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We are Against this!. All teaching at the vocational education level can and should have a measurable outcome. We base our arguments on…. Supported by recent articles in the media. Levels of measurement. W ha t are the levels of vocational education?.
We are Against this! All teaching at the vocational education level can and should have a measurable outcome. Team Saturn
Webaseourarguments on… Supportedbyrecentarticles in themedia Team Saturn
Levels ofmeasurement Team Saturn
What are the levels of vocational education? • Also known as vocational education and training or VET • prepares people for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, technician, or a professional position in engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, and other healing arts, architecture, pharmacy, law • Procedural knowledge vs. declarative knowledge • Secondary, post-secondary level, further education level, also interaction with the apprenticeship system • We claim that ALL teaching at the vocational education level CANNOT and SHOULDN’T have a measurable outcome. Team Saturn
Measuringteachingoutcomes in vocationaleducation Team Saturn
Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills published in 1991 a range of skills that all workforce participants should have • Reading • Writing • Mathematics • Listening • Speaking Piece of cake… BUT: HOW CAN THE REALIZATION OF THE FOLLOWING BE MEASURED? • Thinking Skills • Creative Thinking • Sociability • Self-Management • Integrity/Honesty • Decision Making • Problem Solving • Knowing How to Learn • Reasoning • Personal Qualities • Responsibility • Self-Esteem Source: www.answers.com/topic/history-of-vocational-and-technical-education#ixzz2EIAYZC5G Team Saturn
How to measure an outcome of vocational education ? • How many percent of students graduate from vocational college? • Howmanypercent of students get jobs after graduation? • How many percent of students get job related to own studied field? “To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely. All our handling of the child will bear fruit, not only at the moment, but in the adult they are destined to become.” Maria Motessori Team Saturn
Other measures for teaching effectiveness Ronald A. Berk, Survey of 12 Strategies to Measure Teaching Effectiveness, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2005, Volume 17, Number 1, 48-62. Tools tomeasure: Wecriticise: student ratings peer ratings self-evaluation student interviews learning outcome measures Studentsarebiased Betterevaluations to friends Long-term effect and social-desirability bias Interviewer? Even if teaching would be measured… THE METHODS FOR MEASUREMENT ARE NOT RELIABLE! Team Saturn
Outcomes-based education (OBE) is ENOUGH! • The quality of an educational system can be judged from at least three perspectives: inputs, system or outcome • Those who are interested in inputs will focus on finances, resources, infrastructure, etc., and may use economic rationalism as the basis for their judgments about the quality or value of the system. • Those interested in what happens within the system will focus on the processes used to organize, control and deliver education and training. • Those interested in outcomes will focus on the products or results of education. We claim that even if teaching would be measured at all levels • OBE system, it is often suggested that “learners are responsible for their own learning and progress” (Cockburn, 1997, p.6). This issue is likely to cause some concern for learners, teachers and parents because of a misunderstanding of the philosophy behind the principle. The principle acknowledges the fact that, ultimately, no matter what teachers do, learning is an internal and personal event. The teacher cannot learn for his/her students; the teacher can only facilitate that learning. Team Saturn
Theory vs. practice Team Saturn
Measurement toolsformeasuringeffectivenessofteaching in theoryandpractice Theory Practice Psychometric testing Vocational interviewing Situational assessment Functional living skills assessment Prevocational evaluation Work sample analysis Job analysis Learning style assessment Team Saturn
Ourargumentsdrawnfromthemedia Team Saturn
What is the situation of students after graduation from Vocational college? • According to research taken in Omnia Espoo, about 1/3 of respondents said that their jobs are not related to what they studied. • Approximately 1/5 said their jobs are fully related to studied field. • 43% reported that their jobs are partly related to studied field. “There is a risk for the individual who remains forever in training. At a certain moment, she must test her wings and risk flying solo in an often hostile environment.” Howard Gardner, Extraordinary Minds. Team Saturn
Discontinuation of education • Statistics Finland reported that ”in all, 5.5 per cent of students attending education leading to a qualification or degree discontinued their studies and did not resume them in any education leading to a qualification or degree during the 2009/2010 academic year. • In upper secondary general education the discontinuation percentage was 4.0, in vocational education aimed at young people it was 9.1, in polytechnic education 8.6 and in university education 5.9 per cent. • In vocational education discontinuation increased after having decreased for several years.” Retrieved on December 9, 2012 from http://tilastokeskus.fi/til/kkesk/index_en.html Team Saturn
“1/5 of students said teacher expecting too much from them. " • In 2010 according to the health survey of vocational schools, 28 % of students felt that the workload is too high. Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/artikkeli/131048-jopa-kahdelta-tuhannelta-jaa-ammattikoulu-kesken-joka-vuosi “To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely. The child’s progress does not depend only on his age, but also on being free to look around him.” Maria Montessori Team Saturn
Electrical Contractors' Association STUL (Sähkö- ja teleurakoitsijaliitto STUL ry) concerned about the deteriorating vocational skills of electrical students. Vocational schools are just giving their responsibilities of teaching practical work to entrepreneurs.Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/yritykset+huolestuivat+turvallisuudesta+sahkoalan+ammattikoulusta+valmistuvat+eivat+enaa+osaa+tehda+sahkotoita/a2100668 • “The child becomes a person through work. The child can develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experiences ‘work’. Such experiences is not just play…. It is work he must do in order to grow up.” Maria Montessori Team Saturn
Teaching hours are reduced and young people pushed too early in the work-based learning companies. Companies are not able to offer young people a level of guidance to the work. • According to STUL, therearecomplaintsbyemployers for yearsbecause the vocationalskills of electricalstudentshavebeendeteriorating. Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/yritykset+huolestuivat+turvallisuudesta+sahkoalan+ammattikoulusta+valmistuvat+eivat+enaa+osaa+tehda+sahkotoita/a2100668 What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with appropriate prior and current conditions of learning. -Benjamin S. Bloom, Developing Talent in Young People Team Saturn
Level of teaching in mathematics and physics in vocationalschoolaredecreasing. Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://per.physics.helsinki.fi/kirjasto/ont/jk/Pro_gradu_3_11_2008.pdf • We need to be much clearer about what we do and do not know so that we don’t continually confuse the two. • If I could have one wish for education, it would be the systematic ordering of our basic knowledge in such a way that what is known and true can be acted on, while what is superstition, fad, and myth can be recognized as such and used only when there is nothing else to support us in our frustration and despair. -Benjamin S. Bloom, “Innocence in Education” Team Saturn
References Team Saturn
Reference list Benjamin S. Bloom’s quotes. Retrieved on December 3. 2012 fromhttp://userwww.service.emory.edu/~rpuscas/ Daily Montessori, Maria Montessori’s quotes. Retrieved on December 3. 2012 fromhttp://www.dailymontessori.com/maria-montessori-quotes/ Helsingin Uutiset. (September 1, 2012). Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/artikkeli/131048-jopa-kahdelta-tuhannelta-jaa-ammattikoulu-kesken-joka-vuosi Howard Gardner’squotes . Retrieved on December 3. 2012 fromhttp://www.uky.edu/~eushe2/quotations/gardner.html Kontturi, Jouko. (June 19, 2008). ”Pro gradu –tutkielma” Universty of Helsinki. Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://per.physics.helsinki.fi/kirjasto/ont/jk/Pro_gradu_3_11_2008.pdf Nitoja-hanke. (September 2010).”Selvitys Omnian ammattiopistosta vuosina 2009 ja 2010 valmistuneiden tilanteista” Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.nitoja.fi/raportti/Raportti_valmistuneiden_seurannasta.pdf Statistics Finland 2012. Discontinuation of Education. Retrieved on December 9, 2012 from http://tilastokeskus.fi/til/kkesk/index_en.html Talouselämä. (May 21, 2012). Retrieved on December 4, 2012 from http://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/yritykset+huolestuivat+turvallisuudesta+sahkoalan+ammattikoulusta+valmistuvat+eivat+enaa+osaa+tehda+sahkotoita/a2100668 Team Saturn