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Oviedo Chamber of Commerce. Institutional Presentation - Pro-Youth Project. ASTURIAS. The scope of action of the Oviedo Chamber of Commerce includes the whole Principality of Asturias. It represents more than 45.000 businesses belonging to 69 Asturian municipalities out of existing 78.
Oviedo Chamber of Commerce Institutional Presentation - Pro-Youth Project
ASTURIAS • The scope of action of the Oviedo Chamber of Commerce includes the whole Principality of Asturias. It represents more than 45.000 businesses belonging to 69 Asturian municipalities out of existing 78. Asturias Population: 1.076.635 inhabitants Surface: 10.000 sq. Km. Spain Population: 43 million inhabitants Surface: 500.000 sq. Km.
INTRODUCTION • The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Oviedo was founded in 1889. • Throughout this time, the Chamber has undergone several updates up to becoming a supportive element for the enterprises which participate in the modern, dynamic times. • The main objective of Oviedo Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation is the representation, promotion and defense of the general interests of the commerce, the industry and the navigation. • The governing bodies of the Chamber are re-elected every four years. They are: The Assembly, Executive Committee and President.
LOCAL OFFICE • The agreement with local municipalities has facilitated the opening of 5 new proximity offices called “Antennas” out of the central area of Asturias: in Llanes, Luarca, San Martín del Rey Aurelio and Cangas de Narcea. Each antenna has one person from the Chamber, and they cover its role which is offering services of the Chamber to companies in their areas.
MAIN SERVICES • Information and management resources (directories, library) • Vocational training • Company creation (advice, transaction) • One stop shop • Business Incubator • Services for companies (consolidation; access for new markets; tourism; retail trade; legal, fiscal and financial advice) • Internationalization (advice, commercial missions, information) • Structure: 53 people • Budget: 6.1 Million €
COMPANY CREATION • Company creation Department acts as a support for entrepreneurs in every phase of the company creation and consolidation process that incorporates new training, information and evaluation tools to enhance and complete the process of starting up new business. • There are several services offered by this department: • Advising in self - employment and business management, • Feasibility studies, • Legal, fiscal and financial advice, • New fields of employment, • Finance instruments.
TRAINING AREA • Permanent Training on: business, economics, law, development of management skills, trade, human resources, international trade, etc. • Training on International Trade • Business Competences • Program for Management Development • Program for Management of Non Profit Organizations • Program in TIC • Virtual Area • Training ad-hoc for companies • Collaboration with Governmental institutions: FCT, PRACEM, etc. • EU Projects
EXPERIENCE IN EUROPEAN PROJECTS • Oviedo Chamber of Commerce has got a Department of EU Relations since 1992 and has participated in more that 50 projects co financed by the EU. • The Chamber has worked intensively in the creation of networks of European entities that develop common projects and activities in the European context. • Oviedo Chamber participates in EU project in the following areas of interest: • Training and Human Resources through initiatives financed under the Life Long Learning Programme, Progress and the European Social Fund • Internationalization of enterprises through the programmes supporting business cooperation as Al Invest or Asia Invest • Competitiveness and Innovation through the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) • Interregional Cooperation in the research and exchange of innovative measures in the previous topics through the Programmes Interreg IVC or the Transnational Programme Atlantic Area • Technical Assistance to other regions and institutions to facilitate them the incorporation of effective and tested measures in the mentioned areas fields of action
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • MATCH PROJECT.Informal and non-formal competences matching devise for migrants' employability and active citizenship.http://. Role: partner • Financial by: EACEA – Grundtvig Project. • The core overall objective of the project is the development of a web-based functional tool connecting the migrants’ competences acquired in formal, non-formal and informal contexts to occupational profiles and to companies’ labour demand. The system will be adopted by the Chambers of Commerce/training organizations involved in the present proposal as they are in a valuable position to serve as intermediaries in the local workforce development system, aggregating the labour needs of employers and effectively linking them with job seekers. • Partners: 12 partners from 6 countries • Duration: 24 months. From 1/12/1010 to 30/11/2012
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • EFFECT - European Efficient Wellbeing Service Production. www.creator7.eu. Role: Partner • Financial by: Interreg IV. • By developing a multi-producer model, EFFECT project, brings out a better customer orientation in wellbeing service for elderly people. This will stimulate regional business opportunities to increase out of the needs of an ageing population. • Development of a service production model increases the efficiency in the service production process. This allows better allocation of service resources and minimises lack of efficiency in public service selection. • A part of an efficient service sector is to offer what people require and what they need. A multi-producer model will also make the municipalities more aware of what kind of services the citizens want. • The aim of EFFECT is to create a tool kit by collecting models of best practices and experiences from the wellbeing area of each region. A starting position is the knowledge of regional differences in tackling the service production now. • Partners: 6 partners from 5 countries • Duration: From 1/1/2011 to 31/12/2012
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • AENEAS – FIT FOR EUROPE.EU COMMISSION www.fitforeurope.net. Role: Promoter • To contribute to the development of legal migration, in accordance with an analysis of the demographic, economic and social situations of Senegal, Cape Verde, Morocco, Spain and Italy, plus information to make the public more aware of the advantages of legal migration and the consequences of illegal migration. • Partners: • SPAIN: Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation from Oviedo, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Las Palmas, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands) • ITALY: IFOA - Training and Services Centre of Italian Chambers of Commerce • MOROCCO: Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Agadir • SENEGAL: The High Council of Senegalese Chambers of Commerce • CAPE VERDE: Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Barlovento and Sotavento • Duration: 36 months (January 2008 – December 2010) • Budget: 887.177,63 €
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • CREAC – Leonardo da Vinci Program www.creacproject.org. Role: Promoter • The CREAC Project "Cooperation for the Recognition, Evaluation and Accreditation of Competences" aimed at designing and testing methodologies and procedures to validate professional competences formally and informally acquired. • CREAC is mainly focused in the accreditation of professional competences in the fields of Business Administration, Commerce and Marketing, and tries to define a system that can be adapted and applied to the different territories participating in the project . • Partners: 12 partners from Spain, France, United Kingdom, Sweden and Iceland • Duration: 24 months. (from October 2006 to September 2008) • Budget: 568.892,23 €
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • ACOMETAL RED CREAC – Social Found. www.acometalredcreac.org Role: Promoter • Work on the professional families of: • Mechanics Fabrication, Management Administration and Trade and Marketing • A system of accreditation of competences, with useful tools, with the aim of have a real experience on the Spanish regions who haven’t yet any experience in this topic. • Created a network with different organizations that are working on the accreditation of competences • Partners: 8 partners (all from Spain) • Duration: 12 months (from December 2008 to December 2009) • Budget: 151.720,01 €
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • PATRON – Grundtvig www.patronproject.org. Role: Promoter • The project worked on the identify and test ways of transfer of the skills that senior managers and entrepreneurs have developed in their working life, and had helped them to develop their creativity, competitiveness and management and entrepreneurial skills. • Young entrepreneurs and managers received the transfer of these skills in the technical participant countries and regions and the methods and results will be disseminated as to be employable in other participant regions. • Partners:8 partners from Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia • Duration: 24 months, from 01-12-2007 to 31-01-2010 • Budget: 394.711,00 €
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • DOCTAE– Grundtvig. www.doctae.eu. Role: partner • DOCTAE is not only a project, it stands for a network and a teaching philosophy: DOCTAE members are education and training professionals, supporting one of the key messages of the European Union as the Lisbon Strategy says: “Education and Training are the heart of the knowledge society”. • So DOCTAE members share these objectives: • fostering integration and mutual validation of European education and training systems • improving systems and curricula to fit new needs like intercultural dialogue, participation, entrepreneurship, languages • fostering teachers' and trainers' mobility throughout Europe • Partners: 13 partners from Italy, Spain, Poland, United Kingdom, Hungary, Denmark, France, Germany, Lithuania. • Duration: 36 months, from December 2007 to April 2009 • Budget: 482.394,00 €
EUROPEAN PROJECTS: TRAINING AREA • ACTING – ARTICLE 6 www.ifoa.it/acting Role: Partner • Active Ageing for Competencies Transfer and Training • This project deals with one of the priority issues identified by the European Commission in the field of the “innovative approaches to managing change”: the management of demographic change, understood as the promotion of initiatives for the active ageing of the population and the increase in employment levels of elderly workers. • This was the only Italian project selected by the European Commission as a best practice. • Partners: Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, France • Period: 2005-2007 • Budget: 1,130,000 €
OTHER EU PROJECTS • EU-CHINA Machinery and Construction Partnership • CHANGE – Promotion Intelligent Energy for SME • EQUAL PROGRESAwww.equal-progresa.org • MENTORING FOR SME • EUROPE DIRECT • INTI – Integration for immigrants • ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Gloria Costeja: Training Programs Manager. gcosteja@camara-ovi.es