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14th ICTS General Meeting ITC 2005, Las Vegas, 25. Oct. 2005 CEPT PT 3 Meetings on AI 1.5 & 1.6 29 to 31 August 2005 at ERC in Copenhagen Results & Comments Gerhard Mayer Vice Chair ICTS G V M Consulting. Agenda. CEPT Brief on agenda Item 1.5 Points relevant to AI 1.5 of CEPT Brief 1.6

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  1. 14th ICTS General Meeting ITC 2005, Las Vegas, 25. Oct. 2005CEPT PT 3 Meetings on AI 1.5 & 1.629 to 31 August 2005at ERC in CopenhagenResults & CommentsGerhard MayerVice Chair ICTSGVM Consulting An IFT Sponsored Group

  2. Agenda • CEPT Brief on agenda Item 1.5 • Points relevant to AI 1.5 of CEPT Brief 1.6 • UAV spectrum requirements • General & technical aspects An IFT Sponsored Group

  3. Preliminary CEPT Position on AI 1.5 • Supports primary allocation to the AMS 50[30] – 5150 MHz for aeronautical TM & TC, subject to successful sharing studies • Footnote: use of AMS should impose no constraints of operations to the ARNS • If sharing studies with positive result, development of a new ITU-R recommendation of range separation distance between ARNS (MLS) and AMS (TM & TC transmitters). • AMS is the appropriate service category for aeronautical TM & TC, general definitions in the RR not needed • UAV requirements for flights in the non segregated airspace should be handled separately from those of AI 1.5 and AI 1.6 An IFT Sponsored Group

  4. CEPT Position on AI 1.6, relevant to AI 1.5 • Support AM(R)S primary allocations 116 – [118] MHz, 960 – [1 164] MHz, [5 030] – 5 150 MHz • 5 030 – 5 090 MHz required to satisfy the ARNS (MLS) • Challenging requirements for MLS (capacity studies of ICAO) based on 200 channels (300 KHz) between 5 030 – 5 090 MHz • Each channel needing 1,5 MHz protection bandwith • The extention band for MLS 5 091 – 5 150 MHz may be possibly used for other services than ARNS, preferably for AM(R)S (ATC, AOC, security systems) An IFT Sponsored Group

  5. CEPT Position on other bands under consideration within the ITU • 4 400 – 4 490 MHz, sharing difficult or impossible due to numerous fixed links and tactical radio relays • 5 925 – 6 700 MHz, sharing difficult due to numerous fixed links, but CEPT not opposed to study compatibility • 22.5 – 23.6 GHz, sharing difficult due to deployment of fixed links, but CEPT not opposed to study compatibility • 23.6 – 24.0 GHz, sensitive passive services to be protected • 24.75 -25.5 MHz, planned for wireless local loop systems, but CEPT not opposed to study compatibilty • 27.0 – 27.5 GHz, sharing studies should be initiated in this band An IFT Sponsored Group

  6. Technical Aspects • Aeronautical Telemetry needs (short term) additional spectrum, preferably not higher then 5 GHz • Studied range 5 0[30] – 5 150 MHz suitable,world wide harmonized, technology available for onboard and ground systems, Ops conditions and wave propagation characteristics known from C-band Radar operations. • 24.75 – 25.5 GHz and 27 – 27.5 GHz (long term) are probably the most promising candidate bands for study. Technology to be further developed,present operational experience level very poor An IFT Sponsored Group

  7. General Aspects • Spectrum Sharing ARNS (MLS) with AMS (aeronautical TM & TC) must be possible • Coexistence of MLS operations (as a local fixed, short range system) and aeronautical TM & TC by regional coordination • Few MLS installations in wide parts of the world, only • Future of the system between 5 091 and 5 150 MHz is under review • Decision not to be expected, as long as ARSNS (based on GPS/ Galileo, EGNOS) for aircraft approach is evaluated and certified. An IFT Sponsored Group

  8. Special Case: UAV-Bandwidth Requirements • 32 countries develop UAVs, >200 types existing • Extensive applications: civil, commercial, mil., science • Needs extremely reliable data links and in access QoS -Operational links UAV to ATC and Pilot (on ground) -Optional satellite links -Autonomous flight Operation, i.g. CAS, wx-Radar, SatNav -Payload sensor data (i.g. imaging, SAR, spectrometer) -Flight deck test data during UAV evaluation • Bandwith requirements: -Op + flight test: fop < 6 GHz, BWop > 10 – 30 MHz -Payload data: fpl > 6 GHz, BW pl > 30 - 150 MHz An IFT Sponsored Group

  9. Further Studies on UAV Spectrum Needs • UAV requirements during T & E Phase, with flights in the restricted airspace should be studied within AI 1.5 • Spectrum estimates per UAV available from the UK (30 MHz) and Germany (50 MHz) • A new generation of hyperspectral imaging sensors with 100channels for UAV application(medium term) expected , resulting in additional 50 MHz bandwidth need per UAV • UAV flights in the non segregated airspace and their telecommunication needs call for a fundamental study, shared by all concerned groups. • Long distance UAV flights need satellite links, that do not fall either under AI 1.5 or AI 1.6 An IFT Sponsored Group

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