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Respect and Freedom of Speech. Limits of Freedom of Speech. Does the First Amendment mean anyone can say anything at any time? . Because the First Amendment has such strong language, we begin with the presumption that speech is protected. .
Limits of Freedom of Speech • Does the First Amendment mean anyone can say anything at any time?
Because the First Amendment has such strong language, we begin with the presumption that speech is protected.
Over the years, the courts have decided that a few other public interests — for example, national security, justice or personal safety — override freedom of speech. There are no simple rules for determining when speech should be limited, but there are some general tests that help.
1. Clear and Present Danger Will this act of speech create a dangerous situation? The First Amendment does not protect statements that are uttered to provoke violence or incite illegal action. • Justice Holmes, speaking for the unanimous Supreme Court, stated, “The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.”
“Fighting Words” Was something said face-to-face that would incite immediate violence?
In Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, the Supreme Court stated that the “English language has a number of words and expressions which by general consent [are] ‘fighting words’. … Such words, as ordinary men know, are likely to cause a fight…including profanity, obscenity and threats.” Jurisdictions may write statutes to punish verbal acts if the statutes are “carefully drawn so as not unduly to impair liberty of expression.”
2. Libel and Slander Was the statement false, or put in a context that makes true statements misleading? You do not have a constitutional right to tell lies that damage or defame the reputation of a person or organization.
3. Obscenity • In June 1973 in Miller v. California, the Supreme Court held in a 5-to-4 decision that obscene materials do not enjoy First Amendment protection.
4. Conflict with Other Legitimate Social or Governmental Interests • Does the speech conflict with other compelling interests? • For example, in times of war, there may be reasons to restrict First Amendment rights because of conflicts with national security.
To ensure a fair trial without disclosure of prejudicial information before or during a trial, a judge may place a “gag” order on participants in the trial, including attorneys. Placing prior restraint upon the media usually is unconstitutional
5. Time, Place, and Manner These regulations of expression are content-neutral. A question to ask: Did the expression occur at a time or place, or did the speaker use a method of communicating, that interferes with a legitimate government interest?
For example, distribution of information should not impede the flow of traffic or create excessive noise levels at certain times and in certain places.
Respect for others: your rights end where the rights of others begin.
What is respect? • How can we create an atmosphere of respect? • What are our responsibilities as students? What is our teacher’s responsibility to us? What are our rights in the classroom? • What are our teacher’s rights?
Your Turn Write an example of a class/school constitution. Include: A Preamble which explains the purpose of the document. Article 1 – non negotiable school rules on respect Article 2 – Classroom rights for respect Article 3 – Classroom rules for respect Article 4 – Classroom responsibilities
Review your work • Do our proposed rules fit under the guidelines of school and district rules? • Will each rule agreed on be fair to all class members? • Do our rules pass the “Good Rules” test • Are they: - Said simply? - Easy to follow? - Enforceable? - Not in conflict with other rules?
Don’t Laugh at Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVjbo8dW9c8