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What is Behavior?. Managing student behavior is more effective if you understand behavior and how it can be modified. Behavior and it’s Impact On Relationships and Inclusion.
What is Behavior? Managing student behavior is more effective if you understand behavior and how it can be modified.
Behavior and it’s Impact On Relationships and Inclusion • Problematic Behavior often impedes social relationships and learning opportunities for the student and classmates. It inhibits inclusion, Sometimes we tend to focus on dealing with consequences rather than addressing the function or purpose of the behavior for the student. When we focus on consequential interventions, the behavior usually is replaced by an alternate (often equally inappropriate.
1. Behavior is Learned • Behavior is influenced by the events and condition a person experiences • Reward or attention for behavior influences how often the behavior is repeated
2. Behavior Communicates • Behavior is used to tell you something • Students will always select a way to communicate that is the most efficient and effective • Purpose of behavior is always escape/avoidance or obtaining • An important part of the plan is teaching an acceptable alternative to replace the behavior
3. Behavior Serves a Purpose • Behavior is functional it may get a student a break from work, or an activity they want • When a student behaves irresponsibly it is likely that they have found that this is the most effective way of getting needs met • When behavior is being used for a long period of time to communicate it can be challenging to change.
4. Behavior can be changed • Know the purpose of the behavior Escape/Avoidance Obtaining • Know the events (setting events) that surround the behavour
5. Work on changing behavior should be focused on encouraging desired behavior • Develop a Positive Behavior Support Plan or Safety Plan (when staff safety is threatened) • Describe the behavior (what do you see?) • Describe the strategies to be used to maintain a consistent response among staff for all levels of the behavior cycle. • Outline a step by step crisis response plan
What is expected of the students and what is expected of you: Know the class/school rules /expectations • One way of approaching a student who you know is breaking a rule is by asking them, “What is the rule about ________? Wait for a response. If the student does not respond or does not know respond with “The rule is_______”. • Support and review rules with students in by providing visual scripts and practise in ‘what it looks like to follow the rules eg. Lining up to come in when the bell rings. • Use a consequence map so students can see visually the outcomes of their behavioral choices.
Monitor student behavior • Know who else is monitoring behavior especially on the playground • Circulate in the areas you are monitoring unless directed to do otherwise
Reinforce responsible student behavior • Watch for students following the rules and behaving responsibly • Provide praise for behavior change that requires effort, new skills being acquired and things an individual is proud of • Provide them with specific, accurate, descriptive praise • Praise quietly, briefly, in an age appropriate way be business like and move on to others • Keep the focus on the student
Responding to inappropriate behavior • Be professional • Don’t get into verbal confrontations (LESS IS MORE) • It is not personal • Think before responding • Misbehavior is a ‘teachable moment’ • Adjust expectations if necessary only give a choice if a choice is an option • Teach responsible behavior • If goal is ‘attention seeking’ respond with planned ignoring • Reinforce the behavioral expectation TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO not WHAT YOU DON’T WANT THEM TO DO • React to chronic misbehavior with the corrective consequence(you need to have read the Behavior Plan/Positive Behavior Support Plan or Safety Plan**) • Follow the 3 Ps – Patience, Persistence, and Positive
Teaching New Behavior • Use Errorless Learning • Use rehearsal, practice, reinforcement and generalization • Use visuals and fade verbal prompts as quickly as possible • Break skills into small chunks through task analysis
I. Let’s Practise…. • Jack is a kindergarten student who has FASD. He will not sit at the carpet and when a work task is placed in front of him he will yell ‘No’, continue yelling, run around the class and at times will run out of the class and out of the school. The EA, fearing he will leave the room restrains him frequently. When this occurs he screams, kicks, bites, yells at and hits the EA. • Develop a profile on the student based on his diagnosis Strengths/Needs • Use this profile to outline strategies you can adopt to proact these behaviors • Chose one new behavior to teach and outline how you would teach it
II. Let’s Practice • Todd is a grade 4 student on a modified program. He is a student with a mild/moderate intellectual disability and has a syndrome which influences his behavior, and his ability to be flexible. He is very resistant to doing anything that looks like academics even if it is at his level. At times he is non-compliant and will not do anything. He enjoys jobs around the school especially recycling. • Develop a profile based on his designation outlining his strengths and needs. • Use this profile to outline proactive strategies you would use to get ahead of his non-compliant behavior. • Chose one new behavior you would teach and outline strategies for teaching
III. Let’s Practice • Teddy is a teenage boy with Down’s syndrome, he also has a moderate intellectual disability. His expressive and receptive language is delayed. During social situations he frequently becomes ‘upset’ and runs away from staff and students putting himself at risk. • Develop a profile based on his diagnosis including his strengths and needs. • Using the profile outline strategies you can adopt to proact the behavior. • Describe a new behavior you would teach and how you would teach.
Classroom StrategiesBrainstorm a list of stategies for the following common behaviors • Speaking out • Moving inappropriately around class • Defying authority • Impulsiveness • Pushing/poking • Negative response for constructive criticism • Not paying attention to oral instructions