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Analysis with Remi Policy Insight in Nordrhein Westfalen – Including Sensitivity Experiments

Analysis with Remi Policy Insight in Nordrhein Westfalen – Including Sensitivity Experiments Rüdiger Budde RWI-Essen. Introductory remarks Specifia of the "Nordrhein Westfalen" modell Selecting an industrial strategy Quantifying the potential effects Conclusions. Agenda.

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Analysis with Remi Policy Insight in Nordrhein Westfalen – Including Sensitivity Experiments

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  1. Analysis with Remi Policy Insight in Nordrhein Westfalen – Including Sensitivity Experiments Rüdiger BuddeRWI-Essen Rüdiger Budde

  2. Introductory remarks Specifia of the "Nordrhein Westfalen" modell Selecting an industrial strategy Quantifying the potential effects Conclusions Agenda Rüdiger Budde

  3. Specifis of the "Nordrhein Westfalen" Model Oberhausen Ruhr area Neighbouringcountries Northrhine - Westphalia Federal Republic of Germany Rüdiger Budde

  4. “Effects of the Metrorapid Railway in Nordrhein-Westfalen” 3 Studies on the impact on new industrial sites on the local economy and its neighbourhood List of Projects with the REMI model Rüdiger Budde

  5. 220 000 inhabitants Lies in the heart of the Ruhr-area In 1987 7% of the employees were occupied in the steel industry In 2002 90% of the jobs in the steel industry were vanished Due to industrial changes huge brown fields emerged First successful settlements while restructuring the service sector High unemployment rate (11%) Objective 2 area up to 2006(This status might be prolonged.) City of Oberhausen (current situation) Rüdiger Budde

  6. To develop the new industrial site Maximize the potential employment that can be settled on the available brown field. Prevent harmful competition between old industries and new settlers. The Regional Economic Strategy Rüdiger Budde

  7. Alternative facilities of operating a commercial site Rüdiger Budde

  8. The results refer to the average of the first four years of production after achieving the aimed degree of efficiency Year of reference is 2008 Rüdiger Budde

  9. Sensitivity analysis Rüdiger Budde

  10. Expected effects in the Ruhr-area (in absolute figures) Rüdiger Budde

  11. Expected effects in the remaining part of NRW (in absolute figures) Rüdiger Budde

  12. Expected effects in whole State (in absolute figures) Rüdiger Budde

  13. Expected occupational effects in whole Northrhine-Westphalia (in relative figures) Rüdiger Budde

  14. The elaborated concept The Industrial park with a focus on health-care including manufacture In order to attract potential customers as well as potential investors a theme park on healthcare is implemented within the industrial park On the basis of the research results Future Park O.Vision Rüdiger Budde

  15. Future Park O.Vision Rüdiger Budde

  16. Evaluation of “O.Vision” Rüdiger Budde

  17. Expected developement while building the themepark and the industrial park Rüdiger Budde

  18. Occupational effects of the themepark (sensitive analysis) Rüdiger Budde

  19. Occupational effects of the industrial park (sensitive analysis) Rüdiger Budde

  20. Distinct positive impact on employment in the Ruhr area Success of the strategy as a whole, highly depends on situation investment finds itself in market conditions Inter-regional competition Inter-industrial competition Conclusions Rüdiger Budde

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