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. Presentation Outline. Research MotivationTheoretical ReviewMethodologyCase Study: GITSFindings
1. Challenges in Business Performance Measurement: The Case of a Corporate IT Function
2. Presentation Outline Research Motivation
Theoretical Review
Case Study: GITS
Findings & Discussion
3. Business performance measurement (PM) – presenting relevant information to management staff for assessing the organization's progress towards achieving strategic/operational aims
Several major PM frameworks proposed recently: field dominated by prescriptive, top-down perspective (formal derivation from strategy)
Research Background
4. Robust PM system should take a ‘balanced’ approach (Kaplan & Norton, 1992)
Identification/population of useful performance measures (or metrics) to capture progress towards goal attainment is a key but not easily satisfied criteria (Neely et al, 1997):
Theory: PM Implementation
5. Theory: PM Design 22 most-cited recommendations for designing measures (Neely e al, 1997)
6. Systemic aspect of effective PM: process rationalisation, shared understanding & staff commitment, IT support (data capture/collection, processing & presentation)
Dashboards: visual impact, data quality and timeliness (Few, 2005; Dixon et al., 1999)
PM for the IT Function: need for spread of measures across 3 categories (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2005) – (i) efficiency; (ii) effectiveness; (iii) productivity
Theory: PM Implementation
7. Interpretive case study method (Walsham, 1995): indepth single-site case study, aimed at theoretical generalisation
Case organisation/unit: GITS (Group IT Services), the corporate IT function of Multicorp (a pseudonym), a multi-national manufacturer of tobacco-based products
Data Gathering & Analysis
multiple site visits: June to August 2006
27 semi-structured interviews, dashboards/documents review, informal conversations
inductive analysis (Glaser & Strauss, 1967): identifying patterned regularities (common themes, issues or dilemmas) Research Method
8. Case Study: Multicorp /GITS
9. Case Study: GITS
10. GITS: Leadership Dashboard
11. GITS: Application Services Dashboard
12. GITS: Technical Services Dashboard
13. Inadequacies in dashboard population and scope of measurement
difficulties obtaining timely & accurate data
areas of performance left untracked (in scope & time)
deficient in leading indicators (heavily lagged-oriented): lack of predictive capacity to take proactive interventions
““I’ve no idea what drives the numbers. I’m not sure if anyone has” (manager)
Case: Findings
14. lack of clarity or common understanding regarding definition of certain measures, e.g.
Constitution of measures: e.g. managed volume
(i) “We count managed volume against our target only when services have been transferred to GITS, and the first invoice sent to the end-market”;
(ii) “Managed volume is just that: services which we (GITS) manage. It doesn’t matter if we haven’t billed the customer yet.”
Progress towards targets: e.g. cost savings
(i) “We claim that we have achieved a cost saving when we sign a contract with an outsource provider to provide the service at a cost lower next year than our current deal”
(ii) “Cost savings are claimed when we release next years’ price list to the end markets in May, with confirmation in early December.”
Case: Findings
15. Relation of measurement to strategy: difference between Leadership & AS/TS dashboards
Application Services & Technical Services dashboards reported self-chosen operational targets beyond existing strategy
Case: Findings
16. Lack of systemisation in data collection and measurement (cum dashboard) design
no top-down mandate or formal programme / framework guiding the implementation of these practices: need for process rationalisation and information systems infrastructure (Bourne et. al, 2003)
difficulty identifying leading indicators (Neely et al., 2000; Eckerson, 2006)
Case: Discussion
17. Re-thinking major PM tenets/principles
Notion of ‘balance’ in balanced measurement
financial vs. non-financial ‘lever’
reporting vs. predication/learning ‘lever’ (lagging vs. leading indicators)
Case: Discussion
18. Results of this exploratory study suggest a need for further research & theoretical development to extend & deepen understanding of the complex nature of PM
What does ‘balanced’ measurement imply
Relationship between strategy and measurement
Thank you
20. References Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. (1992). “The balanced scorecard – measures that drive performance.” Harvard Business Review. January-February, 71-29.
McCunn, P. (1998) The Balanced Scorecard: the eleventh commandment. Management Accounting 34-36.
Neely, A., Richards, H., Mills, J., Platts, K. and Bourne, M. (1997) Designing performance measures: a structured approach. International Journal of
Operations & Production Management 17, 1131-1152.
De Toni, A. and Tonchia, S. (2001) Performance measurement systems - models, characteristics and measures. International Journal of Productions and Operations Management 1, 347-354.
Eckerson, W. (2006) Performance Dashboards: Measuring Monitoring and Managing Your Business, edn. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Few, S. (2005) Dashboard Design: Beyond Meters, Gauges, ad Traffic Lights. Business Intelligence Journal 10, 18-24.
Dixon, J.R., Nanni, A.J. and Vollmann, T.E. (1990) The new performance challenge: Measuring operations for world-class competition, Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.
Stanwick, P. and Stanwick, S. (2005) IT Performance: How Do You Measure a Moving Target? The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 13, 19-24.
Walsham, G. (1995). Interpretive case studies in IS research: nature and method. European Journal of Information Systems, 4:2, 74-81.
Glaser, B. and Strauss, A. (1967) The discovery of grounded theory, Aldine, Chicago.
Bourne, M., Franco, M. and Wilkes, J. (2003) Corporate Performance Management. Measuring Business Excellence 7, 15-21.