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Julia, 23 years I‘m studing in the 6th semester at university Coburg, Germany, and will finish next year . My ambitions … „ Anything is possible – but that is not enough . We need to find the one , that inspires us .“.
Julia, 23 years I‘mstuding in the 6th semesteratuniversityCoburg, Germany, and will finish nextyear. Myambitions… „Anythingispossible – but thatis not enough. Weneedto find theone, thatinspiresus.“
Currently I workoneday per week in a clinicformentallyillchildren. I also didinternships in socialorganisationslikehospital, (nursery) school, prisonoryouthoffice. I also wouldliketoworkfor a fewmonthas an au pair after my final exams. Personal AttitudestoVoluntary Work
I havenoexperience in socialworkwithseniors. Andthat‘sthepoint, why I choosethisgroup. I wouldliketogettoknow a areawhichisnewtome. Personal Experience in Social Work with Seniors
Itseemstobe a greatnewexperiencetome, becauseI‘veneverworkedabroud. I cangettoknowpeoplefromother countries, improvemylanguageskillsandgetotherpointsofview. In myopinionit‘s a veryinterestingandimportanttopicandsocialworkershaveto deal with it. Why IP H.E.L.P andwhat I expect