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STAFF status report. N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin,P. Robert, V. Bouzid, and STAFF team. Content. Management changes Status of action items STAFF - EFW issues : STAFF SA data quality and waveform timing Status of data set delivery Data delivery plan Remain to be done Conclusion.
STAFF status report N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin,P. Robert, V. Bouzid, and STAFF team 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Content • Management changes • Status of action items • STAFF - EFW issues : STAFF SA data quality and waveform timing • Status of data set delivery • Data delivery plan • Remain to be done • Conclusion 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Management changes • Pi : Patrick Canu, starting 1st of December • CAA engineer : Corinne Burlaud has left on October 1st; a new STAFF CAA engineer has to be hired; • probably not before January • In the mean time : the STAFF team, on the best effort basis 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items • R2a. STAFF • The board requests that the production of search coil CWF and SA polarization and propagation data sets is undertaken as rapidly as possible to ensure delivery of all data by May 2010: • CWF : delay due to CAA engineer departure • PPP : production has started • CC8 – AI-45 STAFF • To carry out a cross-calibration study between STAFF-SA and WBD as they appears to be not in good agreement with WBD above 700 Hz while WBD/Whisper shows moderately good agreement. • Under the responsibility of O. Santolik, CoI of STAFF and WBD 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items ( continued) • CC10 – AI-8 STAFF • To explain the processing details of SA-WHI comparison, such as how power is integrated over the frequency channels and how timing is handled (linear interpolation); note that WHI signal is an average of several spectra: • For each SA point, averaged over 20 s, WHI data are averaged over the same time interval, in the frequency range of SA (the 23% of the max frequency of one of the 27 frequencies of SA). STAFF SA Whisper 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items (11th cross-cal.) • CC11 – AI-1 EFW/STAFF To indicate the datasets the intervals where TCOR is used to correct time. • Under the responsibility of DWP. A first version of the file has been delivered to CAA • CC11 – AI- 3 All teams : Poster at Corfu : • Done • CC11 – AI-7 STAFF To present an example of data in the UG from the spacecraft with failed EFW probe where an asymmetric probe configuration is used and present an assessment of the data quality. • Data quality is understood; necessary informations will be included in UG soon. The way to include it in the data is under study. 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items (OR 5 - STAFF) • OR5-R26 Typing error in a header : corrected • OR5-R27 The board notes that the STAFF and EFW waveforms are sampled at the same time, but that in many older files their time tags differ. The board requests the two teams to resolve this issue. The 2 teams work together (see hereafter). • OR5-R28 The board requests that the STAFF team provides a more detailed description of the impact of EFW probe failure upon the quality of SA dataset. In progress (= CC11 – AI-7 ). • OR5 - R29: The board recognize the progress the team has made in CWF datasets production and encourages the team to produce the file faster than proposed in their schedule (2001 in 2010 and the rest in 2011). Not possible due to departure of the CAA engineer. 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items (OR 5 -ALL) • OR5 - R13 Users with specific interests may wish to access only a portion of the information available in user guides. The board recommends that both the CAA and instrument teams consider developing user guides with a fast browsing capability (links). • OPEN • OR5-R14 ALL TEAMS Given the wealth of data sets available from each instrument, it can be difficult for new users to identify the data set(s) needed for their studies. The board recommends that each user guide include a short section pointing users to the appropriate data sets as a function of region of space and time. This information may take the form of flow charts or decision trees. • Doesn’t seem to be relevant to STAFF data All UGs should include table of contents, as specified by the CAA • Will be done soon 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of action items (OR 5 -ALL) • OR5-R15 All teams should bear in their mind that the CAA may be closed by November 2011 if the SPC does not extend the Cluster mission. Consequently all key data production activities must be completed by summer 2011 to allow time for data ingestion and possible problem shooting. The board has noticed inconsistencies between this requirement and some proposed delivery schedules, particularly in the case of teams that are already behind schedule. The board reminds instrument teams that all data from 2009 should be ingested by September 2010. • see actual delivery table • OR5-R16 The board notes that the CAA lacks observations from the commissioning phase and recommends delivery of observations particularly from January 2001 (which have already been used for many publications) and December 2000 (when there are interesting interference campaigns). • Done for January 2001; more difficult for December 2000; for PPP need of FGM 5VPS. 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
STAFF - EFW issues (1) Recently, many exchanges between the 2 teams, including a teleconf some days ago • 1 Use of STAFF SA electric components after EFW probe failure : • Saturation just after the failure. • Loss of sensitivity (46 m instead of 89 m) when one probe in density mode (V=0) • A table giving the dates of failure and of stabilised density mode configuration will be given soon to the users. Between the 2 dates, no guarantee of the quality; after, loss of sensitivity; an error bar will be given. 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
STAFF - EFW issues (2) • 2Timing of the wave form • Both instruments have the same filters and synchronised digitalisation, same A/C converters • Both apply TCOR (EFW after 2006) • Same timing, but • No transfer function applied by EFW, but a constant group delay frequency independant; ~ OK up to ~ 6 Hz for 10 Hz filter and up to ~100 Hz for 180 Hz filters 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
10 Hz Filter Phase rotation for a constant filter group delay Actual phase rotation Applying a constant group delay becomes wrong in the higher frequency part of the band Potential issue for e.g. Poynting vector calculations Solution ? 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Status of data set delivery *TCOR availability 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Data delivery planas of 26 October 2010 * Availability of TCOR 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Remain to be done To produce CWF • Optimize the CWF code • Update of calibration files • Validation of processed 2001-2002 PPP: some differences between PPP results and PRASSADCO results at Meudon to be understood before routinelly processing and delivering PPP and the associated caveat UNDEFINED_MFA • The best way to indicate to the user the validity of STAFF SA Electric field products • Reprocess STAFF SA level 2 (renamed SM BE, PSD BE, AGC BE) to introduce new parameters (time resolution, STAFF status word) • = close the open action items • Hire a new CAA engineer 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010
Conclusion • Whereas a lot has been done (the “old” products delivered up to the end of 2009) • A lot remains to be done 12th Cross-cal meeting Toulouse 26-28 Oct. 2010