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Welcome to Chelsea Intermediate School

Welcome to Chelsea Intermediate School. Fourth Grade Curriculum Night Presentation 2014-2015. Fourth Grade Teachers. Team A Team B Team C Mrs. Jozaitis Mrs. Farrell Mrs. Lang Mrs. Vega Mrs. Roney Mrs. Cumbee

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Welcome to Chelsea Intermediate School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Chelsea Intermediate School Fourth Grade Curriculum Night Presentation 2014-2015

  2. Fourth Grade Teachers Team A Team B Team C Mrs. Jozaitis Mrs. Farrell Mrs. Lang Mrs. Vega Mrs. Roney Mrs. Cumbee Mrs. Adamow Mr. Hermanson Ms. Ladalski Mr. Van Assen Mrs. Attanasio • Mrs. Szkolny & Mrs. Landow-Reading Interventionists • Mrs. Margalus-Reading/Math Interventionist • Mrs. Scott-Math Interventionist • Mrs. Larsen & Mrs. O’Hea-Resource Teachers • Ms. Draeger & Ms. Dyer -Resource Teachers • Mrs. Fiel & Mrs. Harris- II Teachers

  3. Frankfort 157-C Curricular Initiatives

  4. Background: • Illinois adopted Common Core National Standards along with 47 other states • Created newly aligned curriculum in English Language Arts & Math • Old standards were very broad & not challenging • K-12 College & Career readiness • Rigorous skills, reading more complex text, higher level thinking and problem solving

  5. Changes you might see: • New resources: • Many new titles and genres that kids will be reading • Kids will be writing more frequently about their reading of both fiction as well as informational text • Hands on approach to Math where kids will be spending a longer time going into depth with math skills

  6. Where can I see what my kids will be learning? • www.fsd157c.org • District office tab • Curriculum tab • ALL curricular expectations are listed for parents

  7. Grading Practices forRelearning and Recovery • The majority of the grades entered in the gradebook will be activities and scores secured after learning has taken place • All kids will have an opportunity to improve their performance on most graded activities throughout the quarter – meaning some grades may improve by the end of the quarter but none will go down. • Scores in the gradebook that are greydo not count towards your child’s grade, they are entered to give you feedback regarding their progress while learning is still taking place Our team will adjust and refine grading decisions as we go through the quarter to do what’s best for our students. Please see me after the presentation with any questions you may have.

  8. ELA Unit Design – What Parents Should Know • 1 Unit Per Quarter – Specific Theme • Purposefully designed to Start With The End In Mind • Standards aligned, including a variety of assessments used to inform instruction and assess mastery • Implemented consistently across all 11 teachers at the grade level

  9. Writer’s Workshop All students at Chelsea will participate in Writer’s Workshop this year that focuses on explicit instruction in writing Daily for 45-60 minutes. Our goal is to develop a love of writing in all of our students. Thank you for your assistance with our Writer’s Notebooks!

  10. Common Procedures in Fourth Grade • Assignment Notebook • Friday Folders • Character Counts • Teacher Web Page • One Healthy Snack

  11. Examples of Possible Homework • Writing: • Various cross circular writing pieces • Math: • Practice skill of day/week • Focus on daily multiplication facts at home • Reading: • We encourage nightly reading for enjoyment

  12. Powerschool • Please check this site on a regular basis. • There will be no “paper copies” of your child’s Progress Notices. • Please make sure you are a registered user, if not please contact our Technology Department.

  13. Character Counts • Trustworthy, Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, & Citizenship • Positive reinforcement for students to use the 6 pillars. • Any infraction of one of the 6 pillars will result in a Character Counts Consequence Sheet • Student ambassador nominations

  14. Catch-up Club • The purpose of the Club is to provide an opportunity for students to rectify the occasional homework mishap. • We do not want students to rely on Catch-up Club as a means of getting their assignments complete. • We will monitor use of the club, and parents will be notified after a student has used the club more than three times in a month.

  15. Otter Creek • Otter Creek is our district wide fact program. • Fourth graders will work on mastering their multiplication facts, once that is complete, they will move onto division. • This program is designed to develop math automaticity.

  16. give. grant. grow. • MISSION: Raising funds throughout the year to fulfill teacher written grants for the classroom. Over $2 million granted to date. • GRANTED TO: Grand Prairie, Chelsea and Hickory Creek • FUNDRAISERS: Annual Dinner Auction, Golf Outing, Coin Drive, Frankfort Fall Fest BETA Tent • RECENT GRANTS: • SMART BOARDS in 20 classrooms at Chelsea • Rebecca Caudill, Blue Stem and Monarch Book Programs • Electronic Signage at Chelsea • Razkids and Math Fact Programs at Grand Prairie • Hickory Creek guitars, music, green screen and PE Equipment • Netbooks and Tablet PCs at Hickory Creek • For more information and volunteering opportunities visit our website at www.ef157c.org

  17. The FSP is the Parent Teacher Organization for District 157-C. Our mission is designed to strengthen the partnership between home and school through parent volunteer opportunities, student enrichment activities and family fun events. Some of the ways that we have enriched and supported the curriculum include: Funding for field trips Sponsoring special assembly programs Providing scholarships Providing curriculum enrichment funding to each school Coordinating volunteers for all our events and programs Each year we also hold FREE family fun events such as: Family Fun Night and Creative Arts Showcase at Grand Prairie Exploration Night and Family Fitness Night at Chelsea Come visit our table at Curriculum Night and visit us at www.fsp157c.org Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FamilySchoolPartnership157c Contact us via email at fsp157c@gmail.com

  18. In closing… • Please remember to leave your name and contact information for class parties and volunteers • names will be pulled like a raffle • Remember to sign up for a conference time as well. • Thank you for joining me, I look forward to a wonderful year!

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