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Russound " TCH1 TouchPoint" iPhone Interface. Usability Test Findings TCH1 Version 1.00.02A Testing Dates: March 27 th – 31 st 2009. Usability Testing Objectives. Capture the User Experience (UX) for standard product features through task based exercises
Russound"TCH1 TouchPoint" iPhone Interface Usability Test Findings TCH1 Version 1.00.02A Testing Dates: March 27th – 31st 2009
Usability Testing Objectives • Capture the User Experience (UX) for standard product features through task based exercises • Test Subjects without exposure to project • 75% iPhone/iPod Touch users to 25% non-user ratio • Identify Pro’s and Con’s to the User Interface (UI) • Obtain supporting data that may help improve the UX • Note that some of the suggested changes may be irrelevant if the product has had changes made since testing which are supported by these findings
1. Please start the Russound TouchPoint application to control the audio system. 100% of total users accomplished this task Suggested Change: “TCH1” could be replaced with “Russound” 25% of total users had some minor difficulty. Comments were that the label wasn’t informative enough
2. Turn on the Kitchen to play some music. 100% of total users accomplished this task Suggested Change: Upon launch of application, possibly first present the user with a zone list to opt for the specific room to control as the last room used is not always one desired for control in a future session 62% of total users turned the kitchen on with their first attempt 37.5% of total users selected the zone power button for their first try and averaged 3 attempts before successfully turning the Kitchen zone on
3. Turn up the volume level. 100% of total users accomplished this task But, only 12.5% of total users did this on the first try Suggested Change: Have a volume range indication shown at all times that is filled as the level increases. Use of different iconography such as speaker symbols with radiant rings for less and more. Labeling would additionally be even more helpful in eliminating the confusion with source selection 50% of total users selected Next Source button on their first try All users noted that a volume level indicator should be visible at all times or have a text label 50% of total users selected the Plus Button on their first try
4. How would you instantly mute the audio - not just turn the volume down incrementally? 50% of total users could not find the Mute feature and averaged 2.25 tries before giving up 50% of total users accomplished this task on the first try Suggested Change: Have a Mute Icon located at the lower end of the volume level indicator such as a circled speaker with a line through it 25% of total users accomplished this task by selecting the lowest area on the volume bar and 12% turned the zone off Users commented that there was no indication as to where this feature lived such as an icon or text
5. Select another source to listen to. 100% of total users accomplished this task but… All users had prior knowledge Suggested Change: While this task was compromised through prior knowledge, labeling the source selection area might have prevented that from happening. Several users commented that a “Source” label would be helpful or numbering the list (1234...) to prevent confusion with volume 100% of users learned this feature through error on a prior task
6. Without scrolling through sources one at a time, directly select the Cable Box. 12% of total users weren't able to find the feature at all. 88% of total users accomplished this task 50% of total users accomplished this task on the first try but they had prior knowledge Suggested Change: Since 50% of total users didn't get this on the first try labeling the source list access area is recommended. Some users mentioned a numbered list instead of dots would be preferred 50% of the users who didn't accomplish this task with their first choice tried the Source Name area at some point and averaged 3 tries 25% of total users stated at some point - "I don't know" 50% of total users Selected the Source Icon as their first choice. 25% of total users thought that clicking a specific dot would select the corresponding source
7. Go to the AM/FM Radio and directly tune in 107.1 FM 62% of total users accomplished this task on their first try. However, 50% of total users had previously learned where this feature lived Suggested Change: Indication of numeric keypad page existence needs to be shown since it wasn't clear to most users where to go to for this function. Either it was earlier mistaken for possible access to another feature from which they gained the memory of its location, or they indicated there was no other option left to try. 25% of users who completed this task selected the Source Icon image 12% of total users who completed the task selected the data field where frequency is displayed 37.5% of total users commented – “There was no place left to try” 12.5% of total users who completed the task selected the Source Name field
8. You have AM/FM Radio stations preset. How do you access them? 100% of total users accomplished this task Only 38% of total users did this on their first try Suggested Change: Possibly use text to label preset buttons though this did not seem to be a significant user difficulty. 60% of users who didn't accomplish this task on their first try selected the + button as their first choice. Users who did not accomplish this on their first attempt averaged 2.2 tries
9. How would you select an AM station versus FM? Please tune in AM 1030. 75% of all users failed to perform this task 12.5% of them had prior knowledge of this features use and 12.5% accomplished this task by accident Only 25% of total users accomplished this task Suggested Changes: Either the play button should be relabeled on this screen to be AM/FM or an AM/FM selection should exist on the Keypad page 50% of all users who failed to complete this task selected the Source Icon as a possible option 38% of users commented that they felt an AM/FM selection should exist on the keypad page for direct tuning 50% of all users who failed to complete this task selected the Source List as a possible option 50% of all users who failed to complete this task selected the Source Name as a possible option
10. Increase the bass level in your room. 50% of total users accomplished this task 37.5% of total users accomplished this on their first try 50% of all users failed to perform this task Suggested Changes: Settings specifically for a zone were not easily found when living behind a global zone list. Users struggled with zone specific settings living behind the global zone page instead of accessing the zone settings from the zone’s page directly. Providing this option on the zone page may be more fitting in the overall hierarchy. Replacing the > button for the zone settings on the zone list page with 'more' or 'settings' might have guided the users to the location of the zone specific features. 60% of users who didn't complete this task on the first try had in fact selected the Zones list page then left it without selecting the blue 'more' arrow button to reveal the zone settings page. "I have no idea" "I got nothing" "I wouldn't know how"
11. Turn off all rooms in the system. Impossible task Goal: Obtain desired user method for accomplishing this feature Suggested Changes: Change the Zone List page’s power button to be an All Off feature 38% of all users selected the Zones page first 62% of all users selected the zone power button first with over half of these trying a subsequent press and hold action. 88% of users believed that the power button on the Zones List page was the “All-Off” feature
Summary • Obtained fast, qualitative results • While not perfect, the testing prototype served a valuable role in permitting us to capture the User Experience • Survival of the easiest is driving consumer purchases regarding heavily based UI products
Russound Roger Soucy April 3rd 2009