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Stimulus Funding for Food and Nutrition Programs. Oklahoma Food Security Committee May 28, 2009 David Blatt Director of Policy, Oklahoma Policy Institute dblatt@okpolicy.org ; 918-382-3228.
Stimulus Funding for Food and Nutrition Programs Oklahoma Food Security Committee May 28, 2009 David Blatt Director of Policy, Oklahoma Policy Institute dblatt@okpolicy.org; 918-382-3228
Economic stimulus packages (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) includes significant funding for states. • $2.6 billion to Oklahoma, according to FFIS estimates • Enhanced Federal Medicaid matching rate: $838 million • State fiscal stabilization fund: $578 million; • Highway and bridge construction: $465 million; • IDEA Special education: $157 million • Title I education: $147 million • Additional amounts for education, health, human services, energy, environment, law enforcement, employment, housing, transportation. • See OK Policy’s summaries of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at: • http://okpolicy.org/federal-stimulus-funding-brief-and-press-release
State FY ‘10 budget filled revenue shortfalls with stimulus dollars from the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund and enhanced federal Medicaid match
Food and Nutrition Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act • Commodity Assistance Program $150 million Nationally $1.74 million Oklahoma • ARRA provides $150 million for the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to purchase commodities for food banks to stock emptying shelves. • The funding has two components: food grants ($100 million nationally) and administrative grants ($25 million nationally per year for FY ‘09 and FY’10.) • States are required to pass-thru or expend 40 percent of administrative funds on behalf of emergency feeding organizations. • States are subject to quarterly reporting deadlines for administrative funds beginning in July 2009, which include listing all sub-grantees of funds. • USDA had disbursed $100 million in TEFAP funds by mid-April • A March 2, 2009 USDA memorandum set out state allocations. Oklahoma was allocated a food grant of $1,160,501 and a one-year administrative grant of $290,852. for FY ’09. • Oklahoma has now received the full amount of the full grant. • http://www.fns.usda.gov/fdd/programs/tefap/tefap_ARRA_030209.pdf
Food and Nutrition Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act • Emergency Food and Shelter $100 million Nationally $1.45 million Oklahoma • This funding through FEMA is to help local community organizations provide food, shelter and support services to the hungry, homeless and people in economic crisis. This includes one-month utility payments to prevent service cut-off and one-month rent or mortgage assistance to prevent eviction or help people leave shelters. • Funds are distributed by formula based on unemployment and poverty rates. • Actions taken by FEMA : • Awarded funds to the National Board of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program April 9, 2009 • Award notices issued to all local jurisdictions April 24, 2009 • Initial grant payments made May 15, 2009 $365K to 50 Local Recipient Organizations (LROs) within multiple jurisdictions. • Deadline for Local Boards in all jurisdictions to submit plans required prior to receiving awards - May 29 2009
Food and Nutrition Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act • Food Stamps $19.3 billion Nationally • ARRA increased the monthly benefit in the Food Stamp Program (or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) by 13.6 percent effective April 2009. • All food stamp households will benefit from the increase. • The new level will stay in place in subsequent years until the program’s regular annual inflation adjustments overtake the benefit increase. • In Oklahoma, more than 444,000 people in over 188,000 households, representing some 12 percent of the state’s population, receive food stamps (Feb. 2009). • The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that Oklahomans will receive $302 million in additional food stamp benefits as a result of ARRA. • The bill also suspends for 18 months the three-month time limit on assistance for many childless adult recipients. • Food Stamp Administration $295 million Nationally $3.3 million Oklahoma • In conjunction with the increase in food stamp benefits, the Department of Human Services will receive increased administrative funds to implement the benefit change and help manage rising caseloads during the recession. • Just under half the total allocation was released to states in April 2009.