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ARC Linkage 2014 – Session 1 - Overview, Tips and Hints. Deakin Research – Grants Rose Firkin - Executive Officer - Grants Dr Anne Brocklebank Proud - Senior Grants Officer. Outline. New internal process for NCGs Deakin Research Commercial Role Main features of the Scheme Major Changes
ARC Linkage 2014 – Session 1 - Overview, Tips and Hints Deakin Research – Grants Rose Firkin - Executive Officer - Grants Dr Anne Brocklebank Proud - Senior Grants Officer
Outline • New internal process for NCGs • Deakin Research Commercial Role • Main features of the Scheme • Major Changes • Tips & Hints • Partner Organisations • Partner Investigators • Other Organisations • Chief Investigators • Deakin Research - Grants Website & Resources • Questions
New internal process for NCGs - Background • Historical poor success rates in some schemes • Particular concern about the last Linkage round - Deakin success rate = 14.3% (National average = 39%) • University Executive has approved a new processes • Faculties / Schools / SRCs to have systematic grant development and review processes • Research environment a key area for improvement • ADRs take responsibility for sign off on quality
Deakin research commercial - role • Playing a greater role in Linkage 2014 and future rounds at an early stage • Notified of all NOIS before Stage 1 of the new NCG process • Working with Project Leaders to set up/strengthen Partner Organisation relationship(s) • Lead CI’s should discuss all IP issues with DRC in advance • Valuable resource for industry-specific knowledge
Main features - Objectives To promote: • initiation and/or development of long-term strategic research alliances between higher education organisations and other organisations, including industry and end-users, in order to apply advanced knowledge to problems; • the scale and focus of research in the Strategic Research Priorities NEW; • opportunities for researchers to pursue internationally competitive research; and • growth of a national pool of world-class researchers
Main features – Funding & Duration • Minimum = $50,000 p.a • Maximum = $300,000 p.a • Duration = 2 to 3 years
Main features–Selection Criteria (weightings unchanged) • 20% - Investigators • 50% - Project • Significance & Innovation (25%) • Approach & Training (15%) • now includes Value for Money • Research Environment (10%) • 30% - Commitment from Partner
Major changeS – Partner organisations • A proposal no longer needs to include an Australian Partner Organisation • Overseas higher education institutions may participate as eligible Partner Organisations in their own right without having to find another PO • Any Conflict of Interest must be declared to Deakin Research prior to submission (usually applies to CI conflicts with Partner Organisations)
Majorchanges • The National Research Priorities have been replaced with the new Strategic Research Priorities • The definition of Medical and Dental Research is now the same as Discovery (see ARC website) • ARC’s Open Access policy provisions form part of the funding rules and funding agreement • Links to information on all of above are on our dedicated web pages for all ARC schemes
changes – Budget Items • Web hosting and web development specific to the project allowable as an eligible cost • Uncapped publication and dissemination costs now acceptable(previously only at 2% of funding awarded) • Hosting of seminars, conferences and other similar activities are NOT eligible costs
Selection Criteria - Tips • Keep the selection criteria in mind as you draft • Do not provide information in one section alone eg. the relevance and strength of your research environment should be evident throughout your application, not just in any specific section titled “Research Environment” • The Partner Organisation commitment should be evident throughout the proposal, not just in their letter of support
Partner Organisation REQUIREMENTS • POs cannot be an eligible organisation; a controlled entity of any eligible organisation or; an entity more than 50% owned by an eligible organisation • Each PO must meet 3 conditions • Evidence of new or ongoing collaboration with Deakin • No duplication of Commonwealth funding for the research and/or activities funded for the project • Cash and/or in-kind contribution
Partner Contributions • Combined PO’s eligiblecontributions (cash & in-kind) must at least match the total ARC request • Combined PO’s eligible cash contribution must be at least 25% of the total ARC request (recommend aiming for 50%) • Further information in Session 2: Linkage Budgets
PO Exemptions from cash contribution requirement • Defined in Funding Rules Definitions • Includes: • Registered charities • Not-for-profit organisations/community organisations • Start-up companies • those commercialising R&D with average annual revenue not exceeding $5M over past 2 years & majority of employees and assets in Australia • Museums or herbaria
PARTNER ORGANISATION - TIPS • Proposals must include details of the proposed collaborative arrangements: • How is each PO involved in the project? • How does the project fit with the PO’s overall strategic plan? • How is the project of value to each PO? • Each PO must provide a Partner Investigator for the project
Partner organisation - tips • Make sure your PO is genuinely committed • The need to provide a PI may help ascertain this • PO commitment should be evident throughout the proposal • Letter of support should strongly indicate this • Limit your POs (suggest 1 – 3) - do not add them for the sake of numbers, the strength of the collaboration is the key • Watch the mix of POs – they may have different strategic directions and priorities
Partner organisation - tips • Treat your application as a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) • Biggest issue we have during contract negotiation is sorting out misunderstandings regarding how the project will work in practice • In these instances we refer back to the original application – it provides evidence of any discussions • Do not add partners after award – original partners have “right of way” to negotiate agreement
Partner Investigators (PIs) • PI must have a role within the Partner Organisation • Are they likely to stay with the same PO for the next 3-4 years? • PIs must satisfy the eligibility criteria: • Take significant intellectual responsibility; and/or • Have the experience and capacity to provide supervision, support and mentoring of research personnel associated with the project; and/or • Have the skills and experience to manage a similar scale research project
Partner Investigators (PIs) • All investigators (including PIs) are assessed and merit ranked on the following basis (20%): • Research opportunity and performance evidence (ROPE) • Potential to engage in collaborative research with end-users • Time and capacity to undertake and manage the proposed research in collaboration with the PO
Other ORGANISATIONS - TIPS These are NOT Eligible Organisations or Partner Organisations: • Can have PIs on the project for specific expertise • Can be included without a PI but: • We highly recommend that they provide one • Communication can be very difficult if there is no one with a direct interest in or link to the project • Contractual arrangements can be more complex • There are fewer rules regarding their engagement with Linkage projects
CHIEF Investigators (CI’S) TIPS When formulating teams: • Do not build in individual CIs just to boost track records • Each CI must be able to commit substantially and significantly to the project and have a particular role within it for the full term of the project • Each CI should consider their forward availability including other major project initiatives, study leave, inter-institutional transfers, etc • CIs from other Universities – need clear understanding of their role and what is likely to happen if the ARC funding is reduced – plan for this in advance
CHIEF Investigators (CI’s) • Check eligibility of all CIs (Deakin and external) – refer Funding Rule: • “7.2.1 A researcher nominated on a Proposal as a CI must meet at least one of the following criteria at 1 July 2014 and for the duration of the Project: • a. be an employee for at least half-time (50 per cent of FTE) at one Eligible Organisation; or • b. be a holder of an Emeritus, Adjunct or equivalent appointment at an Eligible Organisation listed in Appendix A and not have a substantive (50 per cent of Full Time Equivalent or more) paid position elsewhere.” • Ensure each CI’s RMS profile (Personal Details) is up to date • First (topmost) listed CI in RMS is the Project Leader
Grants Website & Resources We provide a dedicated page for each major round and scheme • http://www.deakin.edu.au/research/grants/opportunities/arc-linkage-projects.php • Includes: • timelines, specific resources (salary calculators, application templates, stipend rates) and links to ARC documentation
Important Note Deakin Research – Grants will: • Expect you have read all funding rules, instructions and any FAQs • Expect that you have clarified your Partner Organisation’s funding sources with them • Applicants must certify application information is true and correct
Final Tip • Applications are not yet open on RMS • Get an RMS profile immediately • Get your co CIs and PIs to do the same
Questions? • Information Session #2 will cover: • Linkage budgets