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Adelaide Women Project 2013

Towards a Gender Equity Kit: Strategies to increase Representation of Women in Senior Academic and Professional Roles within the University of Adelaide. Adelaide Women Project 2013. a delaide.edu.au.  Project Members and Sponsor. Project Group Members:

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Adelaide Women Project 2013

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  1. Towards a Gender Equity Kit: Strategies to increase Representation of Women in Senior Academic and Professional Roles within the University of Adelaide Adelaide Women Project 2013 adelaide.edu.au

  2.  Project Members and Sponsor Project Group Members: Alison Dundon Head, Discipline of Anthropology Colleen Lewig Manager, Counselling, Disability & Elite Athlete Service Kathryn Neale Manager, Financial Accounting Leah Panakera-Thorpe Acting Faculty Manager, Sciences Yung Ngothai Director of Teaching, School of Chemical Engineering

  3.  Project Members and Sponsor Project sponsor: Paul DuldigVice-President-Services and Resources Project coach: Sophie Hampel Senior Psychologist, Inkling Women Special thanks to: Jonathan Pheasant

  4. Project Presentation Project Summary Project Implementation Project Outcomes and Findings Recommendations for the Future

  5. 1. Project Summary - Aims and Objectives

  6. 1. Project Summary – Key Findings The 3 Pillars supporting Gender Equity • Status • Culture • Barriers • Leadership • Accountability • Resources • Policies • Strategies • Procedures • Equity Kit

  7. 2.Project Implementation – Key Stages

  8. 3. Project Findings - The Survey There were 860 responses from staff across the University

  9. 3. Project Findings - The interviews There were 18 interviews conducted across the University

  10. 3. Project Findings The 3 Pillars supporting Gender Equity

  11. 3. Project Findings - 3 words to describe the current state of gender equity at UoA Acknowledgement Source: Survey

  12. 3. Project Findings - 3 words to describe the current state of gender equity at UoA Acknowledgement Source: Survey

  13. 3. Project Findings - The University needs to make a significant cultural shift. Acknowledgement Source: Interviews

  14. 3. Project Findings - Culture: Differences in Perception Acknowledgement Women experience more impediments than their male colleagues to progression in senior roles at the University Source: Survey

  15. 3. Project Findings - Widespread acknowledgement needed across the University of the barriers to achieving gender equity targets. Acknowledgement 31% 85% 71% believe carer or family responsibilities impede career progression at UofA disagree that UofA offers equal opportunity in progression to senior roles believe women experience more impediments in progression to senior roles Source: Survey

  16. 3. Project Findings - Impediments to the achievement of the 30% target Acknowledgement Source: Survey

  17. 3. Project Findings - The barriers to achieving our targets are clear and need to be acknowledged Acknowledgement Structural Impediments Impediments to Promotion or Progression Cultural barriers Family Responsibilities/ priorities/ career interruptions Source: Interviews

  18. 3. Project Findings - There needs to be commitment to make changesthroughout the University to meet the gender equity targets. Commitment 70% 86% Support for a program & also praise for the current state of gender equity in some areas perceive gender equity to be a priority at the University of Adelaide believe increasing the number of women in senior leadership is an important goal Source: Survey

  19. 3. Project Findings - Commitment themes from the interviews Commitment Accountability Policies Leadership Investment in Resources Source: Interviews

  20. 3. Project Findings - There needs to be best practice procedures and reporting implemented throughout the University to achieve gender equity targets. Practice 92% Increase pool of applicants/ hiring should be based on merit Clear cut plans and procedures are necessary Expressed opinion that added flexibility would aid women to progress to senior roles Source: Survey

  21. 3. Project Findings - 3. Project Findings - There are clear strategies that staff across the University believe should be put into practice. Practice Source: Survey

  22. 3. Project Findings - Key focus areas identified from interviews Practice Proactive in recruitment, promotionsand succession planning Flexible workplace Strategic funds to meet Gender Equity Targets Mentoring, Shadowing and Networking opportunities Source: Interviews

  23. 4. Recommendations for the future

  24. 4. Recommendations for the future Acknowledgement

  25. 4. Recommendations for the future Commitment

  26. 4. Recommendations for the future Practice

  27. 4. Recommendations for the future Practice

  28. Towards the Gender Equity Kit

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