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Plants we grow and eat in Germany. - And how global warming might change this -. THE POTATO. THE POTATO. IT CAN GROW UP TO ONE METER. THE POTATO. SOLALINE IS TOXIC. THE POTATO. YOU PLANT THEM IN MARCH AND HARVEST THEM IN SEPTEMBER. Onion. - Onion - Origin - Varieties
Plants we grow and eat in Germany - And how global warming might change this -
Onion - Onion - Origin - Varieties - Nutrients - Health
Onion Belongs to the lily family Related to tupils and daffodils 60-120 cm high perennial Have blue-grey leaves And white,blue or a red coloured cones
Origin Asia The mediterranean countries
Origin It is one of the oldest cultivated plants in general. As early as 3000 BC in Egypt were eaten onions and used as offerings or as a means of payment. Roman soldiers brought the onion to about 50 BC in their luggage across the Alps.
Varieties Spice onions/cooking onions. The most used onions. The normal onion.
Varieties Pearl onion. They just can reach a size of a hazelnut. Spring onion. They are sold with the tube-shaped green leaves.
Nutrients Onions have many of vitamins and minerals, like : Vitamin C Potassium Zinc Essential oils
Health An onion is also a MEDICAL PLANT. It prevents cancer and is a home remedy for coughs and sore throats. Onions also help against wasp stings.
Parsley The most famous herb of German cuisine
Contents • origin • application • ingredients • hazards • look • story • source
Origin • It can be assumed that the usual parsley come from the Eastern Mediterranean to Western Asia. • There is much at the Canary. • It has become at home in all Europe, Russia, India and North America.
Application • Parsley can be used as a tea or tincture • The most common way to use parsley is as a culinary herb which has very mild blood-cleansing properties • For a parsley tea poured over one to twoteaspoons of parsley seeds or roots with a cup of boiling water and leave it for ten minutes. • For the tincture poured over parsley seed, root or leaves in a screw-top glass with double orgrain alcohol, until all plant parts are covered,and allow the mixture to pull closed for 2 to 6 weeks.
Ingredients • The main components of the essential oil aremyristicin, limonene, and 1,3,8-triene p-menthane. In smaller amounts are also foundfurther mono-and sesquiterpenes. • Prevail among the fruits with myristicin eitherbefore or 60 to 80% - in the smooth parsley -apiol. There is also a chemical race withtetramethoxy benzene as the main constituentof the essential oil. • In addition to the essential oil of parsleycontains very small amounts of polyynes as well as in the root of the furanocoumarins bergaptenand Isoimperatorin.
Hazards • Pregnant women should not take the parsley in large quantities, because otherwise you run therisk of miscarriage. Healthy pregnant women may eat parsley, but in small quantities as a spice. • Patients with kidney inflammation should avoidthe parsley as a medicinal plant. • Healthy non-pregnant should not take too muchparsley for themselves, because in large overdose can cause heart rhythm disturbancesparsley and irritate mucous membranes of the kidneys. • For some people too much parsley alsotriggers an increased photosensitivity. • Such overdoses actually occur only if one applies the seeds or roots as a tincture and not with the normal use of the parsley leaves in the kitchen.
Look • The plant grows up to one meter high. • In the spring pushes the turnip-like root with a bouquet of many stems, which grow on eithercurled or smooth leaves, for it is smooth andcurly parsley varieties. • Only in the second year some of the stemsgrow upward and form from June to July, yellow-green umbels of flowers.
Story • It was regarded as a sacred plant in Greece. • Is seen in the Odyssey as an ornament on the island of the nymph Calypso. • In Central Europe, the plant was first cultivatedas a medicinal herb used in medieval monasteries and then in the kitchen. • In the 19th Century was also the name "Parselkraut" commonly used, which is now extinct.
Source • http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petersilie • http://www.heilkraeuter.de/lexikon/petersil.htm
Agricultural crops in Germany „A lot of people think that we will never have a problem with the production of food.“ explains Francesco Tubiele, a famous scientist . „But perhaps we are going to have a lot of bad surprises in the future!” Germany has already heated up by 0,9 degrees Celsius in the past century. In the middle of the 21 century Germany can expect a rising of the temperature of 1.7 degrees in average. The summers will get hotter and the winter temperatures will get warmer. The already dry area of north Germany will get about 50% less rainfall. Because of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere our food will change in the future. That conclusion was drawn by biologists at the university of Hohenheim. They simulated the surrounding of plants with more carbon dioxide in the future. The results were shocking. We will not be able to bake bread the right way because wheat will lose its adhesion. Professor Andreas Fangmeiser of the Ecology center in Hohenheim says that bread and chips can be poison for our body because they contain too much carbon dioxide. But this is not the worst news for Germany. In the following short list we want to show you which vegetables and fruits we usually plant and how rising temperatures and an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect their growth.
Potatoes: • - A basic food • - A worldwide cultivation • Germany is the most important country • for “early- potatoes” • If temperatures fall below 10°C or rise • above 30°C, the plants do not grow • Problems will turn up! • Asparagus: • 80 % of the asparagus eaten in Germany • come from farms in Germany. • - Asparagus needs a lot of warmth • -80 % of the asparagus, which was eaten • in Germany, come from cultivation of home • due to global warming and the higher • getting temperature the normal Asparagus season will start earlier. The normal • season is from end of April to 24. July. • In the future it could turn to December.
Kohlrabi: • - A typically German vegetable • - Climatic- terms :/ • Regarding the ground Kohlrabi is sensible • against bigger fluctuations of soil moisture • - Good growing rate in middle- and west Europe • Low temperature in sufficient in summer • and autumn, but in the juvenile state it needs • a lot of warmth • Cereal- plants: • - A basic food • - Germany harvests a lot of tons of cereal- plants • The sowing- & harvesting moment • strongly depends on the climatic- terms • - The climate makes the storage more difficult • In the past the Cereal-plants profit was • already 5% lower than normal • Problems will turn up!
Grapes : • - grapes are going to mature faster • - better quality in wine • there will be more vineyards in the • northern part of Germany • when temperatures are going to be higher it • will maybe be possible to plant grapes from • (e.g.)France, Italy or Chile. At the moment • it’s too cold for grapes from these countries.
By Chiara L. & Mayla F. Wie Essen das Klima verändert Was die Menschen essen, hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Bildung von Treibhausgasen wie Kohlendioxid und Methan und damit auf die Klimaerwärmung. Während pro Kilogramm Gemüse, Früchte, Pasta, Getreide, Eier und Geflügel nur etwa dieselbe Menge an Treibhausgasen entsteht, sind es bei Rindfleisch, Käse und Schweinefleisch bis zu dreißig mal mehr. Bei Rindern trägt vor allem das Gas, das beim Wiederkäuen im Darm entsteht, zur Klimaerwärmung bei. Somit sind die Nahrungsmittel, die für den Menschen am gesündesten sind, auch am besten für das Klima. [2086]
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