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Hardware description languages: introduction intellectual property (IP)

Learn about the basics of hardware description languages (HDLs) such as VHDL and Verilog, including entities, architectural bodies, and different views. Understand how HDLs are used for design entry, simulation, and synthesis, and explore the concept of intellectual property (IP) in hardware design. Examples and syntax for both VHDL and Verilog are provided.

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Hardware description languages: introduction intellectual property (IP)

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  1. Hardware description languages: introduction • intellectual property (IP) • introduction to VHDL and Verilog • entities and architectural bodies • behavioral, structural, and dataflow views • examples

  2. hardware description languages (HDL's): HDL is a language to describe hardware, just like it says; typically a HDL tries to use programming-language-type syntax and constructs to describe hardware, allowing the user to avoid the use of schematics

  3. Some things HDL's must deal with: parallel activity (e.g., in a half adder, both the XOR and AND gates receive inputs simultaneously) vector inputs (e.g., in an 8-bit adder, the inputs are each 8 bits and the output is 9 bits) timing--both sequential and combinational logic (e.g., in a register the interaction between the clock input and the state changes must be described) levels of abstraction ideally will support both analysis and synthesis for hardware components/systems

  4. intellectual property (IP): HDL's are an effective way to describe components in which the internal workings ("intellectual property") are proprietary but the interface to other components must be public "popular" HDL's: VHDL, Verilog Both have “AMS” (Analog and Mixed Signal) extensions

  5. Two main HDLs: VHDL / Verilog VHDL--Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language Standards--IEEE 1076-1987;1076-1993; Ada-like language Additions--VHDL-AMS--Analog & Mixed Signal Verilog—1985; proprietary to Cadence until 1990 (“open Verilog”) C-like language Additions—Verilog-AMS—Analog & Mixed Signal NOTE: this course is NOT designed to make you a VHDL or Verilog expert! The Altera tools (as well as other synthesis tools) work best with simpler HDL constructs (e.g., structural representations, modest levels of nesting)

  6. VHDL and Verilog: Behavioral, Structural, and “Dataflow" views supported Physical views generally not supported --descriptions do not encompass the low-level physical details of a design --in particular descriptions can be "technology independent"; this supports REUSABILITY --for simulation, may add details of a particular technology [this quarter—HDL designs are tied to the specific technology of the chosen Altera device] Both languages allow for “testbenches” to aid simulaton (altera does not support the testbench concept; best-supported simulation is through graphical waveforms)

  7. what can HDLs be used for? design entry simulation ("analysis"): simulators are examples of "discrete event simulators" E1 E11 E2 E12 E22 E3 E4 E111 E41 synthesis: HDL description can be turned into a circuit layout by powerful "silicon compilers" time

  8. VHDL *entity—interface to the outside world *architectural body—functionality *one entity can be paired with several architectural bodies, for example a structural body and a behavioral body

  9. Note: keywords, comment, “entity” syntax

  10. ???

  11. ???

  12. Full adder example:

  13. Verilog: Much of the following is taken from the introduction by Dan Hyde at: http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~cs320/1995-fall/verilog-manual.html Other references can be found at: http://www.verilog.net/docs.html Architectural, behavioral, gate, and switch levels supported Gate level: logic elements (structural) Switch level: transistor level Verilog program can be used for design, simulation, synthesis Basic construct: module Verilog program consists of interconnected modules Usually a “top” module encapsulates all the others NOTE: Altera does not allow simulation statements

  14. Verilog: a C-like language Basic parts of a Verilog module: fig_A1_01 fig_A1_01

  15. Example: a simple structural module in Verilog

  16. Another example of a structural module in Verilog: fig_A1_09 fig_A1_09

  17. Some simple examples of combinational logic: // NAND gate (behavioral model) module NAND(in1, in2, out); input in1, in2; output out; assign out = ~(in1 & in2); endmodule //AND gate (structural module) module AND(in1, in2, out); input in1, in2; output out; wire w1; NAND NAND1(in1, in2, w1); NAND NAND2(w1, w1, out); endmodule

  18. fig_A1_02 Typical declarations (“vectors”): fig_A1_02

  19. fig_A1_03 Verilog computation and initialization examples: (myWires[2] is output, and gate is named a1) fig_A1_03

  20. fig_A1_07 Verilog combinational functions-structural primitives: fig_A1_07

  21. table_A1_00 table_A1_00

  22. table_A1_01 table_A1_01

  23. fig_A1_10 Modeling delays: fig_A1_10

  24. fig_A1_11 fig_A1_11

  25. fig_A1_12 fig_A1_12

  26. fig_A1_13 fig_A1_13

  27. fig_A1_14 fig_A1_14

  28. fig_A1_15 fig_A1_15

  29. Dataflow: continuous assignment Syntax: Assign destination = source *Destination cannot be a register or a function *any change in rhs forces a change in lhs—assignment is “always active” Examples:

  30. fig_A1_16 (delays added) Inputs / outputs: fig_A1_16

  31. fig_A1_19 Rise and fall times can also be added fig_A1_19

  32. Dataflow models of sequential logic can be constructed: fig_A1_21 fig_A1_21

  33. Behavioral level: In C or C++, execution is sequential In Verilog execution is concurrent *Program is a collection of initial or always blocks; *Each block is a separate flow of control, independent of the others *Each block is defined by begin and end statements *Blocks cannot be nested Two types of procedural assignment: Blocking: sequential: A = B; Nonblocking: parallel: A <= B; Both can have delays added Example:

  34. Additional examples from text: fig_A1_24 fig_A1_24

  35. fig_A1_25 fig_A1_25

  36. fig_A1_26 fig_A1_26

  37. fig_A1_27 fig_A1_27

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