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Agenda. New Functionalities and Possibilities Underused Techniques and Methods Equipment Lifecycle in Datastream 7i Performance and Support Issues. New Functionalities. Data extraction D7i has got the possibility of extracting data to an Excel-readable format from virtually every List form.

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  1. Agenda • New Functionalities and Possibilities • Underused Techniques and Methods • Equipment Lifecycle in Datastream 7i • Performance and Support Issues

  2. New Functionalities. • Data extraction • D7i has got the possibility of extracting data to an Excel-readable format from virtually every List form • Data exported is the one that meets the user’s criteria (of course…) • Bigger flexibility producing hand-made reports • No more need for tedious cut-and-paste operations

  3. New Functionalities.. • Query filtering • D7i allows the definition of filters which are query criteria for a form than can be defined and applied at will. • When applying a filter, D7i will only show those records which meet the specific criteria • Filters may be defined as public or restricted to user/group • Filters can be applied at user’s will, or automatically as he/she enters the form

  4. New Functionalities… • Key Performance Indicators and Inbox entries • D7i allows the definition of user-defined parameters that measure productivity or efficiency associated with processes and/or work related activities - KPIs. • It also allows the definition of display notifications of D7i database changes – Inbox entries • KPIs and Inbox entries are defined by those to whom they have meaning – the users; they are however, coded by D7i support • KPIs and Inbox entries are displayed on a ‘Home page’ • Inbox entries may be configured to take the user to the concerned D7i function, by means of a double click.

  5. New Functionalities…. • Scheduling Work with Inbox Entries • The Inbox Entries may easily be used to facilitate the assignment and scheduling of work orders. • The Inbox Entries may show open (awaiting) Work Orders by trade, and within each trade show how many WO are assigned to each person. • Navigating to the scheduling form is automatic (with a double click on any entry) and from there, work orders may be assigned

  6. New Functionalities….. • Request acknowledgment • D7i may be configured to automatically send an e-mail message to the person who originated a work request (normally not the same one as enters the request). • These messages may be sent upon creation of the work order, or on a status change (e.g. when the work order is completed) • If desired, the cost of the work order could be affected to a budget code

  7. New/Underused Techniques. • Data source for analysis • The MTTR is a global availability indicator for any installation. • It is composed and depends directly on each of 9 factors. • If the global indicator is to be improved, then each of the 9 components should be measured. • Datastream 7i can be configured to capture more timestamps during a work order lifecycle and thus supply more information to managers. • There is an obvious trade-off between having more data and spending more time feeding it. • Any complex analytical instruments may be derived from existing data. 1 – Production reactivity 2 – Maintenance reactivity 3 – Availability of man power 4 – Diagnostic Delay 5 – Preparation Delay 6 – Stock Logistics Delay 7 – Purchase Logistics Delay 8 – Work duration 9 – Administrative Delay

  8. New/Underused Techniques.. • Mobile devices • New possibilities with online mobile devices exist. • They allow the simplification of Work Order creation via the use of Standard Work Orders with linked tasks to default type, status and priority.

  9. New/Underused Techniques… • Self-Service creation of Work Order requests • New possibilities in what D7i data access by other systems is concerned. • They allow for instance, the creation of simple forms (not necessarily using Oracle technology) to allow virtually anyone with an EDH login to be able to create and follow their facilities Corrective Work Orders.

  10. Manufacturing Maintenance Datastream7i Manufacturing Maintenance Equipment Lifecycle in D7i • Currently 2 accounts • In the future a single account • Equipment can go from manufacturing (and installation) to operation and maintenance without changing system. • No need to extract/import data from/into different systems. • Users can go back and ‘peek’ into an equipment’s ‘previous’ life. • Easier and cheaper to maintain. • Maintenance • Infrastructure • 270k pieces of equipment/positions • 700k events (from 1955 on) • 30k parts, 1750 Pumps • Manufacturing • Accelerator and experiments • 270k pieces of equipment • 800k events • Later, this same account/system may be used to trace disposed equipment, with an identical process. Disposal

  11. System Performance + Status. • Performance issues • Performance not satisfactory for some users/locations. • Stability problems due mainly to Sun cluster bug. • Some changes in functionality originated doubts and problems. • Network seems to be at the origin of some situations. • A few printing issues arouse. • Solutions • Better tuning of the system to your needs and with your help. • Studying less demanding alternatives in what client system and network is concerned. • Keep looking for answers and putting pressure on Datastream to solve our problems ‘first’.

  12. System Performance + Status.. • CMMS Web Site • A new web site with all of the concerned CMMS resources at CERN (http://cmms.web.cern.ch/cmms/home.htm) • Central Support • New e-mail address for all support requests created: cmms.support@cern.ch • More channels • More communication with users concerning best practices, usage tips, etc.

  13. Summary • New Functionalities • New functionalities concerning data extraction, query filtering, Inbox entries and KPI exist and are waiting for you to use them. • New/Underused Techniques • May be implemented, concerning data analysis, mobile computing, etc. • Equipment Lifecycle • A single system should allow us to hold all data concerning a piece of equipment from manufacturing to maintenance and disposal. • Performance and Support • We know there are problems and we are addressing them, as fast as we can but not as fast as we would like.

  14. Thank you Questions ?

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