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Assessment for Learning in Economics 31 May 2008 8:45am ~ 12:00pm. Dr. Chiu Chi Shing. Schedule. Assessment for Learning ( 促進學習的評估). Assessment. Interpretation of the term ‘ Assessment ’. Public Exam HKEA. School-based Assessment CDI. Assessment of Learning (對學習的評估). Formative
Assessment for Learningin Economics31 May 20088:45am ~ 12:00pm Dr. Chiu Chi Shing Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Schedule Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Assessment for Learning (促進學習的評估) Assessment Interpretation of the term ‘Assessment’ Public Exam HKEA School-based Assessment CDI Assessment of Learning (對學習的評估) Formative Assessment (進展性評估) Summative Assessment (總結性評估) 回饋教與學,促進學習 量度成績 Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
The major concerns of HKEA and secondary teachers • Reliability (信度) • Validity (效度) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Reliability • A test’s reliability is its ability to produce the same results if assessed at a different time. It refers to the consistency with which a test measures whatever it is measuring. Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Validity (效度) • The validity of an assessment is the degree it measures what it purports to measure. An assessment domain is defined an samples, we make inference about the student’s status after the administration of a test. Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Three Types of validity evidence: • Content-related validity • Criterion-related validity • Construct-related validity Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Assessment What How Skills Knowledge Continuous Summative Generic Summative in nature Formative in nature Format Time Declarative Procedural (experiment / other performance) Mastery of knowledge (understanding of subject matter, scaffolding) Frequency Setting Cognitive Affective Skills assessment (application of multiple skills at different stages e.g. profile, portfolio) Thinking process Problem solving Individual (Aesthetic) Group ( social & Collaborative) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Suggested Reading: • Nitko, A.J (2004) Educational assessment of students (4th edition). New Jersey: Pearson. Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Implementation of Assessment for Learning in Economics Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Three important documents about Assessment for Learning from CDI 學校評估政策 - 評估方式的轉變 (課程發展處, 2002) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Using assessment to promote learning • Formative assessment is assessment which is part of the process of teaching and learning—assessment ‘for’ learning • Summative assessment is the process of summing up or checking what has been learned at the end of a particular stage of learning, whether this is a module or a GCSE course—assessment ‘of’ learning Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Concept Clarification (e.g. Labour Supply, Demand & Supply, Credit Creation, International Trade,etc) Three Major Components of the subject Application & Analytical Skills (e.g. Graphical illustration, Interpretation of data (esp. % change, ratio, relative Vs absolute concepts, etc) Recall of Knowledge (e.g. Business Ownership, Firm Integration, etc) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Recall of Knowledge • Example: Business Ownership • Observation: • Students lack of interest in studying this topic • Find difficulties in distinguish different features among different forms of ownership Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Add different conditions for students to think about the limitations / disadvantages (e.g. Limited capital / Lack of expertise in expanding business) Make Decision Introduce another type of business ownership Unit Design: Deliver different forms of business ownership by a story Sole Proprietorship Partnership Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Conclusion • When handling topics with factual knowledge, teachers can make use of case study, daily life examples & mini project in the design of lessons. • Students’ learning motivation • Anchor students’ learning (e.g. Notes, graphic organizers, etc) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Concept Clarification • Example: Labour Supply • Observation: • Students don’t understand the meaning of ‘Labour’ in economic sense Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Concept Clarification with Graphical & Data Illustration • Example: • Price Elasticity of Demand (價格需求彈性) Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Past Paper Questions extracted from HKCEE: • 2005-9a • 2006-10aii Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
2007-9ci Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Examination Reports: Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
小組討論: • 1. 總結近年的會考考試報告及個人教學經驗,考生在回答價格需求彈性的問題時重覆犯什麼錯誤? • 2. 試估計學生在學習此概念時遇上甚麼困難? • 3. 試提出可行的教學策略以協助學生學習此課題。 Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
考生表現欠佳的可能原因 • 學生未能掌握數學概念 (絶對 V.S. 百分比) • 學生對Ed概念一知半解,大概知道題目與Ed有關,只硬記答題模式 • 未能了解該題目與價格需求彈性的關係 • …… • …… Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
我們估計學生未能掌握課題的原因 問題是從基本開始! 若未能了解課題內容而教授複雜的數式概念,學生也不明白。 學生並不明白為何需要學習價格需求彈性 價格需求彈性在甚麼情況下適用 在考試操練(Exam Drilling)下,只硬記不同彈性下價格與總收入的關係 學生未能理解題目情景 e.g. Toll= P Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
價格需求彈性教學重點 在有限的時間下,你會如何規劃你的教學內容呢?以上三個的教學重點,你又會如排列優次並作出取捨呢? 1. 弧彈性 2. 價格彈性和總收入的關係 3. 影響需求價格彈性的因素 建議教學課節:5堂 經濟科課程綱要 P.14http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/TC/Content_3249/Eco_Curriculum_CHI.pdf Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
小結 於經濟學中,我們就是用「需求價格彈性」(Ed)來量度這個反應 1. 生產者最關心的應該是TR 2. TR受P和Qd 的影響 ∴ △ TR 比較 △ P 和 △ Qd 3. 根據需求定律,人們的需求量會隨價格改變,而且價格和需求量有反比的關係。 i.e: P; Qd 或 P ; Qd 4. 在不同的情況下,人們的需求量對價格改變的反應均有所不同。 Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
概念建構 由於百佳超級市場知道增加收入可透過加價或減價兩個方法 假設所有貨品的價格變幅均為10% 就你所得的資料,指出為什麼貨品經價格調整後,該貨品的總收入會增加 目的:讓學生了解△ P、△Qd如何影響TR 方法:個案分析+小組討論 Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY
Provide teachers with information about student progress Provide feedback to students for their self-monitoring and subsequent learning Provide teachers with feedback to enhance their teaching effectiveness Provide opportunity for teachers to give feedback Assessment is an integral part of self-directed learning Assessment For Learning 1. Assessment For Learning 2. Assessment As Learning Hong Kong Effective Teaching Association (HKETA) Chiu CS, Wu CS, Mak KW, Lam HY, Yip TC, Lee MW, Ma WY