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Traditional Holiday German Cuisine

By Jennifer Dutton (Anna). Traditional Holiday German Cuisine. A little History . After World War II Germany cuisines was depending on the region. North cuisines was influenced by the sea Central cuisines are rich and heavier

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Traditional Holiday German Cuisine

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  1. By Jennifer Dutton (Anna) Traditional Holiday German Cuisine

  2. A little History • After World War II Germany cuisines was depending on the region. • North cuisines was influenced by the sea • Central cuisines are rich and heavier • South cuisines are lighter with strong influence by its neighbors Italy and Austria

  3. Christmas

  4. Christmas Meal • During Christmas time German food extend past sausage and potatoes. • Goose which is the most popular item. • The sides are potato dumplings. • In areas of Germany, that are mostly Catholic. Fish would be the traditional meal. Because its considered to be the day of fasting. • The fish is prepared in stock with vinegar, horseradish and apples. • The common fish are: • Salmon • Trout • Sole

  5. Christmas Dessert • The most popular dessert during Christmas time is the Lebkuchen (honey cake that is iced and shaped into hearts, squares and semicircles). • Traditionally a young women will make a few and bring them with a ribbon to a young men as a present. • Christmas cookies • Spekulatius traditional spicy cookie • Zimtsterne star-shaped cinnamon cookie • Gingerbread first appeared in central Europe in the Middle Ages, made from sugars and spices that was brought back from the Middle East. • The first gingerbread was made by a Catholic monk in Europe for special holidays and festivals.

  6. New Years

  7. New Years Eve • On New Years Eve an old tradition of eating sauerkraut which, is said to bring blessing and wealth for the new year. • For the New Years Eve dinner seafood is served. The most popular type is Carp. • Carp are freshwater fish . • One reason why seafood is served is because people wanted to cut their calorie after all the Christmas celebration. • Soup are the most popular during the meal. • Lentil soup (linsensuppe) • Pea soup (erbsensuppe) • Bean soup (bohnensuppe) Carp

  8. New Years Eve Bread • Neujahrsbrot is a bread is a gift to friends and family. • It a sign of that he or she will have plenty of bread without sickness in the year to come.

  9. Easter

  10. Easter • In Germany Easter is a four day celebration that starts on Good Friday and continues on to Easter Monday. • During these four days of celebration it is spent with family. • Good Friday the meal is fish which, is eaten as a symbol of Jesus Christ and his disciples. • No meat is eaten on this day. • On the Monday the whole family gathers with food as the Easter lamb is the main focus point.

  11. Easter • Saturday the day before Easter it is a day of relaxation and preparation for the big meal on Easter. • During this day the baking of the lamb and making the Easter bunny cake is done.

  12. Easter • On Easter Sunday the celebration starts off by attending church followed by a breakfast including • Eggs (hard boiled) • Fruit and vegetables • Bread • Fresh made cakes (carrot cake, with different jams) • Cheese • Sausage • Easter dinner • Is enjoyed by the whole family having lamb as the main dish.

  13. Fun Facts

  14. Pork is the most popular meat in Germany with over 1,500 different types of sausages. A pig is symbol of good luck and well-wishes. The fishes scale from the carp is placed in ones wallet for a whole year will bring lots of money to that person. A pretzel that is shaped into a cross is thought to bring luck and blessings. Fun factsand Traditional meaning

  15. Ingredients • 1 cup white sugar • 1 cup shortening • 1 cup honey • 2 eggs • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 4 cups all-purpose flour • 1 teaspoon ground ginger • Directions • In a saucepan over low heat, melt together sugar, shortening and honey. Let cool. • Mix together eggs, vanilla, baking soda and ginger. Gradually add to cooled honey mixture. • Slowly add 4 cups of flour to mixture. Stir until well blended. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto cookie sheets about 2 inches apart. Bake at 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) until golden (about 12-15 minutes). Old German Honey Cookies

  16. Information • http://www.ehow.com/list • http://www.everythingaboutgermany.com • http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-history-of-gingerbread.htm • http://mymerrychristmas.com/2006/10gingerbread.shtml • http://www.germanfoodguide.com/holiday-silvester.cfm Pictures • http://farm1.static.flickr.com/23/24932728_9052b35b11.jpg • http://ourgreenweddinglist.com/images/products_thumbs/foodAndDrink/RoastLamb.jpg • http://www.cuisinejunction.com/flourless-almond-honey-cake • bigoven.com • kochbar.de • Chip art • wallpapers.free-review.net • http://www.thetravelerszone.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/germany-party.png • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rAJe_CypsZs/TQ3LMSSkSpI/AAAAAAAABl8/BtVQkcpoS1I/s1600/germany2.jpg Cookies recipes websites • http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Old-German-Honey-Cookies/Detail.aspx Work cited

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