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The finest features i n EUV solar images. Jean-François Hochedez 1 Laurent Jacques 2 , Samuel Gissot 1 , Jean-Pierre Antoine 2 1 Royal Observatory of Belgium 2 Theoretical Physics Institute, UCL, Belgium. Longcope et al 2001. The smallest solar objects seen in EUV.
The finest featuresin EUV solar images Jean-François Hochedez 1 Laurent Jacques 2, Samuel Gissot 1 , Jean-Pierre Antoine 2 1 Royal Observatory of Belgium 2 Theoretical Physics Institute, UCL, Belgium
Longcope et al 2001 The smallest solar objects seen in EUV • Bright Points Zhang et al ‘01 – EIT 195: • ~800 EUV BPs per Sun • Avg size 110 Mm2 ~33 EIT pxl • Avg lifetime 20 hours • T° < 2MK, intermittency and flaring • Relatively simple objects • Modeling • Priest et al 94, Longcope et al 98 • Cycle studies • Davis 77, Golub 79, Harvey 84, 93, Sattarov 02, Hara ‘03… • Tracers of Rotation • Brajsa 01, 02, Vrsnak 03 • Transient brightenings = micro-events(in QS, BP, AR, loops…) • « Nanoflare » scenario, Coronal heating • Krucker Benz 1998 (1M/hr), Berghmans et al 1998 (4000/hr) • Aschwanden 1999 • Sub-resolution reconnection • Meaningful sources of information on the heating process(es)
Courtesy Berghmans (2002) Powerlaw index (a) Aschwanden et al, 2000b 2.5 Wtot = f ( E min, a) 2.0 1.5 18 20 22 24 1024 erg Energy release by smallest Event (log Emin) 1028 erg
Nanoflare scenario falsified ? Powerlaw index (a) (Winebarger et al, 2002) Wtot > 1 x 107 erg/s cm2 (Krucker & Benz 1998) 2.5 (Parnell & Jupp 2000) Wtot > 3 x 105 erg/s cm2 2.0 (Aschwanden 2000) 1.5 Missing a factor ~30 in the QS 18 20 22 24 Courtesy Berghmans (2002) Energy release by smallest Event (log Emin)
[Aschwanden, 1999] Flaring loops scaling laws and limits to their extrapolation L ~ Tne ~ T2=> p ~ T3 => Eth ~ T6 • p > pchromosphere => cut-off • Eth > 2.5 1023 erg • L > 5 Mm @ T= 1 MK From Berghmans 2002 L ~ T
Outline • Observational issues • 2D-wavelet-based extraction method • Applications • Individual EIT & TRACE full-res images • 1-day EIT sequence at 195 (512x512) • Half a cycle of BPs in EIT 195 (1k2 rebinned to 2562)
Observational issues Zhang et al 2001 • Cosmic ray hits (CRH) plague • Ambiguity (on the disc) between unresolved genuine solar PLS and CRH • Power law distribution of the AS brightness • Some extraction schemes rely on disc histogram treatments, but • Populations merge in the background « noise » or texture • Short lifetimes • Some extraction schemes rely on temporal treatments, but • Time series are undersampled • This work attempts to extract Point Like Structures/events (PLS) • With no assumption on disc brightness distribution • In individual images
Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) of a Fe XV EIT image (1)
Mexican Hat (Maar 1976) Why the MH? • Isotropic = simple • MH and its Fourier transform are real computation speed • Explicit on gaussian peaks and ridges analytical modelling • Optimal detectivity for gaussian peaks on white noise • Almost optimal detectivity for gaussian peaks on 1/f noise • Vanishing moments : CWT(plane) (R) = 0, R • L1 normalization
Gaussian peakscan model BPs, Brightenings, CRH… Kappa/ = f(scale). pixels Wavelet coefficient as function of logarithmic scale at the peak
Ridges can model Magnetic Loop Kappa/ = f(scale). pixels Wavelet coefficient as function of logarithmic scale on the ridge
Wavelets applied on a Dirac The Lipschitz coefficient Wavelet coefficients of a pure Dirac Hölder/Lipschitz coefficient = Slope at smallest scales -2 for a Dirac Mallat 1992 « iw » Constructed numerically MH iw Scale in pixels
Search for the smallest scalefor which Lipschitz = -2 (Dirac case) MH The « iw » wavelet allows, in principle, to access smaller scales than the MH. iw Scale in pixels
If noise is added, the MH is more robust. Dirac + 30% gaussian noise MH With noise iw with noise iw without noise MH without noise
Histogram of Lipschitz coefficients of an EIT Fe XV image 2001 May 10., 19:20:52 Lipschitz < 0 = discontinuities -2 0 +2
Peak value (above the background) Ad-hoc threshold 2-d Histogram Selected features Poisson photon noise Background value of the discontinuities 2001 May 10., 19:20:52
Method applied on a 1-day EIT sequence19.5 nm, 512 x 512 whole May 15, 2001 106 images
Movie • One day (15 May 2001) • 19,5 nm
2 overlapping populations 1-day cumulated 2D histograms Peak value (above the background) 0 Lipschitz -1 Solar objects CRH (?) -2 Background value of the discontinuities Background value of the discontinuities
There are solar PLS < 4 Mm & they live up to ~ 15 hr # of occurences 2001-05-15 Duration (Hours)
Max brightness proportional to duration Maximum signal reached during the event lifetime Duration (Hours) 2001-05-15
Method applied on rebinned imagesto extract the BPs256 x 256 along the cycle in each EIT bandpass
Extracting the BPs(instead of the micro-events & the CRH)by first rebinning to 256 x 256 1 pxl ~ 52 Mm2
Half-cycle cumulated densities (smoothed) 171 195 284 304
Number of BPs in 30-60 DN (CH intensities) as a function of time 19.5nm ÷ 20 1996 2002
Area with 30-60 DN (CH) = f(t) 19.5nm ÷ 2.5 1996 2002
Normalized number of BPs in the 30-60 DN as a function of time 19.5nm ÷ ~ 9 1996 2002
Conclusions • Method developped quantifies the strength of discontinuityfor small features. • 2 populations identifiedat Lipschitz = -1.8 and -0.4. • Some CRH are not pure dirac • Some true solar features could be dirac. • But a large fraction of PLS are of true solar origin. • Objects <16 Mm2 can live >10hr & exhibit micro-events.Contribution to coronal heating under study • From solar Min to solar Max, small BPs in CH at 195 seem to decrease in density by a factor ~ 9 • Davis et al 83 found 10, Hara Nakakubo’03 find no anticorrelation