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FUNDING APPLICATION FOR REASERCH PROJECTS for YOUNG RESEARCH TEAMS – PN-II-RU-TE-2011-2 Section 3. RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE IEQ-Atmospheric pollutants transfer indoors. Tools for indoor pollution level prediction and occupants protection. INTRODUCTION. CONCEPT.
FUNDING APPLICATION FOR REASERCH PROJECTS for YOUNG RESEARCH TEAMS – PN-II-RU-TE-2011-2 Section 3 RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE IEQ-Atmospheric pollutants transfer indoors. Tools for indoor pollution level prediction and occupants protection.
INTRODUCTION CONCEPT However, the current scientific concept (clean outdoor air) is false; the outdoor air has indeed low CO2 concentrations but it contains many gaseous and particulate matter pollutants. Many medical researches (Davies 1995; Simoni et al 2010; Fraga 2008) present different diseases due to inhaled pollutants: respiratory diseases, alveolus blockage, pollutants deposit in the blood circulatory system, even death. The air infiltrations and the ventilation system represent not only a cleaning factor of the high CO2 indoor air, but also the main pollution vectors of the indoor spaces with atmospheric pollutants.Since most people spend 85-90% of their time indoors (Jenkins et al 1992, Robinson and Nelson 1995, EPA 1996, Klepeis et al 2001) indoor pollution level became an important parameter in the pollutant exposure of the occupants. The number of deceases due to the inhaled pollutants overcames that caused by the cancer (World Health Organization 2000) justifing the high importance of the pollutant transfer phenomenon
INTRODUCTION State of the art The reaserch field Indoor Air Quality is foccusing on the indoor air pollution level and its relation to the outdoor pollution. Turk (1963) gave the first mathematical model (theoretical modelling) for the prediction of the indoor pollutant concentration linked to the outdoor pollution levels. In 1974 F.H.Shair and F.Heitner made a more detalied version of Turk’s model that was used in the next decades of reaserch. We also list the similar contribution of Saberski (1979), Davies (1984) and Hayes (1989). Many reaserch labs concentrated their efforts in the direction of experimentally understanding the outdoor/indoor pollutant transfer (experimental modelling) for a specific pollutant type: ozone - Weschler (1989) acetylene Dokery and Spengler (1985), ozone, azot oxides and airborne particules by the american electricity corporation GEOMED (1995). We also mention two national research projects in French network PRIMEQUAL PREDIT which took place the first in Anvers (Kirchner 2001) and the second in La Rochelle (Blondeau 2002). Both projects implicated simultaneously measurements of indoor and outdoor pollution levels pointing out that the pollutant transfer depends on the building permeability and to its outdoor concentration (Iordache 2003). However, all these studies present a large variance of this pollutnat transfer, because of the uncontrolled urban parameters that alter this phenomenon. A previous research (Iordache et al 2011) proved that laboratory pollutant transfer studies can lead to learning this phenomenon.
INTRODUCTION Proposal • Analiza transferului de poluant EXT-INT in conditii de laborator • Metode de protectie a ocupantilor la varfuri de poluare • Propunere de calcul a debitelor de aer pentru ventilare • Implementarea acestor metode in calculul global de IEQ si efecte asupra IEQ
Objectives. Thefirst objective (Laboratory experiments database for pollutant transfer phenomenon)1 space for outdoor environment and 1 space for indoor environment The second objective (Prediction models of the outdoor – indoor pollutant transfer). We belive that these new mathematical models learned upon laboratory experimentation may represent an important milestone in the advancement of the research field. This objective is important for the research field because it can uncover the basic pollutant transfer phenomenon from the rest of the superposed phonemona and lead to small prediction errors. The third objective (Tools for occupants protection to pollutant inhalation) (noval approach), is meant to initiate the implementation of the mathematical models of this transfer phenomenon into several possible ventialtion strategies and to analyse the acoustical and thermo-energetic consequences upon the indoor environment.
STAGES Thus the first stage of the methodology (year 2011 – 3 months) consists in the creation of the experimental stand design. The target of this stage is composed of two desins: the design of the experimetnal stand and the design of the modifications of our existing experimetnalstand. Devices needed • The second stage of the methodology (year 2012 - 12 months) is the experimental study. two main parts: • The first one is composed of the logistics acquisition and the experimental stand transformation to suit our study • The second part of this stage deals with the experiment running. • target of this stage is to obtain two experimental databases (1st and 2nd experimental campaign) (activity 2.4) that would further lead to understanding the pollutant transfer phenomenon
STAGES The third stage of the project (year 2013 – 12 months) is oriented towards finding the necessary tools to predict the indoor air quality. The target of this stage is represented by the mathematical models associated with their errors and confidence level; these mathematical models represent the tools to predict the indoor pollution level. The forth stage of the project (year 2014 – 9 months) is meant to identify the tools necessary for occupants protection. The target of this final stage of the methodology is finding out the best inteligent and adaptive ventilation strategies to control and maintain a good indoor environment quality
POLUANTI Vizati in acest studiu Ozon O3 Oxizi de azot NO, NO2, NOx Particule PM 0,3-20mm
APARATE EXISTENTE • Sistem masura poluanti BICANAL SIMULTAN: • O3, NO+NO2, • 1 GRIMM 15 canale: 0,3-20mm. • 1 Blower door. • Generator O2 + Generator O3 ..... • Caracteristici ??? Nu stiu daca sunt suficiente.
LEGISTICA DE CUMPARAT (TOTAL 50500,00EUR = 217150.00 RON): PM measurement devicedomain 0.320mm 17000.00EUR and a PM generator3500.00 EUR (useful for the study of the PM transfer), NOxgenerator8000.00EUR (useful for the study of the NOx transfer), small ventilation system1500.00EUR (for the air transport between the two rooms); 2 x Textile filters and 2 x Active carbon filters2000.00EUR (to erase the effects of the outdoor air concentrations); 2 x Air mixing system500.00EUR (to achieve a homogenous concentration inside the experimental stand); service for the existing pollutant measurement stand 1000.00EUR; 2 computers 3000.00 EUR (for the mathematical analyses and modeling), Sonometerupgrade from 2250 to 2270 model 6500.00EUR (acoustic analyze for the new ventilation strategies), specific computer software 5000.00EUR (for building IEQ and energy performance evaluation), office materials (paper, tonner, usb, …) 1000.00EUR; work materials (wood, nails, scotch, polystyrene…) 1000,00EUR; small safe fund 1000.00EUR,