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Summing up the Ipod conference Important issues and challenges for Colleges and Universities. Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Nettstudier Professor of Online Education President of EDEN - the European Distance and E-Learning Network. Læring rett i lomma Oslo, 30.09.2010. The conference.
Summing up the Ipod conferenceImportant issues and challengesfor Colleges and Universities Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Nettstudier Professor of Online EducationPresident of EDEN - the European Distance and E-Learning Network Læring rett i lommaOslo, 30.09.2010
The conference • 150 participants • 20 speakers • 80 Tapas-eaters Bent Kures Podcast Circle summerizes the conference
A lot of people have contributed to this thought provoking conference Presenters and institutions in www.wordle.net
I attended the conference to get ideas for NKI’s new program in multimedia journalism • NKI Nettstudier: Webjournalistikk (10 studiepoeng) • Berghs School of Communication:Audioreportager med Podcasting (10 studiepoeng) • Danmarks medie- og journalisthøgskole: Video til web (10 studiepoeng) • Prosjektets side på Facebookhttp://nb-no.facebook.com/pages/Multimediejournalistikk/115487248477879 • Prosjektet er støttet av Norgesuniversitetet
Maybe I should have attended another conference? • I wanted to learn more about what students could produce • Future students will not hand in papers, but publish LOs in various Web2.0 services • The student will be much more innovative than the podcast lecturers we have seen at this conference • Their submissions will be a challenge for the professors • See examples from my article: E-viva em Portugalhttp://nettstudier.blogspot.com/
Kim Kantardjiev:Sharing is CaringBut sharing is not easybecause of copy right issueshttp://norgesuniversitetet.no/delrett/
The presenters received e-mail requests about permission to publish their presentations on the conference web-site presentasjonene på nettet Hei, vi planlegger å ta opp presentasjonene og legge dem på nettet i etterkant. Dersom du ønsker å bli tatt opp og har tenkt å bruke bilder, videoklipp eller annet illustrasjonsmateriale hvor rettighetene IKKE er avklart med rettighetshaver, har du tre muligheter: • Å avklare med rettighetshaver om du kan få lov til å bruke materialet. • Å finne ANDRE bilder/materiale som er lovlige å bruke. • Å bruke det planlagte materialet i din presentasjon selv om du ikke har avklart rettighetene. Hvis du velger denne løsningen, kan vi ikke ta opp din presentasjon hvor bildene vises. Men vi kan filme bare deg uten at din presentasjon vises.
Reflections • Gilly Salmon: • The renaissance of the human voice. • Podcast Feedback. • Generic feedback podcasts. • The winner had 19 devices in his pockets • My questions to Gilly: • Isn’t text easier to search and overview? • Isn’t it time consuming to receive podcast feedback from students?
Twitter #rettilomma • About 100 tweets before17.00 first day • #rettilomma Går det an å skumhøre en podcast slik man skumleser en artikkel? • @imelve @MFPaulsen @ingercarin Jeg tror det går fint å skumhøre mens du gjør husarbeid. Eller trener. Hva gjør studenter? #rettilomma
Lectures 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0? • Bent Kure: Traditional lectures are dead when they are over • Marianne Talbot’s lectures: 5000 downloads per week • Atle Løkken: Industrializing video lectures • Curt Rice: Tells us to ask why. So I ask: • Why do we provide lectures? • Why not focus more on dialogue?
Why not focus more on quality? • Content quality? • Instructional design and development teams? • Technical quality? • Is Berkley quality good enough for e-learning?
Why do we need a podcast strategy? • Mara Hancock and Ben Hubbard: • 120 million streams, views & downloads • Discoverable, open, portable • Sustainable: Low cost, scale up, increase impact • Itunes U, YouTube, Matterhorn, Mediasite, Camtasia • National initiatives?
Cost effectiveness • Mediasite (UiS ) • Camtasia (UiO, HiOf) • Matterhorn (Universität Osnabrük & Berkeley) • Administration and editing
Thank you all for a great learning experience I care, so I share: http://home.nki.no/morten https://twitter.com/MFPaulsen http://www.slideshare.net/MortenFP http://www.facebook.com/mfpaulsen http://www.eden-online.org/blog