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Postcolonialism III : Identity, Nation and Narration Identity. 國家、文化與認同. 1. Colonialism, Orientalism and Racism 2. (Post-)Colonial Identities and Strategies of Resistance. Starting Questions .
Postcolonialism III:Identity, Nation and Narration Identity 國家、文化與認同 1. Colonialism, Orientalism and Racism 2. (Post-)Colonial Identities and Strategies of Resistance
Starting Questions • What do you think about the current debates over the issue of the National Father, and the high school’s history textbooks? • e.g. Is our National Father 孫文,李登輝,or 原住民? • e.g. Is it ok to increase the percentage of the recent 50 years of Taiwanese history to 2/1 of Taiwanese history and 1/6 of the whole history textbooks, to explain 228 in more details? • What are at stakes in these two issues? • The conflicting and fragmentary constructions of Taiwan’s national identity.
Outline • Identity and National Longing for Form • Benedict Anderson • Homi Bhabha • National Identity and Immigrants • Narration of Nation (1): Taiwan’s Changing Nationalisms & National Signs • Nation and Identity: 3 examples - 龍的傳人 • 羅大佑 • “Born in the U.S.A.” by Springsteen • Conclusion: Is nation to be gotten rid of? • References
Identity • Fragmented and constructed (chap 4 192-93) • Fragmentation –in our psyche, by our desires, by language, the discourses we are in, and multiple and extensive social relations • Even the relatively more stable identity—collective or group identities, such as national and familial identity—can still be challenged by forces such as those of capitalism, colonialism, and globalization.
National Longing for Form • Nation defined –(textbook 197) • Ancient nation vs. modern nation states since late 18th century. • Empire– vertical rule, 天高皇帝遠。 • The building of a nation // the spreading of print capitalism (democracy + prosperity + expansionism) which is supported by the State with its horizontal rule. • Nation without State – Palestinians; Pan-African ‘Nation’ • State without Nation -- Taiwan
National Longing for Form (2) • Nation defined –(textbook 197) –Narrative Unity What is the defining element of a nation? Race? Culture? History? Language? Government? Geographical Boundaries? Or is there any? A Nation –geographic boundaries – porous, if not non-existent; Government – losing its power, competing with the other global and regional organizations
National Longing for Form (2) • Nation defined –(textbook 197-98) –Narrative Unity (2) Nation is 1. an “imagined community” 2. Limited, 3. Sovereign (Cf. Benedict Anderson Imagined Communities) A Nation imagined and narrated everyday through its newspapers and other written discourses (now also with news reports and weather broadcasts) Into a unity, which actually exists “in a homogeneous empty time.” (e.g. In the meantime, the map projected.)
National Longing for Form (3) 2. Nation Constructed: Anderson: Nation as an imagined community: How? print capitalism popularity of books & newspapers sense of simultaneity, togetherness and commonality (e.g.values). exclusion of “aliens.” Examples: -- “In the meantime” in Victorian novels; -- newspapers calendrical, “homogeneous, empty time” -- The use of map in weather broadcast.
National Longing for Form (4) 2. Nation Constructed: Anderson: critiqued – the unity is overstated. e.g. 1) denied by the hybridity of migrating people. 2) Denied by colonial histories; a colonized nation can not achieve its unity (having multiple history co-existing all the time). 3) Homi Bhabha’s theory of nation narration -- through both history and national signs.
National Longing for Form (3) 3. Ways of Construction: H. Bhabha: pedagogical and performative ways of narrating a nation. (textbook 106); the former constructs a continuous history, and the latter uses disparate signs. e.g. The pedagogical: 歷史(包括國家紀念日)、小說、報紙、國家文化(包括歷史古跡) The performative signs of nation: 國旗、國歌或其它歌曲、國花、地圖、特定顏色、肖像、特定物品或人物(黃絲帶、Uncle Sam、國父、蔣公、郵票)、儀式(閱兵、升旗) How can national identity be natural or unified?
National Longing for Form(4) 3. Ways of Construction (2): Elements of a nation: • System Control: state apparatus 國家機器(e.g. education, church), laws (關稅、選舉法、移民法、國家語言) • 意識形態召喚 or Emotional influence: history, culture, people, nationalist ideologies (e.g. 民族主義、愛國情操) e.g. Methods of producing “the people”: family (家/國), education(中國歷史), force(海防、海關), analogy of religion (上帝的選民), fictive ethnicity (中華民族)
National Identity & Immigrants • National identity: two kinds – the collective and personal;--both a political necessity and a fiction. • e.g. collective identity -- U.S.’s : many into one(melting pot); Canada: unity in disunity (mosaic). • An immigrant’s national identity may be different from his/her cultural identity. • Exclusion or discrimination of the Other. • Bhabha:移民在國家邊緣的細縫中間。1) Hybridity vs. national unity; 2) 不斷協調衝突。
Self-Othering: “She brings to life . . serenity and peace . . . A nation’s Other What he likes about the U.S.’s -- Inventiveness of your people, instant coffee and your telephone system Source: O’Barr pp. 167-68.
A nation’s Other on national landscape (2) “I thought I liked the Lake District, where I wandered lonely as a Black face in a sea of white.” Source: Mitchell pp. 260-61; online versions http://www.autograph-abp.co.uk/gallery/pol.html .
Taiwan’s Changing Signs of Nationalism 發現台灣vs. 回歸中國
Orig: --ambiguous national identity 百年前寧靜的一個夜 巨變前夕的深夜裡 槍砲聲敲碎了寧靜 四面楚歌是姑息的劍 多少年砲聲仍隆隆 多少年又是多少年 巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼 永永遠遠地擦亮眼 宋:ROC 百年來屈辱的一場夢 巨龍酣睡在深夜裡 自強鐘敲醒了民族魂 臥薪嘗膽是雪恥的劍 爭一時也要爭千秋 挑重擔才是龍的傳人 巨龍巨龍你快夢醒 永永遠遠是東方的龍 Example 1: 龍的傳人-侯德健 vs. 宋楚瑜 Source:張釗維
Orig: 百年前寧靜的一個夜 巨變前夕的深夜裡 槍砲聲敲碎了寧靜 四面楚歌是姑息的劍 多少年砲聲仍隆隆 多少年又是多少年 巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼 永遠遠的擦亮眼 多年前寧靜的一個夜 我們全家人到紐約 野火呀燒不盡在心 每夜每天對家的思 別人土地上我成長 長成以後是龍的傳人 巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼 ? 永永遠遠的擦亮眼 王力宏(龍的傳人)
王力宏(龍的傳人) • Rap: now here's a story that'll make u cry straight from Taiwan they came just a girl & a homeboy in no$ no job no speak no English nobody gonna give'im the time of day in a city so cold they made a wish & then they had the strength 2 graduate w/honor & borrowed 50 just 2 consummate a marriage under GOD who never left their side gave their children pride raise your voices high will never die never die…….
糯米團: • 「多年前寧靜的一個夜,我媽媽帶我來到紐約,現在要回來出唱片,麻煩大家賞個臉 …,巨龍、巨龍有近視眼、還是你已經瞎了眼,巨龍、巨龍你擦亮眼、永遠永遠給我擦亮眼」,
3. 音樂工廠複製; 遊走兩岸三地e.g. [羅大佑的中國三部曲]: 原鄉 、皇后大東道、首都 4. 拼貼認同 Example 3: 羅大佑 情歌:e.g. 歌 (電影『閃亮的日子』插曲) 作詞:徐志摩/羅大佑 from告別的年代1989/12/;閃亮的日子 2. 抗議歌手
羅大佑對批評的回應 • 根据羅大佑自己的說法﹐[一曲多用]不僅不是投机取巧﹐反而是朝新的音樂可能性開發的嘗試﹐他的野心是用同一個曲調﹐便能毫無滯疑地配上粵語﹐國語﹐台語﹐并且能在不同的時空背景下各自扣含當地特有的文化與時代內涵﹐唱出在地人的心聲。(source)
大家免著驚 作詞李坤城 這個國家廟埕愈來愈赤懨 休閒抗議藝術相招來佔領 黑輪醃腸豆花踏入大廟埕 親像八仙過海來各展名聲 From 原鄉
皇后大道東 作詞:林夕 作曲:羅大佑 知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 照買照賣樓花處處有單位 但是旺角可能要換換名字 這個正義朋友面善又友善 因此批準馬匹一週跑兩天 百姓也自然要鬥快過終點 若做大國公民祇須身有錢
五十塊錢 作詞:羅大佑 處變不驚的先去撈點人民幣 要莊敬自強再去香港換點港幣 反攻與復國世界大同談何容易 不如想想辦法效忠我們新台幣 五十塊錢是我的秘密武器 最後一關用來對付馬列主義 歌舞昇平的全國的軍民同胞 創造了另一個世界奇蹟 --靠三民主義! from 戀曲2000 1994/11/11
Example 3: Bruce Sprinsteen • Criticize Vietname war, in “War” and “Born in the U.S.A.” dressed as a war veteran Born down in a dead man's town The first kick I took was when I hit the ground You end up like a dog that's been beat too much 'Til you spend half your life just covering up [chorus:] Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. I got in a little hometown jam And so they put a rifle in my hands Sent me off to Vietnam To go and kill the yellow man [chorus] Come back home to the refinery Hiring man says "Son if it was up to me" I go down to see the V.A. man He said "Son don't you understand" [chorus]
Example 3: Bruce Sprinsteen I had a buddy at Khe Sahn Fighting off the Viet Cong They're still there, he's all gone He had a little girl in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms Down in the shadow of the penitentiary Out by the gas fires of the refinery I'm ten years down the road Nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A.
Example 3: Bruce Sprinsteen • 1984年在紐澤西州發表競選演說時,雷根引用史普林斯汀的歌來代表「希望的訊息」(“message of hope" Barol 32)。於是,“Born in the U.S.A.”變成了愛國口號;史普林斯汀的形象也由音樂界被帶入政治界,成為國家神話的一部份。
Is Nation to be gotten rid of? “Culture War” by Ron English 1997
References • 國家敘述與後殖民論述 http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Criticism/postcolonism/nation.html • 盧建榮。分裂的國族認同:1975~1997. 麥田, 1999. • 夏潮歷史資料庫 (http://www.china-tide.org.tw/history/land.htm) Includes: 從當代台灣社會結構性質的觀點,探討七○年代鄉土文學思潮與社會思潮的時代精神/曾建民 • 三三文學集團與神州詩社 http://www.fl.nctu.edu.tw/~joyceliu/TaiwanLit/bg_data/Y.R.Chen.htm • 張釗維.《誰再那邊唱自己的歌:1970年代台灣現代民歌發展史》. 台北:時報文化,1994. • 羅大佑網站:http://members.tripod.com/ol_t/index.html • O’Barr, William M. Culture and the Ad: Exploring Othernesss in the World of Advertising. Oxford: Westview, 1994. • Michell, Don. Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.