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Multi-Program Capture-Recapture Simulation Using SAS Macros

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Multi-Program Capture-Recapture Simulation Using SAS Macros

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    1. Multi-Program Capture-Recapture Simulation Using SAS Macros Shane Roberts William Gosnell

    2. Simulations in SAS Positives Can run extremely complicated designs Lots of people know and use SAS Online code resources

    3. Negatives Steep learning curve Code not as intuitive as some others Little online help for this type of analysis Can freeze older computers

    4. Functions of Simulations Assist in experimental design Mimic not mirror reality Determine effects of system parameters on the outcome of interest Extend our observations on possible relationships in the system

    5. Types of Simulations Data based Based on real data Model based All simulated elements are internally defined in the simulation

    6. What are we doing? Simulate a closed population Simulate sampling of that population during two years (2 groups) Calculate and compare population estimates of each group based on capture-recapture

    8. First, we need to: Simulate closed population in SAS Simple juvenile and adult age structure Simulate sampling of that population during two years (create two groups) Create capture history file with two groups for input into Program MARK

    9. Next, we need to: Run 2-group closed population model in Program MARK to determine input file structure

    10. Then we: Create header and footer for capture history file

    11. Finally, we add commands to: Strip output strings of interest with GREP and save these strings to .txt files Read these .txt files back into SAS to calculate means over multiple simulation runs

    12. Where was MARKWAIT? Apparently do not need it with new version of Program MARK

    13. Simulations in Program MARK?

    14. Simulations in Program MARK What bugs still exist? Can�t simulate community and population dynamics like the multi-program simulations can

    15. Useful Resources Dr. Jim Peterson Georgia Co-op Webpage http://coopunit.forestry.uga.edu/unit_homepage Dr. Gary White�s Webpage http://www.warnercnr.colostate.edu/~gwhite/mark/mark.htm �Program MARK: A Gentle Introduction�� http://www.phidot.org/software/mark/docs/book/ SAS Online Documentation http://v8doc.sas.com/sashtml/

    16. Questions?

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