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Diploma Supplement. Etelka Tamminen Dahl Nasjonalt søkerseminar 4. februar 2011. Diploma Supplement. Lærestedets visittkort. Bakgrunn. Universitets- og høgskoleloven 1.8.2005. § 3-11. Vitnemål
Diploma Supplement Etelka Tamminen Dahl Nasjonalt søkerseminar 4. februar 2011
Diploma Supplement Lærestedets visittkort
Universitets- og høgskoleloven1.8.2005 § 3-11.Vitnemål (1) Institusjonen utferdiger vitnemål om fullført utdanning. Samtidig skal det utferdiges Diploma Supplement. NOKUT kan gi retningslinjer for innholdet i Diploma Supplement. (PÅLEGG)
Lisboa konvensjonen – The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region 1997 “The Parties shall promote, through the national information centres or otherwise, the use of the Unesco/Council of Europe Diploma Supplement or any other comparable document by the higher education institutions of the Parties.” (pålegg) 48 land har ratifisert konvensjonen. Norge ratifiserte konvensjonen i 1999 som det første av de nordiske land. Revised recommendation: Where learning outcomes are clearly documented, for example in the European Commission/Council of Europe/UNESCO Diploma Supplement, or comparable documents, assessment should take these into consideration. (23 June 2010)
Bolognaprosessen Bolognaerklæringen i 1999: • satsningsområde: ”Adaption of a system of easily and comparable degrees, also through the implementation of the Diploma Supplement, in order to promote European citizens employability and the international competitiveness of the European higher education system.”
Bologna Process Stocktaking Report 2009 “The Diploma Supplement (DS) is being implemented but not as widely as would have been expected. Despite the commitment to issuing the DS to all graduates automatically, free of charge and in a widely spoken European language by 2005, just over a half of the countries have managed to implement it fully by 2009.”
Ingenting i den internasjonale malen får endres! Ledeteksten skal være med!
This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international “transparency” and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value-judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.
1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification 1.1 Family name(s): 1.2 Given Name(s) 1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year): 1.4 Student identification number or code (if available)
Spørsmål En student leverte sin mastergradsoppgave før vårsemesteret var omme, 10. juni. Protokollen ble underskrevet 15. august. Studenten ble knytt i hymens lenker 28. juni og valgte å bytte navn til ektefellens navn. Hvilket navn skal vitnemålet og vitnemålstillegget stå?
2. Information identifying the qualification 2.1 Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language): Navn på graden + tilleggsbetegnelse (normalt på norsk) Ikke: bachelorprogram i xxx, men bachelor i xxx
Tillegg 2.1 “Indicate if the title is protected in law.” Forslag: The titles: Bachelor, Master and Ph.D are protected by law in Norway. Additional designation should be in Norwegian. Brev av 21.10.02 fra Departementet til lærestedene.
2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification “Show only the major field(s) of study (disciplines) that define the main subject area(s) for the qualification e.g. Politics and History, Human Resource Management, Business Administration, molecular Biology etc”
2.3 name and status of awarding institution (in original language) “Where a degree is issued jointly by two or more institutions, the names of the institutions issuing the joint degree should be indicated, with indication of the institution at which the major part of the qualification has been obtained, if applicable.” Spørsmål: Hva om konsortsiet består av 4 læresteder og studenten har studert bare ved to, skal alle fire lærestedene listes opp her?
3. Information on the level of the qualification Punkt 3.1 Level of qualification: • Cycle • Cycle • Cycle Jamfør terminologien i A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area – EHEA-QF (Dublin descriptors), vårt nasjonale kvalifikasjonsrammeverk og i NOKUTs Forskrift om tilsyn med utdanningskvaliteten i høyere utdanning (27.01.11)
3.2 Official length of study 3 years in full-time mode (180 ECTS) 2 years in full time mode (120 ECTS) “European countries should translate the workload required for the qualification into the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).”
3.3 Access requirement(s) Generell studiekompetanse Higher Education Entrance Qualification http://termbase.uhr.no Spesielle opptakskrav Specific entrance requirements http://termbase.uhr.no
4. Information on the contents and results gained 4.1 Mode of study: • Full time • Part time • Distance learning
4.2 Programme requirements “Where available, provide details of the learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, competencies and stated aims and objectives associated with the qualification. This information, which relates to outcomes rather than procedures of learning, will increasingly be the key basis on which qualifications are assessed. If applicable, provide details of the regulations covering the minimum requirements to secure the qualification, e.g. any compulsory components or compulsory practical elements, whether all elements have to be passed simultaneously, any thesis/dissertations regulations etc. Include details of any particular features that help define the qualification, especially information on the requirements for successfully passing it.”
Anbefaling: Læringsutbyttebeskrivelsene for programmet bør føres inn under punkt 4.2 Forslag til ledetekst: The knowledge, skills and general competence of the holder of this Diploma Supplement have been assessed in relation to the intended learning outcomes as described in the curriculum for the programme of study completed by the holder:
Diploma Supplement, pkt 4.2Programme requirements, anbefalinger “Good practices identified: - Description of the programme requirements and learning outcomes • Information on the work load/scope (ECTS) of each module/programme unit. • If the degree includes a thesis, it should be mentioned together with the work load/scope (ECTS) as well as other larger mandatory elements, such as practical training. (ENIC-NARIC European Network Information Centre – National Academic Recognition Information Centre and ENCA European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education: “Study on the Diploma Supplement as seen by its users”, 2008-09)
Eksempel 4.2 Programme requirements: Bachelor • Students must have passed courses totalling at least 180 ECTS credits, at least 60 of which must have been taken at this instituion, in order to achieve a Bachelor´s degree. • At least one disciplinary block of 60 credits and one specialisation of 30 credits must be included.
4.3 Programme details “For institutions that issue transcripts of studies, it will be sufficient to include the transcripts.” --- “If the qualification is a joint degree, indicate what parts of the qualification have been earned at which instituion.”
Anbefaling i tilknytning til punkt 4.4| 4.4 Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance: Mange læresteder beskriver fremdeles både den gamle og den “nye” karakterskalaen. Det bør være unødvendig å beskrive den gamle skalaen fordi de aller fleste kandidatene i dag har ikke tatt eksamener under den gamle ordningen. Karaktertabellen ligger også under punkt 8.
Til “Programme requirements” • Ikke skriv inn her opptakskriterier • Ikke noen uttalelser om status av programmet • Ikke sammenligninger med andre grader (corresponds to a bachelor of xxxx)
5 Information on the function of the qualification 5.1 Access to further study “Indicate if within the country of origin, the qualification normally provides access to further academic and/or study, especially leading to any specific qualifications, or level of study e.g. access to Doctoral studies in Hungary. If this is the case, specify the grades or standards that have to be obtained to allow progression. Indicate if the qualification is a terminal (end) award or part of a hierarchy of awards. Eksempler: Master-degree programmes may entitle access to the third cycle studies (Ph.D.) Eligible for doctoral studies (gjennom konkurranse?) “après mis en concurranse”
5.2 Professional status “Give details of any rights to practice, or professional status accorded to the holders of the qualification, in accordance with national legislation. What specific access, if any, does the qualification give in terms of employment or professional practice and indicate which competent authority allows this. Indicate if the qualification gives access to a “regulated profession”.”
Ikke-regulert yrke Forslag: “The award entitles the holder to practice unregulated professions requiring graduate competences.”
Regulert yrke Lege, Sykepleier Jordmor Veterinær Tannlege Farmasøyt Arkitekt (ikke I Norge) http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/qualifications/specific -sectors_en.htm Forslag: “Regulated profession in Norway covered by the EU Directive 2005/36/EC (Sectoral directives)
Autoriseringsetater Helsepersonell Authorisation by The Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (SAFH) http://www.safh.no/english/index.html
Generelt regulerte yrker i Norge • http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/qualifications/specific-sectors_en.htm Database of regulated professions in the EU - regulated professions by country
Master i rettsvitenskap Forslag: “Recognition as a lawyer requires an additional course and practice. The recognition is made by The Supervisory Council for Legal Practice.”
Additional information 6.1 Additional information: “Add any additional information not included above but relevant to the purposes of assessing the nature, level and usage of the qualification e.g. whether the qualification involved a period of study/training in another institution/company/country or, include further relevant details about the higher education institution where the qualification was taken. If the qualification is a joint or double/multiple degree, or if it was earned under a transnational or borderless education arrangement, this should be noted here.” Her må vi føre inn utvekslingsperioden!!!
6.2 Further information sources Forslag: Adressen til lærestedet som utsteder DSen Adressen til DS-eksemplet på læresetdets nettsider. Husk teksten om at DSen skal være gratis og utstedes automatisk! Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance http://www.nokut.no/en/ INVIA Information Centre for the Recognition Systems of Foreign Educational Qualifications INVIA is the national information centre that provides information about the Norwegian authorisation and recognition systems. http://www.nokut.no/en/INVIA-en/ SIU - The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education http://www.nokut.no/en/
7. Certification of the supplement 7.1 Date: (The date the Diploma Supplement was issued. This would not necessarily be the same date the qualification was awarded.) 7.2 Name and signature (The name and signature of the official certifying the Diploma Supplement.) 7.3 Capacity: (The official post of the certifying individual.) 7.4 Official stamp or seal: Alle punkter skal være med!
8. Information on the national higher education system NOKUT har ansvaret for å oppdatere punkt 8. i Diploma Supplement. Fra NOKUT sendes teksten til USIT, som så implementerer versjonen til våre maskiner. Det kommer en ny versjon i dette vårsemesteret! (2011) Det er viktig å påse at man klikker på rett versjon når man utsteder en DS. Dvs at dersom en skriver ut et vitnemål og en DS fra før 2005 bør en bruke en gammel versjon av punkt 8.
The transcript of Records (ToR) i tilknytning til Diploma Supplement ”Del av Diploma supplement. Engelskspråklig karakterutskrift over beståtte eksamener og prøver. Den skal være identisk med informasjonen i ”Grunnlag for vitnemål”, dvs den karakterutskriften som er en del av vitnemålet og som viser når studenten har oppnådd graden. Antall studiepoeng angis i antall ECTS-credits.” Rapport (2010) fra ei arbeidsgruppe oppnemnt av Universitets- og høgskolerådet.
Bologna-prosessen og Diploma SupplementMinisterkonferansen i Bergen 2005 ”Vi vedtar det overordnete rammeverket for kvalifikasjoner i Det europeiske området for høyere utdanning, med tre nivåer for grader (inkludert, i nasjonal sammenheng, muligheten for kvalifikasjoner mellom gradsnivåene), allmenne deskriptorer for hvert gradsnivå basert på læringsutbytte og kompetanse, og et definert omfang av studiepoeng for første og andre nivå. Vi forplikter oss til å utarbeide nasjonale rammeverk for kvalifikasjoner som er forenlige med det overordnete rammeverket innen 2010, og til å ha begynt arbeidet innen 2007.”
Kvalifikasjonsrammeverket og Diploma Supplement Innføringen av det nasjonale kvalifikasjonsrammeverket er en del av Bologna-prosessen Siste fasen i implementeringen av det nasjonale rammeverket er en såkalt selvsertifiseringsoppgave
Norge – Fastsettelse av nasjonalt rammeverk for kvalifikasjoner for høyere utdanning 20.3.2009, KD • ved utgangen av 2012 skal alle studie- og fagplaner være i samsvar med kvalifikasjonsrammeverket • selvsertifisering av om det nasjonale rammeverket er i overensstemmelse med det europeiske i 2013
Norge – Fastsettelse av nasjonalt rammeverk for kvalifikasjoner for høyere utdanning 20.3.2009 ”Det fastsatte kvalifikasjonsrammeverket er søkt tilpasset både det overordnete, europeiske rammeverket for høyere utdanning i Bologna prosessen og EUs kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for livslang læring (EQF)”
Hva betyr selvsertifisering Det nasjonale rammeverket skal sjekkes at den er i samsvar (kompatibel) med det europeiske kvalifikasjonsrammeverket for høyere utdanning EHEA-QF. Det nasjonale rammeverket skal være basert på læringsutbyttebeskrivelser og kvalifikasjonene (gradene) knyttet til ECTS-systemet. Linken mellom det nasjonale rammeverket og EHEA-QF skal synliggjøres i Diploma Supplement. Kriteriene ble utarbeidet av en Bologna-arbeidsgruppe, oppnevnt av ministrenes Bologna - Follow-up Group (A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education, Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, February 2005)
Selvsertifisering • The national framework for higher education qualifications and the body or bodies responsible for its development are designated by the national ministry with responsibility for higher education. • There are clear demonstrable link between the qualifications in the national framework and the cycle qualification descriptors of the European framework. • The national framework and its qualifications are demonstrably based on learning outcomes and the qualifications are linked to ECTS or ECTS compatible credits. • The procedures for inclusion of qualifications in the national framework are clear. • The national quality assurance systems for higher education refer to the national framework of qualifications and are consistent with the Berlin Communiqué and any subsequent communiqué agreed by ministers in the Bologna process. • The national framework and any alignments with the European framework are referenced in all Diploma Supplements • The responsibilities of the domestic parties to the national framework are clearly determined and published.
Punkt 8 i Diploma Supplement (NOKUT følger opp) “Only following the self-certification process should any link be made between section 8 of the Diploma Supplement “information on the higher education system” and the overarching framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).”
Selvsertifiseringsprosessen • The competent national body/bodies shall certify the compatibility of the national framework with the European framework • The self-certification process shall include the stated agreement of the quality assurance bodies in the country in question recognised through the Bologna process. • The self-certification process shall involve international experts. • The self-certification and the evidence supporting it shall be published and shall address separately each of the criteria set out. • The ENIC and NARIC networks shall maintain a public listing of States that have confirmed that they have completed the self-certification process. • The completion of the self-certification process shall be noted on Diploma Supplements issued subsequently by showing the link between the national framework and the European framework.
Publiserte selvsertifiseringsrapporterhttp://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/qf/national.asp#C Irland, november 2006 Scotland, desember 2006 Tyskland, januar 2009 Belgia, flamske delen, februar 2009 England, Wales og Nord-Irland, februar 2009 Nederland, februar 2009 Malta, august 2009 Danmark, november 2009
Diploma Supplement, del av punkt 8, febr. 2009 (Trinity College Dublin) National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) In terms of higher education and training, the NFQ sets the overall standards for all higher education and training awards. It is the single, nationally and internationally accepted entity, through which all learning achievements may be measured. It also defines the relationship between all education and training awards. It is a 10-level framework based on learning outcomes that are determined by standards of knowledge, skill and competence. Higher education and training awards are at NFQ Levels 6 to 10 and may be made by HETAC, DIT, the Universities and Institutes of Technology with delegated authority. The framework consists of 16 major award types with minor and special purpose awards available at each level and supplemental awards available at NFQ Levels 4 to 10. All awards included in the Framework are underpinned by legislative quality assurance arrangements. The major awards of the NFQ are set out below together with the alignment to the ‘Bologna’ Framework and the draft alignment to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):