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Fire Marshal Debrief June 2007

Siemens Real Estate. Fire Marshal Debrief June 2007. Agenda / Objectives Review the recent Emergency Response exercises Containment Evacuations “Assistance Needs” Forms What are they for ? How do we use them ? What did they tell us ?. Containment Exercise

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Fire Marshal Debrief June 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Siemens Real Estate Fire Marshal Debrief June 2007

  2. Agenda / Objectives • Review the recent Emergency Response exercises • Containment • Evacuations • “Assistance Needs” Forms • What are they for ? • How do we use them ? • What did they tell us ?

  3. Containment Exercise • What went well ? • What could be done better ? • Issues ?

  4. Containment Exercise • What went well ? • What could be done better ? • Issues ?

  5. Evacuation Exercises • What went well ? • What could be done better ? • Issues ?

  6. Assistance Needs Forms • What are they for ? • How did it go ? • What did they tell us ? • Next steps if for real ?

  7. Coming Soon … • Revised “All Staff” instructions • Revised “Fire Marshal” instructions • Incident Response ‘Aide Memoir’ for all staff • A Public Address System • Help from modern technology ……. ?

  8. Thanks for your support … “Congratulations on an excellent exercise, the step change in performance and organisation was extremely impressive“ Richard Urwin – Deputy Chairman, CMT (A&D) “You should be proud of today's exercise, all the hard work you've put in showed up into today's success of the evacuation“ Bob Owen – Chairman, CMT (A&D) “I echo Bob's thanks & congratulations on a successful practice“ Juergen Maier – Site Director, SWSH (A&D)

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