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Mrs. Ballance’s Classroom Orientation. Routines Policies Procedures. #1 What are the rules for going to the restroom?.
Mrs. Ballance’sClassroom Orientation Routines Policies Procedures
#1 What are the rules for going to the restroom? • You are given several whole class bathroom breaks. I usually take everyone right before class starts so you should not need to go during regular class time. If you have an emergency (barfing, exploding diarrhea, anything that needs to be cleaned up if you can’t go in 1 minute.) you will be allowed to go, but we will probably have to call home to inform you parents you are having a physical illness. If you have to take an unscheduled bathroom break, you will have to trade part of your recess for it.
#2 How do we check books out of the classroom library • I have library software on my teacher computer and you will check out books the same way you do in our school library. You will have 2 weeks to keep a book, and if the book is late you may have to do a walking recess until the book is turned in or it is paid for. The cost for any lost book is $5.00 Come and check out books during AR time.
#3 How do classroom jobs work? • Home room teachers will assign jobs once a week. Usually on Monday. If we have a short week, jobs may be extended through the following week.
#4 Reading logs • Reading logs are considered homework each night and if they are not completed or signed by your parent or guardian you will have a walking recess. • They are filled out Monday – Friday in class and at home each evening. You may decided to read Saturday or Sunday instead of Friday and that is OK, as long as you record your pages read.
#5 How to set up papers • Communicators: Communicators are sent home every Mondaywith papers for you parents to view and sign. These communicators are to be returned the next day in your mailbox and signed papers will go in the basket beside the mailboxes. • Any papers that are to be returned to me need to go into the baskets by the mailboxes. I will check them when time permits • Returning papers and communicators are considered homework for you and if you do not do this you will have a walking recess. • Returning papers goes on your weekly progress report, so each day your papers / communicators are late your progress report grade will go down. Continued on next slide
#5 How to set up papers • You are to keep your classwork papers in your reading / social studies/ writing or homework folders. I will collect these when completed for a grade. Please be responsible with your classwork, if you lose it you may be losing many days or even weeks worth of work and you will then be responsible to make it up. • Work turned late will have points deducted and you grade will be lower so always turn your work in on time.
#6 End of Day Routines • At the end of the 3rd block we will return to our homerooms, pack up our book bags and gather any materials we need for connect. Book bags will remain in the classroom until we return from connect. • After connect we then line up in either the bus riders line or the pickup line. You will then go with your teacher to get to your transportation home.
#7 Classroom Supplies • When completing classroom projects you may need crayons, markers, scissors etc…. I would like you to use your own supplies but in case you need them I have art boxes on the tables that have supplies you can use. • The blue art cabinet located at the back of the room contains various materials you may use and construction paper / notebook paper is located on top of the blue art cabinet. Copy paper for drawing is located in the brown basket by the mailboxes and large rolls of paper are located under the TV.
#8 AR/Silent Reading • AR will be from 7:30 – 8:15 every morning. When you enter the room in the morning you need to do so silently because others may be reading. Unpack your homework and reading log, have it on your desk ready to be checked. • After you finished reading your book and are ready for a test, get your laptop and take the test. • I will only let you test on books in your assigned ZPD. When you complete a test go to the printer and get your report. Place report in box by my desk for me to review. If test is not in your ZPD I will remove it from your record and you will not get credit for it. I am fair when setting your ZPD. If I see you are having trouble maintaining n 85 average, we adjust it. Continued on net slide
#8 AR/Silent Reading • Your % goal: You are required to maintain an 85% average. This means you may make a score lower than 85 occasionally, so do not panic. AR should challenge you and if you are making 100% on every test, then you are not being challenged. • Your book goal for the 1st part of the year is 3 fiction and 3 non fiction per month. If you are reading long novels then we might count that novel as 3 books. We will decide at that time. • Continued on next slide
#8 AR/Silent Reading • Point Goal: I will assign you a specific # of points to earn each 9 weeks. • Class goal: AR is homeroom based and your homeroom teacher will assign your goals. If the class meets the class point goal then you will be rewarded with various privileges or prizes. • My homeroom will be tracking individual points using the frogs on the bulletin boards. You can earn homework passes for every 15 points you earn. • To qualify for any classroom prizes you cannot be “At Risk”. This means you must have an 85 % average at the time of the reward. No 85 average, no reward or prize!!
#9 Homework Policy • Homework will be posted on all teachers whiteboards and on the 5th grade website. You should write down you homework each morning when you enter the room. • You will get a homework completion grade on you weekly progress report, each assignment you miss, your grade will go down. • If homework is not completed you will have a walking recess. If you miss 3 or more assignments you will have to serve afterschool detention.
#10 Morning Routine • AR will be from 7:30 – 8:15 every morning. When you enter the room in the morning you need to do so silently because others may be reading. Unpack your homework and reading log, have it on your desk ready to be checked • You may check out books in the school library or class library at this time. You must sign out on the clipboard by the door and you must have a library pass / tops report showing me you have taken a test on the book you are returning. If you do not have a tops report we will discuss the reason why and decide what to do from there. • Continued on next slide
#10 Morning Routine • You need to use the restroom between 7:30 & 7:45. Please sign out on the clipboard and go. You do not need to ask me for permission to go, just go quickly and return so you can get to work. • Sharpen 2 pencils at this time. • Remember school starts at 7:45. If you come to class later than 7:45 you are considered tardy and will have to go to the office for a late slip. 3 tardies = 1 absence and will be tracked and turned into the office. • You can only miss 20 days in 1 school year. If you miss more you can be retained and repeat 5th grade. Everyday you miss is a day you get behind and you miss out on time with friends, recess and connect so please come to school everyday. You must bring in a note signed by your parent or guardian.
#11 When can we get water? • If you need a drink during class please wait till we are working independently to get one. You do not need to ask, but please do get water while I am teaching. • You may bring water from home and keep it at your seat and drink from that anytime you want as long as it is not distracting or noisy. (not soda or energy drinks) • I suggest you bring a water bottle from home so you can keep it in the class cooler and have a cold drink after recess. We do not have time to line up 60 students to get a drink from the fountains in the hall, you may drink from the fountain in the class after recess but cold water from the cooler is much better.
#12 What to if you finish work early? • Take out your AR book and read.
#13 Grading Policy • We grade on a 1-4 scale • 100-93 = 4 • 92-77 = 3 • 76-60 = 2 • 59-0 = 1 • I get my grades from classwork, journals, writing assignments and tests.
#14 Lunch • There is no lunch count, but you will be responsible to sit with your homeroom during lunch. I will assign you tables. • This should be a fun time and this is a time to talk to your fiends. Please keep you voice low and do not talk to people at other tables, this causes the cafeteria to get too loud. • We will discuss more at Cafeteria Orientation.
#15 Consequences for breaking a Rule • You are required to follow the PBIS school matrix. If you do not then the following will apply. • 1st check = warning • 2nd check = silent lunch • 3rd check = walking recess • 4rd check = call home • 5th check = office referral / behavior essay written • 6th check = Removal from class, immediate call home and parents / guardians will be asked to come pick you up. Suspension • We have a students each week that monitors hall behaviors and will check your name if you do not practice the PBIS matrix.
#16 Class Rules • You are required to follow the PBIS school matrix. If you do not then the following will apply. • We will set out own class rules and post them up for all to see.
#17 Note from Home • Yes. If you are absent for any reason, you must bring in a note explaining why. Make sure your note has a date on it and is signed by your parent or guardian.
#18 What to do if I do not finish an assignment on time? • I do assign classwork. You usually have a week or more to complete it. Any classwork assigned for that day not completed must be completed at home. It becomes homework and will be counted the same as homework. If it is not completed at home you may end up with a walking recess. • When I set a date to collect work and you have not finished, you must take it home and finish it. I will take points off your grade for late work, but please turn it in. If you turn in work that is not complete, I will take points off your work for that. As long as you turn in something I will give you a grade, anything is better than a zero. • Your parents will have access to my grade book. They can go online and check it anytime they want. You will be responsible for explaining your grade when they see it and the response of “I don’t know” will not work. If you don’t know, trust me, I will and I will not hesitate telling your parents!!! They have my home and cell phone numbers and are welcome to call me at any time, day or night.
#22 Extra Credit • Extra Credit will be offered at various times.
#23 Free Question!!!! • Ask anything you want!
#24 Free Question • Ask anything you want!!!
#25 Lunch Rules • To be discussed at cafeteria orientation
#26 Big Projects • Science Fair • Possible State Project • Living History Museum • DC presentation • Possible Poetry Play
#27 Snack • Snack time will be around 1:00 each day. We have afternoon snack because our lunch time is so early (10:45). • Bring healthy snacks. No candy, sodas or energy drinks please. You will not be allowed to eat these things. • Make sure it is a snack and not a meal. You should be able to eat it in a few minutes.
#28 Free Question • Ask anything you want!!!
#29 Where to keep our personal supplies • Keep all your books, jackets and supplies you are not using in your locker ( crate). • Do not overload your book bag with things you are not going to use!!! The weight could hurt your back and we want you healthy, not old and broken!!!
#30 Spelling • Not everyone will have spelling, but for those who do, you will have homework, a study list of words and tests each Friday.
#31 What Things can I bring from home? • We do not recommend cell phones, but we understand some of you must have them so you can contact your parents. It must be turned off and stored out of sight. If your phone is stolen, you are responsible for it not the school. • If you are caught using your phone during school hours, your phone will be taken and will be returned only to your parents. Do not use your phone to take pictures on school property. • Do not bring video games, ipods, ipads, kindles or nooks without permission from your teachers. • No weapons – you will be suspended or expelled!!!
#32 Free Question • Ask anything you want!!!