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Multivalued Dependencies

Multivalued Dependencies. By David Wortham. Problem Introduction. Carrie Fisher = Princess Leia Organa. Assume a relation R (from the book): (credit Ullman and Widom). Problem Introduction. What is the highest Normal Form R complies with?. Recall 1NF.

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Multivalued Dependencies

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  1. Multivalued Dependencies By David Wortham

  2. Problem Introduction Carrie Fisher = Princess Leia Organa • Assume a relation R (from the book):(credit Ullman and Widom)

  3. Problem Introduction • What is the highest Normal Form R complies with?

  4. Recall 1NF • 1NF eliminates wasted space due to duplicate attributes (columns) • Example (before 1NF normalization):

  5. Recall 1NF (con’t) • After 1NF normalization:

  6. Identify the FDs • Functional Dependencies in R: • Since every tuple in R is unique, the

  7. Identify the FDs • Functional Dependencies in R: • The only FD is: {attrB, attrC, attrD, attrE } ® attrA

  8. Normal Form of R • 1NF (no multivalues) [check] • 2NF (no FDs where a subset of the key to the relation is on the left) [check] • 3NF (no non-trivial FDs: either the determinant is a superkey or the RHS of the FD is a member of some key) [check] • BCNF (the determnant of any non-trivial FD is a superkey for the relation) [check]

  9. Problem Intro. (con’t) • Notice:

  10. Problem Intro. (con’t) • Also Notice:

  11. Observe the Pattern • R ~= TxUxV(R is similar to the Cartesian product of relations T, U, and V) Relation T Relation U Relation V

  12. Problem Definition • The Relation R contains unnecessary duplication of data • R is valid 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF (and there are no exact duplicate tuples) • R has common data on AddrStreet and AddrCity of all tuples • R has common data on FilmName and FilmLocat of all tuples

  13. Solution • Introduction of a 4NF • Eliminate “non-trivial” MDs • Eliminate additional FDs that violate BCNF

  14. Definitions • Fourth Normal Form - if R is valid BCNF and… - given the “non-trivial” MVD: A1A2…AnÞ B1B2…Bn {A1A2…An} is a superkey • A MVD: A1A2…AnÞ B1B2…Bn for a Relation R is “non-trivial” if: 1. none of the Bs are among the As 2. Not all of the attributes of R are among the As and Bs • A MVD is “trivial” if it contains all the variations of A1A2…Anx B1B2…Bn. • A relation cannot be decomposed any further (under 4NF rules) if it has a trivial MVD

  15. Note about FDs and MVDs • Every FD is a MVD (if A1A2…An® B1B2…Bn , then A1A2…AnÞ B1B2…Bn ) • The converse is not always true • FDs rule out certain tuples (i.e. if A ® B then two tuples will not have the same value for A and different values for B) • MVDs do not rule out tuples. They guarantee that certain tuples must exist. (we will see this later)

  16. Another Example • Another MVD example(credit www.cs.jcu.edu.au)

  17. Another Example (con’t) • Our second example 4NF decomposed: Relation M Relation L Relation O

  18. Explanation of second example • Unnecessary tuples are eliminated (those with NULL values)… saving space • Note: for this example, MxO is not similar to L: this is because the MVD in L is non-trivial

  19. Second example (modified) • If we were to modify the second example L to be 4NF, we would need to combine every possible value of M with every one of O, changing the MVD from non-trivial to trivial • This relation would look similar to the product of M and O

  20. Second example (modified) • If we were to modify the second example L, we would need to combine every possible value of M with every one of O Relation L

  21. Second example (modified) • If we were to modify the second example L, we would need to combine every possible value of M with every one of O • This relation is 4NF b/cthe only MVD is trivial(the original L was not4NF) Relation L w/ Trivial MVD

  22. Formal Definition of a MVD • Using the following relation,(credit Ullman & Widom) • Note that A, B, and “others” are not actual attributes, but rather sets of attributes

  23. Formal Definition of a MVD (con’t) • Suppose A Þ B holds, then: • t[A] = u[A] = v[A] • t[B] = u[B] • u[C] = v[C] • If a MVD is to exist, u must exist. • For the MVD to be non-trivial,every tuple must be in the formof a u tuple

  24. Formal Definition of a MVD (con’t) • For the MVD A Þ B to be trivial, either: • B Í A or • B È A = R Must be true

  25. Armstrong’s Axioms WRT MVDs • Many of Armstrong’s Axioms work with MVDs including: • Reflexivity rule • Augmentation rule • Transitivity rule • Complementation rule • Multivalued augmentation rule • Multivalued transitivity rule • Replication rule • Coalescence rule • Multivalued union rule • Intersection rule • Difference rule • See below for specifics on these ruleshttp://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/354/zaiane/material/notes/Chapter7/node15.html

  26. References • Course textbook:a First Course in Database Systems (Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer Widom) • Normalizing your database: First Normal Form (1NF):http://webc.nicc.edu/~weedd/sysanaly/Chapter%206%20Database%20normalization/1NF.html • Multivalued Dependencies (Ozmar Zaine):http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/354/zaiane/material/notes/Chapter7/node13.html • Multivalued Dependencies:http://www.cs.jcu.edu.au/Subjects/cp1500/1998/Lecture_Notes/normalisation/mvd.html

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