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Special Education Data – The Old, the New and the Huh?

Special Education Data – The Old, the New and the Huh?. Erik McCormick Former OSEP Part B Data Manager September 29, 2006. The Old (OSEP, Part B). Child Count Fall 2006 OASIS Count Date 10/02/2006 Intensive identification 10/27/2006 Placement (FAPE) Fall 2006 OASIS New codes Exiting

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Special Education Data – The Old, the New and the Huh?

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  1. Special Education Data – The Old, the New and the Huh? Erik McCormick Former OSEP Part B Data Manager September 29, 2006

  2. The Old (OSEP, Part B) • Child Count • Fall 2006 OASIS • Count Date 10/02/2006 • Intensive identification 10/27/2006 • Placement (FAPE) • Fall 2006 OASIS • New codes • Exiting • Summer 2007 NCLB (OASIS)

  3. The Old (OSEP, cont.) • Discipline • On-line Suspensions/Expulsions site • Personnel • 10/01/2006 Staff Accounting • Assessments • Completed “in-house” by DEED

  4. The New • Clarification Question in Fall OASIS • Served by 10/02/2006? • AYP Subgroup Size Change • Minimum “n” 40 to 25 • OSEP Placement (Environment) Codes • Race/Ethnicity Codes • Supplemental Data Collection workbook

  5. New OSEP Environment Codes

  6. New Race or Ethnicity Codes

  7. Supplemental Data Collection Special Education State Performance Plan

  8. We are required by OSEP to report data on 20 specific indicators for the SPP. • Much of this data is already collected in established data collections. • There are, however, a few data elements we do not collect via any other means. • Those federally required elements are the reason for this data collection.

  9. SPP Data Elements

  10. We will use a Supplemental Data Collection workbook. • We will collect the data required to report on 4 separate indicators within the SPP. • Each indicator will have a page of instructions followed by a page for the data.

  11. Early Childhood Outcomes • Indicator 7: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/ communication and early literacy); C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

  12. Early Childhood Outcomes (cont.) • This data must be collected for all IEP preschoolers. • Entry data will be collected in the district within two months of program entry. • Exit data will be collected in the district prior to the student's 6th birthday.

  13. Early Childhood Outcomes (cont.) • You may use any of the following assessment tools to gather the Entry and Exit data: • Dial 3 • Brigance • Battelle • AGS or • One approved by the Department

  14. Early Childhood Outcomes (cont.) • Each student will be screened using an approved assessment. • The results will be recorded on the Child Outcomes Summary Form. • The data from that form will be reported to EED in the supplemental workbook.

  15. Early Childhood Outcomes (cont.) • To complete the Child Outcomes form you will use the predetermined rating scale. • Definitions for Level Ratings used for all three measurements are already recorded on the Child Outcomes Summary Form.

  16. Consent for Evaluation • Indicator 11: Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 45 school days. (State established timeline)

  17. Consent for Evaluation (cont.) • The district must report on all children for whom they have received consent to evaluate. • All students determined to be eligible will be reported with a valid AKSID number • For children under the age of 5 who were tested and determined to be not eligible there may not be an AKSID number

  18. Consent for Evaluation (cont.) • The district must provide data on each child for whom they have received consent for evaluation. • The district will need to report the following information: • Eligibility Status • Count of Days required to determine eligibility • Reason why determination was not completed within 45 school days • What other reason’s for delay do you encounter in your district?

  19. Part C students referred to Part B • Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday.

  20. Part C students referred to Part B (cont.) • The district must report on the following: • all students referred by an Infant Learning Program • Eligibility Status • Reason IEP was not in place by 3rd birthday

  21. Secondary Transition • Indicator 13: Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post- secondary goals.

  22. Secondary Transition (cont.) • The district must report the following: • all IEP students who were 16 or older by the end of the reporting period (June 30, 2007) • whether the IEP includes coordinated, measurable, annual goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals.

  23. When is this due?? • Districts being monitored this year • November 15, 2006 • All Other Districts • Summer OASIS time (July 2007)

  24. More Information? • about how to report your data, contact Karen Lipson at 465-8684 or email at Karen_Lipson@eed.state.ak.us. • related to the indicators themselves, please contact Sharon Schumacher at 465-2824 or email Sharon_Schumacher@eed.state.ak.us.

  25. More Information? Erik McCormick Erik_McCormick@eed.state.ak.us 465-8686 www.eed.state.ak.us/OASIS Alaska Dept. of Education & Early Development

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