs, affiliate links, articles and sites, most visitors will have no idea what's happening, or that anything is happening at all. This is extremely important when it comes to user experience andengagement.
In simple terms, Clixplit is a maximizer oftraffic. Every online entrepreneur who uses Clixplit will experience up to a 300% increase in their traffic's clickactivity. That's without sacrificing user experience or implementing obnoxious, spammy techniques. Clixplit introduces a new metric into the IM space: Traffic Optimization; ormaking the most of yourtraffic. Clixplit comes complete with everything you need straight out of the box to begin increasing your visitor clicksimmediately. And in case there's any confusion what-so-ever, it comes with built-in video tutorials so you can learn on-the-fly, the best ways to use this powerful WordPress Plugin. http://crownreviews.com/clixplit-review-bonus/ How Does ClixplitWork?
Special Features ofClixplit: • When you invest in your copy of Clixplit today, you’re getting full access to the Clixplit Core WordPress Plugin which includes all of the following powerfulfeatures: • The Clixplit Core URLEnhancer • Clixplit Core Exit Detection & RedirectTechnology • Complementary Exit-Pop AlertRedirect • The Clixplit Core Mobile URLEnhancer • Clean, Intuitive User Interface for Ease of Use • "No-brainer" One-Click URL EnhancementOptions • Easy Page/Post-Level Exit RedirectOptions • Quick & Easy New User Tutorials, Tips &Resources • Built-In Customer/Tech Support and New FeatureSuggestion • With Clixplit, you now have the chace to: • Seamlessly open 2 separate linkssimultaneously • Choose any two links to open on a singleclick • Designate which page you want a visitor to seefirst • Multiply your visitor clicks by up to300% • Split test several offers on the samevisitor • Send 1 visitor to 2 different solo/advertisingclients • Gain the upper hand on your Clickcompetitors • Serve multiple clientele all atonce • Maximize attention on your funnelpages • Add a new powerful factor to all your trafficcampaigns • Increase your website CPM and/orCPC • Experiment with entirely new MarketingStrategies • Detect exits and take advantage of lostinterest • How ItWorks: • Once you get into the member’s area, you’ll see that uploading Clixplit and getting it running on your first hyperlinks is extremely simple todo. • This is thanks to your clean and organized User Interface that makes every action clear- cut andconfusion-free. • As soon as Clixplit is uploaded into your WordPress site, you’ll be just a couple clicks and a few seconds away from enjoying your new highly-optimizedhyperlinks • for utmost maximization of your hard-earnedtraffic.
Who Should UseClixplit? • Whether you’re a solo ad vendor who depends on funnel clicks, click banking or traffic arbitrage to keep your business flowingsmoothly... • Or a dedicated Affiliate who depends on cutting edge funnels, trust campaigns and reviewarticles... • Whoever you are, if you rely on traffic for your business, Clixplit will increase visitor clicks to your desiredpages. • This simple trick relies on a unique, strategic tweak to your hyperlinks that optimizes user engagement with yourlinks. • When used properly, this “trick” is so simple and covert, most visitors will have no idea you’re even using it, which is great news for your user experience because you’ll be maximizing clicks while keeping it classy. • Not only do Ad Blockers have zero impact on this “click trick,” but its seamless execution means your visitors will see no need forone. • And in case it needs saying, this is all without the needto: • Be a skilledprogrammer. • Mess around with confusingcode. • Open the scary "guts" of yourwebsite. • Risk messing up your pageformatting. • Spend any time (at all) learning a newskill. • Do anything other than"point-and-click." • Moreover, whether you're a product creator, services vendor, content marketer, (auto) blogger, solo ad seller or buyer, CPA marketer, search engine marketer or even a traffic arbitrage tycoon, Clixplit will absolutely maximize the value you receive from yourtraffic. • Put plainly, any business that relies heavily on visitor clicks will benefit immensely from this powerfully simple WordPressPlugin. • And last time I checked, that's literally every onlinebusiness. • "Clixplit Is Especially For You If You're InvolvedIn..." • Blogging • Auto-Blogging • SoloAds
PPV orCPV • ContentMarketing • CPAMarketing • AffiliateMarketing • TrafficArbitrage • Articles & On-SiteSEO • SellingAdvertising • eCommerce &Tees • Azon & ReviewSites • Why Should You Get Clixplit Now? • You can rest assured that Clixplit does not achieve its astounding results through any cheap parlor tricks others uselike: • Magically inflating your page views with no real viewership. • Tricking your database into showing a fake increase inclicks. • Unethically and disgustingly click-baiting yourhyperlinks. • Coercing your visitors into incentivized and worthlessclicking. • Immoral, dangerous and invasiveClick-Jacking. • Or any other sketchy and utterly useless digitalgymnastics. • Clixplit is a magic WordPress Plugin that exploits a hidden layer of traffic activity that every online entrepreneur has been missing out on for the life of theirbusiness. • The Core function of Clixplit gives you the power to insert any two URLs into a single hyperlink, so that whenever it receives a click, both pages open up for equalexposure. • The first page your viewer sees is entirely up toyou. • Additionally, Clixplit will detect when someone is about to leave your page and quickly show them an alternative page of your choice right before they hit that dreaded“X.” • That’s without a popup alert message, which you can also implement if you wish. Together, these features create a potential for up to a four-fold increase in visitorclicks. • Besides, Clixplit does not simply cosmetically enhance your stats to make you feel good. • It’s not like dropping a website pixel on your pages to inflate your data and appear more impressive. • No. That would be entirely useless and devoid of any value for you or yourvisitors.
Clixplit actually INCREASES the amount of real attention from real eyeballs on your most valued pages. Picture your site with Clixplit installed and imagine all the current hyperlinks peppered throughout yourwebsite. Each one of those links can easily be enhanced withClixplit. Every single one of them could be working overtime for you right now as you readthis… Driving double, triple or quadruple the attention to your Squeeze pages, articles, reviews, videos, sales pages, blog posts, affiliate links, cpa offers, opt-in forms, order pages, checkout pages, shipping pages andmore. You work your booty off to get your traffic. You pay for that traffic. You stress for that traffic and probably even sweat for thattraffic. So why not do yourself a favor and add Clixplit to your WordPress site. Get the most out of your traffic efforts and say goodbye to lost clicks once and forall. Multiply the attention your most valued pages receive, even from the most casual of browsers. Now let’s hear what others have to say aboutClixplit
Conclusion • For one, you can do what plenty of other individuals who fail to see the power in this will choose todo: • Say “no” to up to a 300% increase in visitorclicks. • Skip out on this chance to implement some of the internet’s most useful and underutilized code on your site (the same code, mind you, that only a handful of the web’s largest trafficked websites even know about, much less, know how toimplement). • You can choose to accept that competitors in your corner will now have an upper hand on your trafficefforts. • Throw out the opportunity to multiply browser AND mobile traffic by up to a factor offour. • Deny your most valuable pages and links the attention theydeserve. • Continue on getting up to 75% less clicks from your traffic than you know you’re now capable ofattaining. • I don’t know about you, but all of the above sounds kind ofpainful. • So it’s time to choose. Go back to the old days of wasted clicks and squandered opportunity… • Or take action on the progression that lies before you, snag a brand new one-of-a-kind traffic tool and step into a new world of click value and userengagement. • Now is your chance to be the among the first to utilize this new powerfully simple technology to send more traffic to your squeeze pages, articles, reviews, videos, sales pages, blog posts, affiliate links, cpa offers, opt-in forms, order pages, checkout pages, shipping pages and more. • Whatever links you need more attention on, Clixplit will help you doit. • What are you waitingfor? • The longer you go without Clixplit, the more clicks your site continues to bleed! Grab Clixplit today and enjoy the increase in visitor engagement with your desiredlinks. • http://crownreviews.com/clixplit-review-bonus/ • Clixplit, Clixplit review, Clixplit review and bonus, Clixplit reviews, Clixplit reviews and bonuses, Clixplit discount, Clixplit bonus, Clixplit bonuses, Clixplit review and discount, Clixplit review in detail, Clixplit ultimate review, Clixplit demo, Clixplit demoreview,
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