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A part of German history. The Von der Marwitz family A presentation by Toni Weber , Nico Nolte and Lars Siebert . Table of Contents:. 1. Introduction 2. The Von der Marwitz family 3. Provenance 4. Where is Friedersdorf ? 5. Historical context
A partof German history The Von der Marwitz family A presentationby Toni Weber , Nico Nolte and Lars Siebert
Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Von der Marwitz family 3. Provenance 4. WhereisFriedersdorf ? 5. Historical context 6. Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz 6.1 Provenanceand Life 6.2 Political terest 7. Johannes Georg von der Marwitz 7.1 Provenanceand Life 8. Hans Georg von der Marwitz 8.1 Provenanceand Life 8.2 Political Interest 8.3 Conclusionofthepoliticalfamily Von der Marwitz 9. End
3.Provenance • Marwitz isoneoftheoldestaristocraticfamilies in Brandenburg • thegentlemen „Von der Marwitz“ belongtothenobilityofthe New Mark Brandenburg • someoffspringsare still livingtoday • thefirstnotification was in 1259 “Theodoricus de Marwitz” • 20.May 1298 “Zabellus et Henningius de Marwitz” • theirhomeisFriedersdorfnear Berlin
5.historical context Prussia was a state in northern Central Europe fromtheMiddle Ages untilthe end of World War II. 1701 it was namedtheKingdomofPrussia. The kingdomdevelopedinto European great power in the 18th centuryand in 1866 after the German War Prussia was theleading power in Germany. In 1871 Prussia united all German statesunderitsleadershipexceptAustria.Fromthen on it was the dominant stateofthe German empire.
6.Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz • * 29th May, 1777 in Berlin • † 6th December, 1837 in Friedersdorf • Prussiangeneralandpolitician
6.1Provenance andlife • Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz camefromthevillage Marwitz near Landsberg on Warta • Manyofthe male offspringschose a militarycareer • More thanonehundredwereofficers in thePrussianarmy, 14 reachedthe rank of a general • The PrussianInfantry Regiment No. 61 hadthenameofthefamilyuntil 1918 • F.A.L.v.d.Marwitz was oneof 5 childrenofthechamberlainandlatermarshal Behrend Friedrich August von der Marwitz (1740-1793) • Attheageof 13, he joinedthearmy • He was verysuccessful in thearmy • 1805 and 1806 he was a cavalrycaptainandadjutantoftheprinceof Hohenlohe • 1813 he helpedtotrainthe Landwehr in Prussia • On 7.June 1813, after thebattlesof Magdeburg he was decoratedwiththemedal “Iron Cross 1st class“
After hismilitarycareer he worked in hishomeplace in Friedersdorf • Atthe same time he was a marshal in the Brandenburg County Council
Friedrich August Von der Marwitz Karl August Freiherr von Hardenberg
6.2 Political Interest • On 28th June, 1811, Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz was arrested in thefortressof Spandau • he livedthere in an open prison, couldwelcomeguestsandmovefreely • Marwitz was a bigenemyofHardenberg´sreforms • He was oftheopinionthatthemassesofpeopleshould not beinvolved in theliberationofthehomeland • Itisonly a matter ofthearistocracy • Hardenberg'sreformshaveincludedtheliberationofthefarmers • Marwitz did not agreeeitherwithanythingthekingdid • His uncle, Johann Friedrich Adolph von der Marwitz refusedtoplunder Hubertusburg in the Seven Years War • Forhimit was againsthishonor
“Chose disgracewhereobediencedid not bring honor“ • Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz setthequote on thegravestoneofhisuncleFreidrich Adolph von der Marwitz • Marwitz recognizedthehonorof a soldier, andtherefore he thought he has also gottobeagainsttheking • Underthecommandof Friedrich II ofPrussia, called “the Old Fritz“, a soldierfellintodisgracewhen he was not readytoplunder
Friedrich der Große Maria Theresia von Österreich
7.Johannes Georg von der Marwitz • *7th July, 1856 in Stolp, Pommern • † 27thOctober 1929 in Wundichow • German officierandlater a succesfulgeneral
7.1 Provenanceand Life • He enteredattheageof 20 he joinedthe German army • From 1883 till 1886 he was in themilitaryacademy • Before World War II started he became a generalinspectorofthecavalry • His firstfight was atthe west front • On 2nd.August 1914 he fought in Haelen, Belgium • Marwitz tookthecommandofthe XXXVIII. reservecorpsattheeast front • On 7th March 1915 he gotthemedal “Pour le Merite” and on 14thMay 1915 themedal “Eichenlaub” • Bythe end of World War I andthedefeatof Germany he pulled back frompubliclife
8.Hans-Georg von der Marwitz • * 8th April 1961 in Heidelberg • German farmer • Chairman ofthe CDU districtassociation Märkisch - Oderland andsinceautumn 2009, Member ofthe German Parliament
8.1 Provenanceandlife • H,-G.v.d.Marwitz was born in Heidelberg asthesonofthe priest Friedrich von der Marwitz • He spenthischildhoodandyouth in Aha in Gunzenhausen in Lauben and in Missen-Wilhams, on thefamilyfarm in Allgäu • In 1985 he completedhiseducationas a certifiedfarmer • In 1986 Hans-Georg von der Marwitz tookovertheclosedfarmfromhisparents in Allgäu • There was thechancetobuy an oldhomeofthe Marwitz family in Friedersdorf after the fall ofthe Wall in Germany in 1990 • The farmincludes 900 hectaresoflandwiththecultivationfocus on grapes, sugarbeet, vegetablesandcereals • Hans-Georg von der Marwitz istheonly shareholder anddirectoroftheFriedersdorfagriculture GmbH • He runs a biogas plant andprovidesmanyagriculturalservices • Since 1988 he is a memberofthe Order of St. John andworks in theManagment Board oftheSection in Berlin / Brandenburg
The memberoftheMunicipal Council ofChurchesoftheparishFriedersdorfandboardmemberandtreasurerofthe Young Men's Christian Association in thechurchdistrict Oderbruch e. V.
8.2 Political Interest • 1993-2003 H,-G.v.d.Marwitz was a memberofthemunicipalFriedersdorf • Since 1998 he is a memberofthecouncilofthedistrict Märkisch - Oderland • From September 2008 to March 2010 he was thechairmanofthechristian-democraticparty CDU • Hans-Georg von der Marwitz is a fullmemberoftheParliamentaryCommittee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Consumer Protection • He is a fullmemberofthePetitionsCommitteeand Substitute Member oftheTourismCommittee • He focuses on energypolicyandisopposedto CO2 captureandstorage • Since March 2010 Hans-Georg von der Marwitz is Chairman ofthe CDU Märkisch - Oderland
8.3 Conclusionofthepoliticalfamily Von der Marwitz • On theonehand, a verystraightfamily • StrictlyaccordingtothePrussiannormsandvalues • On theotherhand, againstemperor but not againsthomeland • Johann Friedrich Adolph von der Marwitz refusedtoplunderthe Hubertusburg • believed in honorofeverysoldier • Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz would not sharehis power as an aristocrat, • because he was holdingtotheoldbalanceof power • He was a clearenemyofHardenberg´sreforms • andtherefore a clearenemyofemancipationand power supplytothepeople
Johannes Georg von der Marwitz • He was a military in every part of his life • He believed in emperorandhomeland • He livedthePrussianlife • He livedforthefight • Hans Georg von der Marwitz • He lives in a democracy, iscommittedtothepeople • He focuses on democracy • He supportsthevitalizationconstructionofthe Oderbruch
…Thankyouforyourattention! Toni Weber, Nico Nolte and Lars Siebert