Language: LatvieÅ¡u Language-Code: lv_LV Build-Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 15:13:15 -0700 msgid: "Either the file could not be read or it was empty" msgstr: "Failu nav iespÄ“jams nolasÄ«t vai arÄ« tas ir tukÅ¡s" msgid: "Error performing operation" msgstr: "Kļūda veicot darbÄ«bu" msgid: "All" msgstr: "Visi" msgid: "None" msgstr: "Neviens" msgid: "With selected" msgstr: "Ar izvÄ“lÄ“tajiem" msgid: "Empty" msgstr: "IztukÅ¡ot" msgid: "Drop" msgstr: "DzÄ“st" msgid: "Optimize" msgstr: "OptimizÄ“t" msgid: "Table" msgstr: "Tabula" msgid: "Rows" msgstr: "Rindas" msgid: "Size" msgstr: "IzmÄ“rs" msgid: "Overhead" msgstr: "PÄrtÄ“rÄ“jums" msgid: "Options" msgstr: "Opcijas" msgid: "Edit database" msgstr: "Labot datubÄzi" msgid: "Charset" msgstr: "RaktzÄ«mju kopa" msgid: "Submit" msgstr: "SaglabÄt" msgid: "Create a new table" msgstr: "Izveidot jaunu tabulu" msgid: "Name" msgstr: "Nosaukums" msgid: "Setup the fields for the table below" msgstr: "Sagatavot laukus apakÅ¡Ä esoÅ¡ajai tabulai" msgid: "New field" msgstr: "Jauns lauks" msgid: "Type" msgstr: "Tips" msgid: "Values" msgstr: "VÄ“rtÄ«bas" msgid: "Key" msgstr: "AtslÄ“ga" msgid: "primary" msgstr: "primÄrÄ" msgid: "unique" msgstr: "unikÄlÄ" msgid: "index" msgstr: "indekss" msgid: "Default" msgstr: "NoklusÄ“ts" msgid: "Other" msgstr: "Cits" msgid: "Unsigned" msgstr: "Bez zÄ«mes" msgid: "Binary" msgstr: "BinÄrs" msgid: "Not Null" msgstr: "Ne tukÅ¡s" msgid: "Auto Increment" msgstr: "AutomÄtiski palielinÄt" msgid: "Add field" msgstr: "Pievienot lauku" msgid: "Oops" msgstr: "Ui :)" msgid: "For some reason, the database parameter was not included with your request" msgstr: "Kaut kÄda iemesla dēļ datubÄzes parametrs netika iekļauts kopÄ ar pieprasÄ«jumu" msgid: "Save changes to original" msgstr: "SaglabÄt izmaiņas oriÄ£inÄlÄ" msgid: "Insert as new row" msgstr: "Ievietot jaunu rindu" msgid: "Save" msgstr: "SaglabÄt" msgid: "User" msgstr: "LietotÄjs" msgid: "All privileges" msgstr: "Visas privilÄ“Ä£ijas" msgid: "Selected privileges" msgstr: "IzvÄ“lÄ“tÄs privilÄ“Ä£ijas" msgid: "User privileges" msgstr: "LietotÄja privilÄ“Ä£ijas" msgid: "Select" msgstr: "SELECT" msgid: "Insert" msgstr: "INSERT" msgid: "Update" msgstr: "UPDATE" msgid: "Delete" msgstr: "DELETE" msgid: "Alter" msgstr: "ALTER" msgid: "Create" msgstr: "CREATE" msgid: "Temp tables" msgstr: "TEMP tabulas" msgid: "Administrator privileges" msgstr: "AdministratÄ«vÄs privilÄ“Ä£ijas" msgid: "File" msgstr: "File (Fails)" msgid: "Process" msgstr: "Process" msgid: "Reload" msgstr: "Reload" msgid: "Shutdown" msgstr: "Shutdown (IzslÄ“gt)" msgid: "Super" msgstr: "Super" msgid: "Grant option" msgstr: "Grant opcija" msgid: "User not found!" msgstr: "LietotÄjs nav atrasts!" msgid: "You must export either structure, data, or both" msgstr: "Ir jÄeksportÄ“ vai nu struktÅ«ra vai dati, vai abas Å¡Ä«s lietas" msgid: "Please select the databases that you would like to export" msgstr: "LÅ«dzu, izvÄ“lÄ“ties eksportÄ“jamÄs datubÄzes" msgid: "Please select the tables that you would like to export" msgstr: "LÅ«dzu, izvÄ“lÄ“ties eksportÄ“jamÄs tabulas" msgid: "Table `%s` is empty" msgstr: "Tabula `%s` ir tukÅ¡a" msgid: "Results" msgstr: "RezultÄti" msgid: "Select all" msgstr: "IzvÄ“lÄ“ties visu" msgid: "The file could not be opened" msgstr: "Nevar atvÄ“rt failu" msgid: "Could not write to file" msgstr: "FailÄ nevar ierakstÄ«t" msgid: "Successfully wrote content to file" msgstr: "Saturs veiksmÄ«gi ierakstÄ«ts failÄ" msgid: "Download" msgstr: "LejuplÄdÄ“t" msgid: "Note " msgstr: "PiezÄ«me" msgid: "If this is a public server, you should delete this file from the server after you download it" msgstr: "Ja Å¡is ir publiski pieejams serveris, Å¡is fails bÅ«tu jÄizdzÄ“Å¡ pÄ“c tÄ lejupielÄdes pabeigÅ¡anas" msgid: "Export" msgstr: "EksportÄ“t" msgid: "Tables" msgstr: "Tabulas" msgid: "Databases" msgstr: "DatubÄzes" msgid: "Format" msgstr: "FormÄts" msgid: "SQL" msgstr: "SQL" msgid: "CSV" msgstr: "CSV" msgid: "Structure" msgstr: "StruktÅ«ra" msgid: "Data" msgstr: "Dati" msgid: "Compact inserts" msgstr: "SablÄ«vÄ“tas ievietoÅ¡anas" msgid: "Complete inserts" msgstr: "Pilnas ievietoÅ¡anas" msgid: "Delimiter" msgstr: "AtdalÄ«tÄjs" msgid: "Comma" msgstr: "Komats" msgid: "Tab" msgstr: "Tabulators" msgid: "Semicolon" msgstr: "Semikols" msgid: "Space" msgstr: "Atstarpe" msgid: "Print field names on first line" msgstr: "PirmajÄ rindÄ drukÄt lauku nosaukumus" msgid: "If you are exporting a large number of rows, it is recommended that you output the results to a text file" msgstr: "Ja eksportÄ“jat lielu daudzumu rindu, tiek rekomendÄ“ts izvadÄ«t rezultÄtu teksta failÄ" msgid: "Output to" msgstr: "IzvadÄ«t uz" msgid: "Browser" msgstr: "PÄrlÅ«ku" msgid: "Text file" msgstr: "Teksta failu" msgid: "Home" msgstr: "SÄkums" msgid: "Users" msgstr: "LietotÄji" msgid: "Query" msgstr: "VaicÄjums" msgid: "Import" msgstr: "ImportÄ“t" msgid: "Overview" msgstr: "PÄrskats" msgid: "Browse" msgstr: "PÄrlÅ«kot" msgid: "Your changes were saved to the database" msgstr: "JÅ«su veiktÄs izmaiņas tika saglabÄtas datubÄzÄ“" msgid: "delete this row" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡o rindu" msgid: "delete these rows" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡Ä«s rindas" msgid: "empty this table" msgstr: "iztukÅ¡ot Å¡o tabulu" msgid: "empty these tables" msgstr: "iztukÅ¡ot Å¡Ä«s tabulas" msgid: "drop this table" msgstr: "izdzÄ“st Å¡o tabulu" msgid: "drop these tables" msgstr: "izdzÄ“st Å¡Ä«s tabulas" msgid: "delete this column" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡o kolonnu" msgid: "delete these columns" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡Ä«s kolonnas" msgid: "delete this index" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡o indeksu" msgid: "delete these indexes" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡os indeksus" msgid: "delete this user" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡o lietotÄju" msgid: "delete these users" msgstr: "dzÄ“st Å¡os lietotÄjus" msgid: "Are you sure you want to" msgstr: "Vai tieÅ¡Äm vÄ“laties" msgid: "The following query will be run:" msgstr: "Tiks izpildÄ«ts Å¡is vaicÄjums:" msgid: "The following queries will be run:" msgstr: "Tiks izpildÄ«ti Å¡ie vaicÄjumi:" msgid: "Confirm" msgstr: "ApstiprinÄt" msgid: "Successfully saved changes" msgstr: "Izmaiņas veiksmÄ«gi saglabÄtas" msgid: "Full Text" msgstr: "Pilns Teksts" msgid: "Loading..." msgstr: "Notiek ielÄde..." msgid: "Error" msgstr: "Kļūda" msgid: "There was an error receiving data from the server" msgstr: "Saņemot datus no servera, notika kļūda" msgid: "Logout" msgstr: "AtslÄ“gties" msgid: "For some reason, the table parameter was not included with your request" msgstr: "Kaut kÄda iemesla dēļ tabulas parametrs netika iekļauts pieprasÄ«jumÄ" msgid: "Welcome to SQL Buddy!" msgstr: "Laipni lÅ«gti SQL Buddy!" msgid: "You are connected to MySQL %s with the user %s." msgstr: "JÅ«s esat pieslÄ“dzies MySQL %s ar lietotÄju %s." msgid: "The database server has been running since %s and has transferred approximately %s of data." msgstr: "DatubÄzes serveris darbojas kopÅ¡ %s un ir pÄrsÅ«tÄ«jis aptuveni %s datu." msgid: "A new version of SQL Buddy is available!" msgstr: "Ir pieejama jauna SQL Buddy versija!" msgid: "You have SQL Buddy %s installed and %s is now available." msgstr: "Jums ir instalÄ“ts SQL Buddy %s un %s jau ir pieejams." msgid: "Getting started" msgstr: "UzsÄkÅ¡ana" msgid: "Help" msgstr: "PalÄ«dzÄ«ba" msgid: "Translations" msgstr: "Tulkojumi" msgid: "Release Notes" msgstr: "Izlaiduma piezÄ«mes" msgid: "Contact" msgstr: "Kontakts" msgid: "Create a new database" msgstr: "Izveidot jaunu datubÄzi" msgid: "Did you know..." msgstr: "Vai jÅ«s zinÄjÄt, ka..." msgid: "There is an easier way to select a large group of items when browsing table rows. Check the first row, hold the shift key, and check the final row. The checkboxes between the two rows will be automatically checked for you." msgstr: "Ir vienkÄrÅ¡Äks veids kÄ izvÄ“lÄ“ties lielu vienÄ«bu skaitu, kad apskatÄt tabulas rindas. UzklikÅ¡Ä·iniet pirmo rindu, turiet nospiestu Shift un uzklikÅ¡Ä·iniet pÄ“dÄ“jai rindai. IzvÄ“les rÅ«tiņas starp Å¡Ä«m divÄm rindÄm tiks automÄtiski iezÄ«mÄ“tas." msgid: "The columns in the browse and query tabs are resizable. Adjust them to as wide or narrow as you like." msgstr: "PÄrlÅ«koÅ¡anas un vaicÄjumu Å¡Ä·irkļos kolonnas ir ar mainÄmu platumu, pielÄgojiet tÄs pÄ“c vajadzÄ«bas." msgid: "The login page is based on a default user of root@localhost. By editing config.php, you can change the default user and host to whatever you want." msgstr: "PieslÄ“gÅ¡anÄs lapa pÄ“c noklusÄ“Å¡anas izmanto lietotÄju root@localhost. Izmainot config.php failu, varat izmainÄ«t noklusÄ“to lietotÄju un datoru uz tÄdu, kÄds Ä“rtÄks." msgid: "Keyboard shortcuts" msgstr: "KlaviatÅ«ras saÄ«snes" msgid: "Press this key..." msgstr: "Nospiediet Å¡o pogu..." msgid: "...and this will happen" msgstr: "... un notiks Å¡is" msgid: "select none" msgstr: "neizvÄ“lÄ“ties nevienu" msgid: "edit selected items" msgstr: "labot iezÄ«mÄ“tÄs vienÄ«bas" msgid: "delete selected items" msgstr: "dzÄ“st iezÄ«mÄ“tÄs vienÄ«bas" msgid: "refresh page" msgstr: "atjaunot lapas skatÄ«jumu" msgid: "load the query tab" msgstr: "ielÄdÄ“t vaicÄjumu Å¡Ä·irkli" msgid: "browse tab - go to first page of results" msgstr: "pÄrlÅ«koÅ¡anas Å¡Ä·irklis - iet uz rezultÄtu pirmo lapu" msgid: "browse tab - go to last page of results" msgstr: "pÄrlÅ«koÅ¡anas Å¡Ä·irklis - iet uz rezultÄtu pÄ“dÄ“jo lapu" msgid: "browse tab - go to previous page of results" msgstr: "pÄrlÅ«koÅ¡anas Å¡Ä·irklis - iet uz rezultÄtu iepriekÅ¡Ä“jo lapu" msgid: "browse tab - go to next page of results" msgstr: "pÄrlÅ«koÅ¡anas Å¡Ä·irklis - iet uz rezultÄtu nÄkoÅ¡o lapu" msgid: "optimize selected tables" msgstr: "optimizÄ“t izvÄ“lÄ“tÄs tabulas" msgid: "Choose a .sql file to import" msgstr: "IzvÄ“lÄ“ties importÄ“jamo .sql failu" msgid: "File " msgstr: "Fails" msgid: "Ignore first line" msgstr: "IgnorÄ“t pirmo rindu" msgid: "Edit" msgstr: "Labot" msgid: "Refresh" msgstr: "Atjaunot skatÄ«jumu" msgid: "No primary key defined" msgstr: "Nav definÄ“ta primÄrÄ atslÄ“ga" msgid: "First" msgstr: "PirmÄ" msgid: "Prev" msgstr: "IepriekÅ¡Ä“jÄ" msgid: "Next" msgstr: "NÄkoÅ¡Ä" msgid: "Last" msgstr: "PÄ“dÄ“jÄ" msgid: "Your query returned %d result" msgid_plural: "Your query returned %d results" msgstr[0]: "JÅ«su vaicÄjums deva %d rezultÄtu" msgstr[1]: "JÅ«su vaicÄjums deva %d rezultÄtus" msgid: "Note: To avoid crashing your browser, only the first %d results have been displayed" msgstr: "PiezÄ«me: Lai neuzkÄrtu pÄrlÅ«ku, tiek rÄdÄ«ti tikai pirmie %d rezultÄti" msgid: "binary data" msgstr: "binÄrie dati" msgid: "Your query affected %d rows" msgstr: "JÅ«su vaicÄjums ietekmÄ“ja %d rindas" msgid: "Your query did not return any results" msgstr: "JÅ«su vaicÄjums nedeva nevienu rezultÄtu" msgid: "Your data has been inserted into the database" msgstr: "JÅ«su dati veiksmÄ«gi ievietoti datubÄzÄ“" msgid: "There was a bit of trouble locating the \"%s\" table" msgstr: "Bija problÄ“mas atrast \"%s\" tabulu" msgid: "There was a problem logging you in" msgstr: "Bija problÄ“ma ar autentificÄ“Å¡anos" msgid: "Login" msgstr: "PieslÄ“gties" msgid: "Unsupported browser" msgstr: "NeatbalstÄ«ts pÄrlÅ«ks" msgid: "Help!" msgstr: "PalÄ«dzÄ«ba!" msgid: "Your session has timed out. Please login again." msgstr: "JÅ«su sesijas laiks beidzies. LÅ«dzu, pieslÄ“dzieties vÄ“lreiz." msgid: "Username" msgstr: "LietotÄjvÄrds" msgid: "Password" msgstr: "Parole" msgid: "Run a query on the %s database" msgstr: "IzpildÄ«t vaicÄjumu %s datubÄzÄ“" msgid: "Columns" msgstr: "Kolonnas" msgid: "Add a column" msgstr: "Pievienot kolonnu" msgid: "Insert this column" msgstr: "Ievietot Å¡o kolonnu" msgid: "At end of table" msgstr: "Tabulas beigÄs" msgid: "At beginning of table" msgstr: "Tabulas sÄkumÄ" msgid: "After" msgstr: "PÄ“c" msgid: "Edit table" msgstr: "Rediģēt tabulu" msgid: "Indexes" msgstr: "Indeksi" msgid: "Add an index" msgstr: "Pievienot indeksu" msgid: "Column(s)" msgstr: "Kolonna(s)" msgid: "Show %d more..." msgstr: "RÄdÄ«t vÄ“l %d..." msgid: "Empty table" msgstr: "IztukÅ¡ot tabulu" msgid: "Drop table" msgstr: "DzÄ“st tabulu" msgid: "Optimize table" msgstr: "OptimizÄ“t tabulu" msgid: "Table Information" msgstr: "Tabulas informÄcija" msgid: "Host" msgstr: "Serveris" msgid: "Add a new user" msgstr: "Pievienot jaunu lietotÄju" msgid: "Enter in the format: ('1','2')" msgstr: "Ievadiet formÄtÄ: ('1','2')" msgid: "Are you sure you want to empty the '%s' table? This will delete all the data inside of it. The following query will be run:" msgstr: "Vai esat pÄrliecinÄts, ka gribat iztukÅ¡ot tabulu '%s'? Ar to izdzÄ“sÄ«siet visus tajÄ esoÅ¡os datus. Tiks izpildÄ«ts Å¡is vaicÄjums:" msgid: "Are you sure you want to drop the '%s' table? This will delete the table and all data inside of it. The following query will be run:" msgstr: "Vai esat pÄrliecinÄts, ka gribat dzÄ“st tabulu '%s'? Ar to izdzÄ“sÄ«siet gan tabulu, gan tajÄ esoÅ¡os datus. Tiks izpildÄ«ts Å¡is vaicÄjums:" msgid: "Are you sure you want to drop the database '%s'? This will delete the database, the tables inside the database, and all data inside of the tables. The following query will be run:" msgstr: "Vai esat pÄrliecinÄts, ka gribat dzÄ“st datubÄzi '%s'? Ar to izdzÄ“sÄ«siet, gan datubÄzi, gan tajÄ esoÅ¡Äs tabulas, gan tajÄs esoÅ¡os datus. Tiks izpildÄ«ts Å¡is vaicÄjums:" msgid: "We're sorry, but currently only Internet Explorer 7 is supported. It is available as a free download on Microsoft's website. Other free browsers are also supported, including Firefox, Safari, and Opera." msgstr: "Atvainojiet, taÄu Å¡obrÄ«t tiek atbalstÄ«ts tikai Internet Explorer 7. To var bez maksas lejupielÄdÄ“t no Microsoft. Tiek atbalstÄ«ti arÄ« bezmaksas pÄrlÅ«ki (Firefox, Safari un Opera)." msgid: "You don't appear to have cookies enabled. For sessions to work, most php installations require cookies." msgstr: "IzskatÄs, ka nav atļauti cepumi. Lai darbotos sesijas, vairumam PHP instalÄcijÄm nepiecieÅ¡ami cepumi." msgid: "Importing..." msgstr: "Notiek importÄ“Å¡ana..." msgid: "Drop the '%s' database" msgstr: "DzÄ“st datubÄzi '%s'" msgid: "Okay" msgstr: "OK" msgid: "Cancel" msgstr: "Atcelt" msgid: "Storage engine" msgstr: "GlabÄÅ¡anas dzinÄ“js" msgid: "Language" msgstr: "Valoda" msgid: "%d statement was executed from the file" msgid_plural: "%d statements were executed from the file" msgstr[0]: "No faila tika izpildÄ«ts %d vaicÄjums" msgstr[1]: "No faila tika izpildÄ«ti %d vaicÄjumi" msgid: "%d row was inserted into the database from the file" msgid_plural: "%d rows were inserted into the database from the file" msgstr[0]: "No faila tika ievietota %d rinda" msgstr[1]: "No faila tika ievietotas %d rindas" msgid: "%d row had to be skipped because the number of values was incorrect" msgid_plural: "%d rows had to be skipped because the number of values was incorrect" msgstr[0]: "%d rinda bija jÄizlaiž, jo bija nepareizs vÄ“rtÄ«bu skaits" msgstr[1]: "%d ridas bija jÄizlaiž, jo bija nepareizs vÄ“rtÄ«bu skaits" msgid: "Theme" msgstr: "Izskats" msgid: "(%.4f seconds)" msgstr: "(%.4f sekundes)" msgid: "The following errors were reported" msgstr: "Tika paziņotas Å¡Ädas kļūdas" msgid: "You do not have enough permissions to create new users." msgstr: "Jums nav pietiekamu tiesÄ«bu veidot jaunus lietotÄjus." msgid: "You do not have enough permissions to view or manage users." msgstr: "Jums nav pietiekamu tiesÄ«bu aplÅ«kot vai pÄrvaldÄ«t lietotÄjus." msgid: "You are connected to %s." msgstr: "Esat pieslÄ“dzies %s" msgid: "Allow access to" msgstr: "Ä»aut piekļuvi pie" msgid: "All databases" msgstr: "VisÄm datubÄzÄ“m" msgid: "Selected databases" msgstr: "IzvÄ“lÄ“tajÄm datubÄzÄ“m" msgid: "Give user" msgstr: "PieÅ¡Ä·irt lietotÄjam" msgid: "Updates" msgstr: "JauninÄjumi" msgid: "There are no updates available" msgstr: "Ir pieejami jauninÄjumi" msgid: "Change password" msgstr: "MainÄ«t paroli" msgid: "Redirecting..." msgstr: "PÄrsÅ«tu..."