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Kuliah ELEKTROMAGNETIKA. Kode Mata Kuliah : EES220804 Kredit : 4 (empat) SKS Fasilitator : Amien Rahardjo & Fitri Yuli Z Semester : Genap Tahun Ajaran : 2009 – 2010 Waktu Kuliah : Selasa 16 .00 – 17 .50 S . 504 Kamis 13.00 – 1 4 . 5 0 S . 402. introduction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kuliah ELEKTROMAGNETIKA Kode Mata Kuliah : EES220804Kredit : 4 (empat) SKSFasilitator : Amien Rahardjo & Fitri Yuli ZSemester : GenapTahun Ajaran : 2009 – 2010 Waktu Kuliah : Selasa16.00 – 17.50 S.504 Kamis13.00 – 14.50 S.402

  2. introduction What is it all about? What is our concern? How do we deliver this course?

  3. GLOBAL VIEW OBYEKTIF PERKULIAHAN Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum : Memahami konsep-2 dan hukum-2 Elektromagnetika Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus Mengenal berbagai besaran dlm konsep Elektromagnetika Mengenal pemodelan matematis persoalan-2 Elektromagnetika Mengenal pengetrapan H. Maxwell utk persoalan dasar Elektromagnetika Mengenal perilaku fenomena Medan Elektromagnetika Pemahaman Ilmu-2 Dasar : FISIKA & MATEMATIKA


  5. REMEMBER THIS Aplikasi Elektromagnetika Rangkaian – Komponen Elektronika & Rangkaian – Komponen Listrik Teknologi Telekomunikasi- Informatika- & Komputer Mesin-mesin Listrik [Generator , Motor, Transformator] Peralatan Medis, Sinematographi, Peralatan Pencitraan

  6. 1. When wave propagation effects cannot be neglected

  7. 2. When radiation is involved

  8. 3. When detailed field distribution is required

  9. • High frequency analog circuits - Frequency ~ 1GHz - 10GHz - Bluetooth - WLAN

  10. Propagation effects cannot be neglected when the signal path is not much smaller than the wavelength (e.g. ~0.1 wavelength)• High speed digital circuits- System Clock ~ 1GHz

  11. • Inside the circuit, velocity of electromagneticwave ~ 2x108 m/s– If signal frequency f = 1GHz,wavelength λ = 2x108 / 1x109 = 0.2m

  12. • Optical Communications

  13. Radiation becomes efficient when the dimension of conductor larger than 0.1 wavelengthAntennas

  14. • Electromagnetic interference and compatibility

  15. Other applications :– Linear motor

  16. – Computer

  17. Some Commercial ProductsMagnetic Levitation http://www.gadgets4sure.com

  18. Magnetic Levitation • Trains can magnetically fly over a roadbed with position sustained by some kind of control system • Force can either be attractive or repulsive

  19. James Clerk Maxwell • Born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1831 • Attended Edinburgh Academy, The University of Edinburgh, and Cambridge University • Published by the young age of 14

  20. More on Maxwell • Maxwell differed from his contemporaries in the nineteenth century • Faraday & Ampere contributed to Maxwell’s theories • Much of his important work was accomplished between the ages of 29 and 35

  21. Maxwell’s Contributions • Analysis of color perception • An explanation of Saturn’s rings • Analysis of the theory of fluids and solids • Helped father modern statistical mechanics and the molecular theory of gases • Theory of Electromagnetism – Maxwell’s equations

  22. Maxwell’s Equations • Gauss’s Law, no monopoles, Ampere’s Law and Faraday’s Law

  23. REMEMBER THIS Parameter & Satuan

  24. REMEMBER THIS Tool Matematika

  25. REMEMBER THIS Peranan Tool Matematika

  26. REMEMBER THIS Learning Methode

  27. REMEMBER THIS Mengikuti Kuliah :

  28. REMEMBER THIS Membuat Catatan Kuliah :

  29. REMEMBER THIS Saat Mengikuti Kuliah :

  30. REMEMBER THIS Contoh Layout Draft Catatan Kuliah :

  31. REMEMBER THIS Saat di Rumah / di Kos-kosan :


  33. REMEMBER THIS Saat Mengikuti UJIAN : 1. SUDAH BELAJAR : Membaca, Memahami Materi Kuliah dari Buku Acuan & Catatan 2. SUDAH MEMPERSIAPAN : Alat Tulis – Menulis Buku Acuan & Catatan 3. CERMAT MEMBACA SOAL, FOKUS KERJAKAN SOLUSINYA 4. KERJAKAN SENDIRI, TIDAK KERJASAMA JANGAN LUPA BER – D O A !!!!!

  34. REMEMBER THIS Aplikasi Elektromagnetika Rangkaian – Komponen Elektronika & Rangkaian – Komponen Listrik Teknologi Telekomunikasi- Informatika- & Komputer Mesin-mesin Listrik [Generator , Motor, Transformator] Peralatan Medis, Sinematographi, Peralatan Pencitraan

  35. REMEMBER THIS Evaluasi & Garding :

  36. REMEMBER THIS Performance Indicators : Tolok Ukur (Performance Indicators) Penilaian digunakan dlmkuliahElektromagnetika a.n : 1. Tingkat Kehadiran minimal 70% 2. Bobot Nilai Akhir T [100%] : Bobot Nilai : Presentasi [0,5] + PR [0,15] + UTS [0,35] = 50 % T Bobot Nilai : Presentasi + PR + UAS = 50 % T 3. Nilai Presentasi fungsi Keaktifan Individual

  37. REMEMBER THIS Tata Tertib Mengikuti Kuliah : 1. Batas Keterlambatan : 10 menit 2. Selama Kuliah Semua HP hrs di Non Aktif 3. Keluar-Masuk Ruang Kuliah se Ijin Dosen 4. Tidak Membuat Gaduh 5. Berbusana yg Baik, Bersepatu [noSandal] 6. Setiap Kelas membentuk Kelompok-2, setiap Kelompokmembuat& mempresentasikan Topik materi kuliah sesuai SAP dgn Acuan : Buku Ajar Utama dan Buku-2 Elektromagnetika lainnya 7. Setiap Kelas harus punya Ketua Kelas ; yang menangani Absensi, penyiapan kuliah, sebagai kontak penghubung Dosen

  38. Satuan Ajar Pengajaran [SAP]

  39. Satuan Ajar Pengajaran [SAP]

  40. REMEMBER THIS Buku Acuan Elektromagnetika 1. Stuart M. Wentworth,”Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications” John Wiley, 2005 2. Fawwaz T Ulaby,”Fundamental of Applied Electromagnetics”, Prentice Hall Pub., 2001 Buku Pustaka : Buku-buku lain yang sejenis

  41. JADWAL PERTEMUAN Hari : setiap Selasa Waktu : 08:00 s/d 09:50 Ruangan : A-202 Hari : setiap Kamis Waktu : 13:00 s/d 14:50 Ruangan : S-102 Kebutuhan : satu unit LCD satu unit Notebook satu orang Notulis Presentator Ujian Tengah Semester Hari : 30 Maret 2010 Waktu : 60 - 90 menit Sifat : Close Book Ujian Akhir Semester Hari : 18 Mai 2010 Waktu : 60 - 90 menit Sifat : Close Book Agenda Penting

  42. Sekian duluSelamat Menikmati Hidangan Ini

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