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w rapping up World War I. 1918 Spanish Flu. Influenza spread throughout the world from 1918-1919. This disease affected 25% of the U.S. population. It killed about 500,000 Americans. It killed about 25-50 million people all over the world. 14 Point Peace Plan.
1918 Spanish Flu Influenza spread throughout the world from 1918-1919. This disease affected 25% of the U.S. population. It killed about 500,000 Americans. It killed about 25-50 million people all over the world.
14 Point Peace Plan • President Wilson proposed his idea for peace called the Fourteen Points. • These were 14 ideas to improve the status of the world. • His most famous point was the creation of a League of Nations. • Goal—resolve international issues before war • This plan was used as propaganda before the war was up to convince Germany to surrender. • Pamphlets dropped behind enemy line. • Germans believed that this plan would be the basis of a peace compromise.
League of Nations • Members agree to reduce weapons to a level determined by immediate threats • AGREE TO PROTECT EACH OTHER AGAINST AGRESSION • Colonies of the Central Powers would be supervised by the League members
Peace Conference in Paris • This conference was started in January 1919. • It was held at the Palace of Versailles. • The conference was ruled by the “Big Four” as they were called. 1. Woodrow WilsonUnited States 2. David Lloyd George Great Britain 3. Georges Clemenceau France 4. Vittorio OrlandoItaly • France and England both wanted to PUNISH Germany…but there were no German representatives at the conference. • Russia was not invited…why not?
Treaty of Versailles • This was the official treaty that ended the war. • It was signed by Germany on June 28th, 1919. • Germany accepted full responsibility for the war • The treaty did not allow Germany to have a big army. • No air force and no soldiers west of the Rhine • It also made Germany pay reparations that totaled $33 billion to allied nations. • Meant to keep the German economy weak for a long time. • This treaty fueled German hatred toward Europe and would lead to WWII.
Senate Rejects the Treaty • Time to vote on the Treaty in the US Congress • opposition argued that the League of Nations was an “entangling alliance” that the Founders argued against • The Senate refused to ratify the treaty. • President Wilson traveled the country trying to gain support. • He gave 30 speeches in 3 weeks. • He collapsed from exhaustion in Colorado and had a massive stroke. • When he left office in 1921, the U.S. still did not recognize the Treaty of Versailles.
U.S. after WWI • Soldiersreturned home as heroes however, there were not many job opportunities. • 2 million men back looking for work but the war factories were shutting down…recession begins • Strikes and riots were common due to the rise of inflation. • Seattle General Strike • Boston Police Strike (Govenor Calvin Coolidge breaks it) • The Steel Strike (350,000 steel workers) • Racial tension increased. • Terrorist bombings threatened to weaken our country.
Red Summer of 1919 • There were 25 riots that broke out across our country. • Whites came back to find blacks had moved north and taken their jobs (when blacks lost jobs they blamed whites, and vice versa) • The worst violence occurred in the Chicago race riot
Chicago Race Riot of 1919 • African American man crosses the “unwritten” segregation line at a public beach • Whites begin throwing rocks at him and he drowns • Police called, no whites arrested, one black man is arrested for minor offenses • Word spreads of what happens, fights break out… • The riot in Chicago lasted 2 weeks. • 38 people died and 500 were injured. • Membership in the NAACP immediately increased after this was over.
“[We] only caught a ten-year-old Negro boy. [We] took his clothes off, and burned them. [We] burned his tail with lighted matches, made him step on lighted matches, urinated on him, and sent him running off naked with a couple of slaps in the face”
Red Scare • The riots of 1919 lead to a fear of a Communist takeover (Red Scare). • Communism became associated with hostility, disloyalty, and treason. • Many “home made bombs” were found in the mail or detonated at buildings. Communists were blamed. • Attorney General Mitchell Palmer house was damaged and he led the charge declaring the country was experiencing a revolution (like Russia) • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was created to find these communists.
Luigi Galleani –use of violence to eliminate "tyrants" and "oppressors" and to act as a catalyst to the overthrow of existing government institutions.
1919 • In late April 1919, about 36 mail bombs were mailed to a wide cross-section of prominent politicians (including the Attorney General of the United States), justice officials and financiers, including John D. Rockefeller. • Did send enough postage and only 1 was delivered…blew off the maid’s hands • June 1919…eight bombs exploded in 8 American cities within minutes of one another. Another 30 bombs were intercepted through the US Mail. • Killed none of the intended targets…just a night watchmen, lady walking by a house, and one of the bombers • 9/11 was not the first terrorist attacks on the US
Uncle Sam (to Labor Party Representative) "You did splendidly, my boy, for a first attempt, but, for your own good and that of the country, get rid of that dangerous companion [anarchy] of yours....