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Monika Nemś

Life after death. Monika Nemś. What does happen after death?.

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Monika Nemś

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  1. Life after death Monika Nemś

  2. What does happen after death? • The innumerable recorded and researched cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all the recorded cases of reincarnations, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the person and his next reincarnation on Earth. These answers are obtained through spiritual research done by seekers of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) with highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

  3. Human as a soul Spiritual research has shown that man is comprised of the following four basic bodies: • Physical • Mental • Causal or intellectual • Supracausal or subtle ego

  4. What next? • When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. However, the rest of his existence or consciousness continues its life. Subtle body then goes to one of the 13 subtle planes of existence other than the Earth.

  5. What else? • Here the person’s potential for further spiritual growth is considered. Through spiritual research we have found that that there are 5 factors that influence this potential for further spiritual growth. • Having a high amount of spiritual emotion   • Having a low ego,  • Having an intense desire for spiritual growth,  • Doing regular spiritual practice of increasingly higher levels, • Affected or not affected by negative energies.

  6. Death • The experience of death is a phenomenon mentioned by the people who were near death. Transfers presenting their sensory impressions, while their vital signs began to disappear seem irrational. Despite attempts to explain this phenomenon and millions of dollars spent on research, scientists are often unable to explain many aspects associated with these visions.

  7. What is Hell, who goes to Hell and what Hell is like ? • Hell is a place where the condemned souls of the dead are kept because of their sins committed against the gods on Earth. Such souls get there after the death of the body.

  8. Heaven • People who were good and polite during their lifetime can get to heaven after death. People believe that their soul can go either to heaven or hell.

  9. The end • Being an active adherent of the religion nowadays and live with the accordance to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice is like swimming against the tide. However, striving to be so is a guaranteed way of advancing to higher dimensions of existence in our life after passing away.

  10. Thanks for watching my presenation.

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