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iPad Primer

iPad Primer. Judy Tucker, NWOET tucker@nwoet.org Toledo Diocese Tech Conference 2013 Thursday, June 13, 2013. Research, iPads, and Learning. To be an effective tool in the classroom, each student must have his/her iPad

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iPad Primer

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  1. iPad Primer Judy Tucker, NWOET tucker@nwoet.org Toledo Diocese Tech Conference 2013 Thursday, June 13, 2013

  2. Research, iPads, and Learning • To be an effective tool in the classroom, each student must have his/her iPad • In one study, majority of HS students preferred a laptop to using the iPad • Don't assume “digital natives” will easily transition to using iPads. It takes time. • iPads cannot be used in the same manner as laptops.

  3. Battery – Keeping It Alive Longer • Turn on %-age (Settings>General>Usage) • Turn off connections: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or even turn on Airplane Mode – all in Settings • Turn off ‘Push Email’ in Mail, Contacts, and Calendar Settings (turn on Fetch manually) • Keep iPad out of the heat! (cars especially saps battery) • Turn off Location Services (Settings>Privacy) • Turn off Lock Screen notifications • Turn off Battery draining apps

  4. Controls & Buttons • Home button • Sleep/wake button • Volume • Mute/Screen Lock • Speaker/headphone port • Lightning charging port

  5. Installing Apps • Will need Apple ID and password first time and every lapse of 15 minutes • Install recommended apps (iBooks, iTunes U, Podcasts, etc.) • After installing iBooks, ‘buy’ iPad User Guide for iOS 6 to learn all the basics

  6. More iPad Glossary Terms • Lock screen • Home screen • Shake or earthquake mode • Multitasking gestures • Multitasking bar

  7. Shine a Spotlight

  8. Everything in its place.

  9. It’s all in a gesture.

  10. Let your thumbs do the work.

  11. Keyboard Tips • Add Emoji keyboard • Three levels • Hidden letters and symbols • Sliding • Caps Lock

  12. What does it mean?

  13. It speaks — if you turn Speak Selection ON.

  14. Mirror, mirror on the wall.

  15. Score one for the kids. Settings>Accessibility>Guided Access

  16. Read(er) all about it.

  17. Take it to go.

  18. Content (creation) is king.

  19. Credits for previous slides: • 12 Advanced iPad Tips All Educations Should Learn • THE Journal – http://thejournal.com • April 12, 2013 • Author – Luis Perez

  20. Using the iPad in the 1-Pad Classroom • Projector – whole class • Individual student • Class video • Center activity • Audio books • Camera • FaceTime • Show phto

  21. Small and Classroom Sets of iPads • Journaling • Digital storytelling • Camera – still & video • Use free or low cost eTextbooks • Practice skills • PBL – project based learning • Research • Demonstrating/documenting learning

  22. Judy’s Favorite Apps • Facebook – ‘like’ INFOhio, iTaalk, iMums, Edutopia • Dropbox – (cloud storage) put files on folder on computer, retrieve anywhere • ClassDojo • Google • Gmail • Evernote • Penultimate • Skitch • Adobe Reader

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