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上海证券交易所近年信息工作通报 The Recent Bulletin of Information Business in Shanghai Stock Exchange. 上海证券交易所信息中心 Shanghai Stock Exchange Information Center. 上海证券交易所近年信息工作通报 The Bulletin of Information Business of Shanghai Stock Exchange. 上交所国际化的信息相关情况 The status of internationalization of
上海证券交易所近年信息工作通报The Recent Bulletin of Information Business in Shanghai Stock Exchange 上海证券交易所信息中心 Shanghai Stock Exchange Information Center
上海证券交易所近年信息工作通报The Bulletin of Information Business of Shanghai Stock Exchange • 上交所国际化的信息相关情况 The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange • 上交所信息工作的动态 The developments of information business in Shanghai Stock Exchange • 信息业务的简要规划与设想 The vision and brief planning of information business
上交所国际化的信息相关情况The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange 2010年9月首届信息商会议以来的主要进展: The progress since 1st Global Information Vendor Conference in September 2010 1、境外指数授权合作:与NASDAQ OME集团、德交所子 公司STOXX签署《指数合作备忘录》。基本实现布局全球、跨境ETF指数池全覆盖的战略目标。 The cooperation of oversea index license: The joint signature of “The Memorandum of Index Cooperation ” with NASDAQ OME and the subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG - STOXX
上交所国际化的信息相关情况The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange 2、境外上证指数ETF:富邦上证180ETF挂牌台交所;标智上证50ETF挂牌台交所 ETF- oversea SSE index: Fubon SSE 180 ETF listed on TWSE; X WISE SSE 50 ETF listed on TWSE
上交所国际化的信息相关情况The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange 3、沪港合作:市场数据转发平台托管、指数授权、指数及产品发展论坛、衍生产品发展支持、中证指数转发、上市公司行业分类标准制定。 The cooperation of Shanghai and Hong Kong: the trusteeship of redistribution platform of market data; index license; the forum of development of index and information products; the development support of derived data; the redistribution of CSI; Listed company industry classification standardization.
上交所国际化的信息相关情况The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange 4、境外指数机构行情授权:与标普首签合约,与富时、恒生续签合约,对MSCI的授权工作已启动。 Oversea Index Complier authorization: the signed agreement with Standard & Poor’s; The renewed agreement of FTSE and HSI; license for MSCI is working in progress.
上交所国际化的信息相关情况The status of internationalization of Shanghai Stock Exchange 5、配合港股ETF挂牌上市,与港交所、恒指公司、汤森路透协商市场信息接入方案 To co-operate HK security ETFs listed on SSE , review different market data connection proposals with HKEx, HSI and Thomson Reuters
上交所信息工作的动态The developments of information business in Shanghai Stock Exchange 1、战略规划实施与修订:提高与本所战略规划的衔接度和可操作性,突出为本所战略规划服务。 The revise and implement of strategy planning: improve the connection and execution ability with Shanghai Stock Exchange strategy planning, highlight the service for the strategy planning of Shanghai Stock Exchange
上交所信息工作的动态The developments of information business in Shanghai Stock Exchange 2、突出宣传上证重点指数:上证180(上证50);上证380(上证100); 上证150 The propaganda of SSE key indices: SSE 180 (SSE 50); SSE 380 (SSE 100); SSE 150 3、从源头配合证监会“整非”工作。 The cooperation with China Securities Regulatory Commission on “ illegal affairs” in information industry
上交所信息工作的动态The developments of information business in Shanghai Stock Exchange 4、境内六家证券期货交易所签署《交易所信息合作备忘录》,探索建立境内交易所信息枢纽。 the joint signature of “The Memorandum of Information Cooperation of Exchanges ” with six securities and futures exchanges in domestic area
上交所信息工作的动态The developments of information business in Shanghai Stock Exchange 5、支持信息公司与合作交易所及相关机构探讨开展信息商业合作、丰富多信源全球行情信息服务平台内容。 To support the future cooperation of SSE INFONET and partner exchanges or relation institutions; to enrich the contents of global market data at multiple data sources 6、继续做好XBRL推广应用工作。 The business promotion of XBRL
信息业务的简要规划与设想 抓住一个信源(以本所专有信息为基础整合的统一信源)、三个渠道(网站、卫星和移动终端)、三个细分市场(上市公司、证券公司、包括基金管理公司等机构投资者在内的投资者),加强产品研发,审时度势,根据市场接受程度推出新产品。 The proprietary information, three channels ( website, satellite and remote terminal) , three sub-markets (listed company, security company and institution investors including fund management company), improve R&D of product, adopt a wait-and-see attitude, launch the new products according to the acceptance of the market.
信息业务的简要规划与设想The vision and brief planning of information business 打造上市公司信息服务平台,开展面向上市公司的个性化服务,在提高服务质量的同时实现一定收益;开发为证券公司服务的信息产品。 Create the information service platform of listed companies, customize the personalized service for listed companies, earn the profit on the basis of improving the service, develop the information products for security company.
信息业务的简要规划与设想 The vision and brief planning of information business • Level-2经营上进一步开拓券商和机构市场,服务好重点客户,传播ETF、固定收益平台等所内重点创新业务的行情信息,继续推广Datafeed等产品以满足市场需求; • In addition to Level 2, to expand the market of financial institutions and security companies, to provide quality service for significant clients, to publicize ETF and fixed income platform etc., to popularize data-feed service to meet the market demands.
信息业务的简要规划与设想The vision and brief planning of information business • 以信息公司网站为平台,持续推出面向投资者的个性化服务项目,在扩大公司网站影响力的同时,提高投资者对本所服务质量的正面评价;抓住移动网络高速发展良好机遇,与骨干运营商合作,开发移动终端的信息新产品;培育XBRL商业服务体系。 • By using the website of SSE INFONET Ltd as the platform, continue to provide personalized services for investors; raise the positive awareness of the data service of Shanghai Stock Exchange and make the website to be influential; Seize the opportunity of rapid development of Internet, cooperate with influential network operators to develop new information products on mobile platform; to foster business model of XBRL