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Lecture 3-1: Networking Architecture, Routing Protocols and Algorithms. A Cluster-based architecture for Dynamic Sensor Radio Networks. 1 Jiro Uchida 2 Islam A.K.M. Muzahidul 3 Yoshiaki Katayama 4 Wei Chen 5 Koichi Wada 1,2,3,5 Nagoya Institute of Technology and
Lecture 3-1: Networking Architecture, Routing Protocols and Algorithms
A Cluster-based architecture for Dynamic Sensor Radio Networks 1Jiro Uchida 2 Islam A.K.M. Muzahidul 3Yoshiaki Katayama 4Wei Chen 5Koichi Wada 1,2,3,5 Nagoya Institute of Technology and 4Tennessee State University, USA International Conference on System Sciences, 2006
Outline • Sensor Radio Networks • Cluster-based sensor radio network architecture • Broadcasting • Construction of Cluster-based sensor radio networkdynamically • node-move-in algorithm • node-move-out algorithm • Simulation results • Conclusion
What is Sensor Radio Networks ? A sensor radio network is a collection of sensor nodes, where each sensor node has a sensor array, a controlling processor and transmitter-receiver communication device. u,v,x:communication devices v u x Transmission range of devices
What is Sensor Radio Networks ? A sensor radio network is a collection of sensor nodes, where each sensor node has a sensor array, a controlling processor and transmitter-receiver communication device. v u,v,x:communication devices u x Transmission range of nodes
Each node works per synchronized round by a global clock (like GPS). • Round: Discrete time step of the global clock. • Actions of nodes per Round: • transmission or reception • process before and after communication
Each node cannot receive two or more messages in one round • Collision detection is not available Collision detection receivable collision distinguishable unreceivable(collision)
v w v u v u u u,v,w: devices w w Reachability graph • Each node represents a device. • Each directed edge uv represents that, a node u can transmit to a node v. • We consider a sensor radio network bi-directional, i.e., the transmitting range of each device is the same .
Sensor Network Modeling • Reconfigurable networking architecture: A dynamic sensor radio network that supports two atomic operations: node-move-in and node-move-out • Networking functions: broadcasting/multicast/unicast 1 5 2 7 4 3 6 9 • Assumption: • before a join: n1 • after a leave: the graph is connected 8
Cluster-based architecture of a sensor network Cluster heads: Maximum independent Set (MIS) head 1 1 cluster edge Cluster 5 2 7 4 3 6 6 member 9 8 10 10
Backbone graph Gateway node Backbone TreeBT(G) head 1 1 cluster edge 5 gateway node 2 2 Cluster Cluster 7 Gateway edge 4 3 6 6 Gateway edge candidates member 9 9 8 10 10 Cluster
Cluster-based network CNet(G) root head 1 gateway cluster edge 5 member 2 7 Gateway edge 4 3 6 9 • The total number of nodes in BT(G) tree is at most 2p-1, p is the number of clusters. 8 10 • The number of the clusters p is less than pG, the smallest number of disjoint complete subgraphs in G.
What is broadcasting? • Broadcast is dissemination of a message from one node to all nodes in the network. Source node M M M M 1 5 M M M M M M M 2 7 4 3 6 9 10 8
Some previous Results n : number of nodes in the network D : diameter of G
M M M M M M M M Broadcasting algorithm root head 1 cluster edge 5 gateway 2 member 7 Gateway edge 4 3 6 9 8 M M Source node 10 M A broadcasting from any node is done in O(p)- rounds. • In a dense graph our algorithm is more efficient, since , • where n is the number of nodes in the network.
Construction of Cluster-based sensor radio networkdynamically • node-move-in algorithm • node-move-out algorithm
When the nodes are organized with partial 1-hop data • Procedure SelectWinner will be used in our node-move-in and node-move-out algorithms (randomized) of case 2 . • The average rounds requirement is O(log q).
node-move-in algorithm • If the winner is a head node cluster edge 1 head 5 gateway 2 2 7 member Gateway edge 4 3 3 6 9 11 New node 8 AddMe AddMe AddMe I’mMember 10
If the winner is a gateway node head cluster edge 1 gateway 5 2 member 2 7 Gateway edge 4 3 3 6 9 I’mHead 11 New node 8 • Send ChkHead message • if there are more than one neighboring heads send SelectHead message • Select one head and then send I’mMember message 10
If the winner is a member node head cluster edge 1 gateway 5 2 member 7 Gateway edge 4 3 3 6 9 11 11 BeGateway New node 8 10
Joining in G can be done in expected rounds, where q is the number of neighbor nodes of new.
3 Node-move-out algorithm If the leaving node is a member root head cluster edge 1 gateway 5 2 member 2 7 Gateway edge 4 6 9 leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving 8 • Send Leaving message 10 • All leaving message receiving node delete the node from their list.
If the leaving node is a head without child head cluster edge 1 gateway 5 2 member 2 7 Gateway edge 4 3 3 6 6 9 9 8 leaving node leaving leaving • The leaving node sends Leaving message 10 • All leaving message receiving node delete the node from their list and act accordingly.
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 del –leaving node 6 7 Subtree H 9 12 8 8 11 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head Send id 1 del gateway 5 Token-B 2 member 4 3 3 JoinMe JoinMe JoinMe 6 If received JoinMe message in previous round Step-1: if in T or has sent Token-B in previous round send self id; if JoinMe message sending node receives message (i.e. the node does not have any neighbor in H) Continue Eulerian(T); else Goto step-2; 7 7 Subtree H 9 9 12 8 8 11 11 10 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 2 Send id member 4 Send id 3 3 Token-B 6 7 JoinMe JoinMe JoinMe JoinMe Subtree H 9 Step-2: send message PerformSelectWinner; if nodes that are not in T but received messagePerformSelectWinner call procedure SelectWinner; After receiving winner’s id follow node-move-in-2 in order to finish join; 12 8 8 11 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 6 6 6 BeGateway 7 7 Subtree H 9 9 12 8 8 11 11 10 10 T- subtree
Leaving of a node from G can be done in expected O(|T| + r. log ∆) rounds, where r is the number of border nodes in T and ∆ is the number of nodes in subtree H that have edges with nodes in T.
A deterministic move-out algorithm root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 del –leaving node 6 7 Subtree H 9 12 8 8 11 10 T- subtree
A deterministic move-out algorithm root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 del –leaving node 6 7 Subtree H 9 12 8 8 11 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 Token-B 2 member 4 3 3 6 7 7 Subtree H 9 9 12 8 8 11 11 10 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 Token-B 6 7 Subtree H 9 12 8 8 11 10 T- subtree
If the leaving node is a head (with child) or gateway root head 1 del gateway 5 2 member 4 3 3 6 6 6 BeGateway 7 7 Subtree H 9 9 12 8 8 11 11 10 10 T- subtree
Leaving of a node from G can be done in O(|T| + p+ t) rounds, T is a subtree, p is the number of cluster, and t is the number of nodes in subtree H that are in 3-hop distance from the border nodes in T.
When nodes have more network information i.e., total 1-hop data • Joining in G can be done in expected time O(q) rounds, where q is the number of neighbor nodes of new. • Leaving of a node from G can be done in O(|T|) rounds.
Simulation Results • Simulation is performed on random unit disk graphs. • Number of nodes n are chosen for the operations, where n=10,20,30,…,100. • Field size (area) is 600x600 unit. • Transmission range of each node is 80 unit
Relation between the number of nodes and clusters in node-move-in of case 1 and case 2. Number of Clusters node-move-in of case 1 node-move-in of case 2 Number of nodes If the number of nodes increases, the ratio of the cluster with respect to the number of nodes decreases.
Relation between the number of rounds of node-move-in in case 1 and case 2. Number of Rounds node-move-in of case 1 node-move-in of case 2 Number of nodes When network grows larger, the node-move-in operation in case 1 takes much more rounds than that of in case 2.
Homework/Assignment 1. Given a graph G, describe the definitions for Independent Set (IS), Maximum Independent Set (MIS), Dominating Set (DS), Minimum Dominating Set (MDS), and disk graph, respectively. 2. Search for the distributed algorithms for finding MIS and MDS for a give graph G, respectively. What are the time complexity? 3. Given a disk graph and its MIS, design a centralized algorithm for forming CNET(G). Reference: (1) [1] (2) B.S. Chlebus, L. Ga¸sieniec, A.M. Gibbons, A. Pelc, and W. Rytter. Deterministic broadcasting in ad hoc radio networks. Distributed Computing 15, pages 27–38, 2002.