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BRT – Bus Rapid Transit Goes Low Floor BRT - 公交低地板化 The integrated, mobile and flexible platform 集成、机动及灵活的平台. Mass Movement in the Metropolis: 大都市人员的大量流动 The limits of Private transport. 私人交通的局限性. High population density 高人口密度 High population growth 高人口增长
BRT – Bus Rapid Transit Goes Low FloorBRT - 公交低地板化The integrated, mobile and flexible platform集成、机动及灵活的平台
Mass Movement in the Metropolis:大都市人员的大量流动The limits of Private transport.私人交通的局限性 • High population density 高人口密度 • High population growth 高人口增长 • Private transport limited by私人交通局限性的原因: • low per capita income人均收入低 • capacity of the roads 道路本身的容量 圣保罗 城市人口(百万) 中南美洲 人均收入
quickly implemented 快速实施 • can be extended as required 可按需延伸 • use of existing lines/roads 利用现有的线路/道路 • fast with dedicated bus lanes, intelligent traffic light control, ... 快速的客车专用通道 智能化交通信号控制 • slow implementation rate 实施缓慢 • inflexible, difficult to extend 不灵活,延伸困难 • expensive lines/tracks 修建轨道费用昂贵 • fast due to dedicated lines/tracks, independent of road traffic 速度快归功于特殊的轨道线路 独立于道路交通 Mass Movement in the Metropolis:大都市人员的大量流动Public Transport, Bus vs. Rail公共交通:客车与轨道交通
The Solution:Bus Rapid Transit System解决方案:巴士快速交通系统 BRT BBus – On the road: Avoidance of rail-based solutions and their high costs for infrastructure. Reduction of personal transport and therefore avoidance of traffic chaos in the fast growing metropolis. 巴士—道路交通:避免了以轨道为基础的解决方案及所需的高额基础设施投资 减少了私人交通从而使快速发展的大都市避免了交通混乱的状态 RRapid– On the road (dedicated bus lanes) and on the bus: Fast passenger turnaround when boarding and exiting and in the bus interior. Pre-board ticketing. 快速— 道路(客车专用通道)和客车本身: 乘客快速上下车 上车前买票 TTransit System – Consistent, controlled concept with modern, spacious buses (articulated) as feeder buses from the outer areas for distributor buses in the centre. 传输系统— 通过现代大容量客车(铰接客车)从城市外向城市中心输送来客
Low-floor buses 低地板客车 High-floor buses + Platforms 高地板客车 + 公交站台 BRapidTTwo SolutionsBRT系统的两种解决方案 RRapid – Fast passenger turnaround when boarding and exiting increases the average bus speed. 快速 – 乘客上下车速度的加快提高了整个客车运行速度 Two solutions: 两种解决方案:
Fast, Safe and Comfortable Passenger Flow:Elements of a Platform Solution vs. Low-Floor Bus快速、安全和舒适的乘客流:公交站台解决方案的要素 VS 低地板客车
- + Space required / costs 空间要求 / 成本 - + Implementation time实施时间 Effects of implementation实施的效果(Effects on traffic)对交通的影响 - + - + Flexibility / bus stops机动性 / 公交停靠 - + Infrastructure costs基础设施的成本 BRT SystemsComparison of SolutionsBRT 系统两种方案的比较 High-floor buses Platforms 高地板客车 / 站台 Low-floor buses 低地板客车
AV 132 AVN 132 BRT System with ZF Low-Floor Axle SystemsExample - Chile, Santiago装有ZF低地板车桥系统的BRT系统范例—智利、圣地亚哥 1157 Volvo low-floor articulated buses B9SALF, fitted with ZF axle systems:AV 132 (driven) and AVN 132 (non-driven) 1157 辆Volvo低地板交接车B9SALF装有ZF低地板车桥:AV132(驱动桥)和AVN132(非驱动桥)
使用BRT BRT的优势 主要因素 使用前 公交车数量 停靠站所需时间(高峰时) 整个停靠站时间(以3公里线路为例,每300米一公交站台) BRT System with ZF Low-Floor Axle SystemsMotivation for Low Floor in Chile, Santiago使用ZF低地板车桥的BRT系统智利—圣地亚哥使用低地板车桥的原因 BENEFITS OF LOW FLOOR SYSTEM 使用低地板车桥系统的优势 • Use of existing lines 可使用现存路线 • Use of same streets 可使用同样的街道 • No invest for special corridors 无需投资建设特殊通道 • Implementation of platforms not possible 修建新的展台不可行 • No invest for platforms 无需投资建设新的站台
BRapidT:The Low-Floor BusBRT:低地板客车 The low-floor bus: 低地板客车: The travelling platform which pays back world-wide 回报全世界的传输平台
Independent suspension RL 75 EC 独立悬挂前桥RL75EC Beam axle RL 85 A 低地板前桥RL85A Rear axle system AV 132 低地板后桥系统AV132 Portal axle AVN 132, non-driven 非驱动门式桥AVN132 Tag axle RL 85 NLA, active or passive 主动 / 随动转向支撑桥 ZF Axle Systems for Low-Floor BusesZF低地板公交车车桥系统