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An introduction to the global value exchange | www.globalvaluexchange.org. Contents. Timetable 10:00 - Context 10:05 - FAQ’s About GVE 10:10 - Technical Details 10:25 - Tutorial: Getting started 10:40 - Big Announcement 10:45 - Questions. Context: Introducing Ben.
An introduction to the global value exchange | www.globalvaluexchange.org
Contents Timetable 10:00 - Context 10:05 - FAQ’s About GVE 10:10 - Technical Details 10:25 - Tutorial: Getting started 10:40 - Big Announcement 10:45 - Questions
Context: Introducing Ben • Employed by The SROI Network • Develop the Global Value Exchange • “Information Researcher & Coordinator (Social Accountability)” ben.carpenter@thesroinetwork.org | +44 (0)151 703 9229 | @GlobalValEx
Context: Origins & Relationship with The SROI Network How it began... > Early 2010: a joint project between The SROI Network and the Scottish Government Organisation. Mapping of all the social & environmental outcomes – with indicators and crucially valuations. > March 2011 first version of a database was completed in. Concept of a crowd sourced online resource began: WikiVOIS born. > 2013 The SROI Network secured funding from Nominet Trust. > December 2013 re-branding and re-launch of GVE Site development is overseen & led by a committee of impact measurement experts, academics and practitioners. They represent a range of organisations including The Global Impact Investment Network, New Philanthropy Capital and Local Gov UK.
FAQ’s: About The Global Value Exchange Whatis the Global Value Exchange? It is a crowd sourced database of impact measurement information It is a FREE resource It is your resource It consists of entries: Stakeholders, Outcomes, Indicators & Valuations
Context: Origins & Relationship with The SROI Network How does it work? Users of the site will do three things:
Context: Origins & Relationship with The SROI Network Why does the GVE exist? Aims 1.) To empower stakeholders 2.) To develop a common language 3.) To provides greater consistency to measurement and evaluation practice 4.) To bridge the gap between researchers and those delivering change Find out more
Context: Origins & Relationship with The SROI Network A movement…
Context: Origins & Relationship with The SROI Network • Who is using the Global Value Exchange? • Aimed at: • “anyone who wants to measure the social and environmental value of their activities” • Individuals & Organisations >< Across a range of sectors • Find out how & why you should use the site • The SROI Network has almost 900 members worldwide • 880 different visitors to the site each month • 1200 hits – across the world • Registered users since site re-launched 180 • Organisations using it too such as LGA, NPC, BSC & IRIS • Housing Associations, Corporates who have joined the Social Stock Exchange • Supported by Social Impact Analysts Association, New Economics Foundation etc • View all supporters of the site
Technical Information: Stakeholders Defined as: An individual or group of individuals who are in some way affected by an activity Other terms: Beneficiaries Total number on the site*: 70 entries Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/stakeholders/homeless-people/ *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Outcomes Defined as: An outcome is what is actually changing for the stakeholder as a result of an activity. Other terms: NOT to be confused with outputs! Outputs are the services, products or facilities provided by an organisation Total number on the site*: 924 entries Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/outcomes/truancy-and-exclusion-from-school-%28change-in%29/ *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Indicators Defined as: An indicator measures how much of that change has occurred for that stakeholder. Not just whether it has happened or not. Crucially, indicators can be objective (based upon facts) or subjective (based on someone’s opinion) Other terms: Metrics, Measures Total number on the site*: 886 entries Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/indicators/activities-outside-the-home,-for-example-membership-of-clubs-or-volunteering/ *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Valuations Defined as: Outcomes have different levels of importance to stakeholders. These levels are reflected in the value that stakeholders place on each outcome. Economic value is the most commonly used and understood valuation of things and so we use financial proxies to express relative value of an outcome to that stakeholder. Other terms: N/A but there are a number of different types of valuations which rely on a different approach & methodology. Learn more about valuation here Total number on the site*: 737 entries Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/valuations/truancy-%28missing-at-least-five-weeks-of-school-per-year%29/ *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Outcome Groups Defined as: An outcome group is a way of classifying the entries on the site. There are many different taxonomies that exist. This is the one we have chosen to use Other terms: Outcome Domains, Areas, Buckets Total number on the site*: 9 outcome groups. Example: Click here to view all *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Chain of Events Defined as: A chain of events allows users to make connections between outcome entries. The nature of change is that one change will lead to another. This must be a sequence of events that has been observed and can be proved with some evidence. Other terms: N/A ‘Theory of Change’ is a commonly used term at the moment. A chain of events on the GVE may be a part of an organisations theory of change. Total number on the site*: approx 300 Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/outcomes/frequency-of-truanting-%28change-in%29/ *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Outcome Matrix Table Defined as: An Outcome table is a way of visualising a set of outcomes that are used by an organisation. The table is configured by stakeholder and outcome group and allows users to quickly browse all of the outcomes from one organisation. Other terms: N/a – please contact us to discuss creating your own matrix table. Total number on the site*: 8 Example: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/outcome-matrix?o=Big%20Society%20Capital%20%282014%29 *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Full Entry Sets Vs Incomplete Entry Sets Defined as: A full entry set is when all five steps of the adding process have been achieved and connections have been made between an outcome; a stakeholder; an indicator a valuation and a chain of events An incomplete entry set is simply when some but not all of the above have been completed. For example there could be an outcome that is linked to a stakeholder and an indicator but if it has not yet got any valuations associated – it remains an incomplete set. Total number on the site*: no complete sets yet because this is a new feature Example: View Incomplete Sets & Complete Sets *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Technical Information: Approved Entries Vs Unapproved Entries Defined as: All entries on the sites are un-approved until they are tested against the GVE Protocols. Once an entry has met the criteria set out in the protocol, it can be given a status of Approved Total number on the site*: very few Example: View the Protocols *Correct as of 2nd February 2014
Tutorial: Getting Started Browsing Tips on how to search for the information you need! Broad search & filter Individual searches via the browse tab and utilising the 3 filters
Tutorial: Getting Started • Interacting • All visitors to the site must create an account to be able to interact with the content • Create an account • Leaving a comment • Rating • Did you use
Tutorial: Getting Started Adding Bulk upload large amounts of information at once Download the Data Upload Sheet 2. Manually create entries using the 5 step process Start by adding an outcome 3. Editing from the entry page (available to SROI Members only) Join the SROI Network
News announcement • To Encourage and incentivise users into interacting with the site and adding content…. • We are introducing a points system! This begins on 5th March 2014 • Points mean… Prizes! • We are offering some discounts on SROI membership and training
News announcement Global Value Exchange Score Card *points can only be awarded once per entry ** All decisions about allocation of points will be at the discretion of the GVE subcommittee.
News announcement Global Value Exchange Prizes
Question Time Any Questions?
Any Questions? Contact me ben.carpenter@thesroinetwork.org 0151 703 9229 Join the debate – stay in touch Search Global Value Exchange