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FIREARMS TRAINING 2013. Specific Goals For 2013. The intent of this year’s firearm training is to introduce officers to a high stress deadly force shooting environment.
Specific Goals For 2013 The intent of this year’s firearm training is to introduce officers to a high stress deadly force shooting environment. Officers need to better equipped both mental and tactically to deal with deadly force encounters. So far in the year 2013 the number of officers killed by gunfire is up 6%over last year.
Specific Goals For 2013 • This year’s firearm training emphasizes quick decision making and movement toward cover. • To show officers how to properly deploy and shoot from behind cover. • To increase an officer’s reactionary time to a suspect presenting a firearm. • To have officers focusing on the suspect’s hands. • Reacting both physically and mentally to such cues will help reduce reaction time, and therefore save your life.
Move and Shoot • When confronted with a firearm threat MOVE-SHOOT-COVER. Do it immediately. • Be a master of threat assessment. Always perform the Quick Scan: check the hands, check the waist, check the surrounding area. • Fixate on where a suspect is most likely to hide a handgun. • Cover is available in 2/3 of all police shootings. If possible seek cover before engaging.
Negligent Discharges Within the past year we have had Two negligent discharges at the Outdoor Range. Both of these negligent discharges could have been prevented if the officers had followed the six steps to disassembling a Glock Handgun.
6 Steps for Disassembling a Glock Handgun • Point the Glock in a safe direction and keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard. • Remove the magazine. • Work the slide to eject any round that could be in the chamber.
6 Steps for Disassembling a Glock Handgun • Lock the slide to the rear. • Visually check inside the chamber. 6. Close the slide, pull the trigger and remove the slide.
Firearm RegulationsMaryland Police & Corrections Training Commission • If the officer does not initially qualify with their primary duty handgun, they must re-qualify within 30 days from the initial attempt. • Each session will afford the officer 3 attempts to qualify. • (according to MPCTC regulation.)
How To Check Your Training Records You will be able to: • Access training Records • View & Print In-Service & Firearms • Check on Certification Expiration Dates
Immediate Action Drill • When a handgun malfunction occurs an officer will always perform an Immediate Action Drill first, which is… • Tap • Tilt • Rack • Fire.
Deadly Force (FC 131) • It is the policy of this department to allow its officers to use only that force which is reasonable and necessary to effect an arrest or to protect themselves or others from personal attack, physical resistance, harm, or death. • The decision to exercise force of any level must be based upon the circumstances that the officer reasonably believes to exist. • Officers may use deadly force to defend themselves, or another person from what they have reasonable causeto perceive as an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury.
Making A Semi-AutomaticPistol Safe • Point the Glock Handgun in a safe direction and keep your finger off the trigger. Remove the magazine!!!
Making A Semi-AutomaticPistol Safe • Visually check inside the chamber. Check twice. • Close the slide, pull the trigger then remove the slide. • Work the slide to eject any round that could be in the chamber. • Lock the slide to the rear.
Firearm Etiquette • Never give or take a firearm from anyone unless the magazine is removed, and the slide is locked to the rear. • Don’t allow your weapon to become a conversation piece.
Range Safety • When shooting at a Montgomery County Police Firearms Range you must wear ballistic body armor. • Eye and ear protection must be worn. • Long pants must be worn. • No loaded or assembled weapons in the range house. • Weapons will always be pointed down range unless in a holster.
Range Safety • Any negligent discharge of a weaponat the outdoor range will be immediately reported to the range staff.
Range Safety • No talking on the firing line. • No cell phones. • Pay strict attention to the range officer’s command. • Never anticipate a command. • Only load your weapon on the target line.
Range Safety • Never draw your weapon with your finger on trigger. • Never leave the firing line without first unloading your weapon. • You must wear eye, ear and ballistic protection on the firing line. • All long guns must be placed in the rifle rack prior to qualifications.
Range Safety Rules No assembled weapons in the range house of the Outdoor Range. All Officers must wear eye protection while cleaning their weapon. All shotguns must have the barrel removed before entering the Range House. All Colt M4 guns must have the rear locking pin pulled out and the gun broken open before entering the Range House. No assembled weapons in the classroom.
Range Safety Rules New Procedure for Firearm Safety for 2013. • The recoil spring and guide tube will now be placed into a red container located outside the cleaning room. • One container will be used per person. Write your name on a piece of paper and place in the container with your parts.
Range Safety • No officer shall attempt to fire any weapon on the range if he/she has consumed any alcoholic beverage or drug. • This includes prescription drugs that may affect the officer’s ability.
Range Safety • Before leaving the range, all officers will Load, Press Check and Holster their weapons on the target line with the weapon pointed down range.
Home Safety • The more people who will be in and about your household, the more precautions you will need to take to make your weapon inaccessibleto unauthorized persons. • Everyone’s home life changes one-time or another, such as getting married, having children.
Home Safety(WEAPON STORAGE) Below options listed in order of greatest accessibility to least. • If you feel a need to have a loaded weapon, place the weapon across the room. • Pistol unloaded completely, put magazine next to it. • Pistol loaded, but hidden from view or locked in a cabinet. • Trigger lock/gun safe. • The pistol unloaded and locked away separate from the magazine. PREFERED METHOD OF STORAGE
Care & Cleaning(Barrel) • Using a brass/nylon /stainless steel bore brush, use cleaning solvent and clean from the chamber end through the muzzle (the direction the bullet travels). 3. Wipe/scrub entire surface of the barrel and locking block with cleaning solvent Use a nylon toothbrush to clean the head space ring, near the front edge of the barrel chamber 4. Dry the bore/Chamber with a clean patch. Continue to run clean patches through chamber until no residue comes off on patch.
Care & Cleaning(Slide) • Use a nylon toothbrush and cleaning solvent to scrub the underside of the slide rails. • The breech face and the extractor claw should be absolutely dry and free of any debris after cleaning. The slide needs to be pointed to the ground while cleaning. Last year’s inspections show we are not cleaning and caring for our weapons correctly.
Care & Cleaning(Slide) • Wipe excess debris with a clean rag and then blow the entire slide dry using an air compressor down. • Use a dental pick or small paper clip, work dirt out from the under the extractor and from the edges of the breech face.
Care & Cleaning(Recoil Spring & Guide Assembly) • Visually check for any debris. Using the air compressor, blow any debris off. This part is not being cleaned as it should.
Care & Cleaning(Receiver) • Most parts of the receiver may be wiped with a clean, soft cloth that has been slightly dampened with cleaning solvent. Using the air compressor, blow dry the receiver.
Care & Cleaning(Sights) • Spray the front and rear sight of your duty handgun with Slip2000. Gently take nylon brush and brush both sights. Use the air blower to flush out any debris.
Lubrication BARREL • Lubricate the barrel, barrel hood, and the barrel lug. SLIDE • Lubricate the inside of the slide, the locking block, the slide lock, and one drop of oil on each slide rail cut.
Lubrication(RECEIVER) • One drop of oil where the connector and the trigger bar meet. Connector/ Trigger bar
Rules For LubricatingYour Handgun • Every time you shoot your handgun. • At least once a month. • After inclement weather.
Weapon Turn In Policy • All duty issued weapons must be turned in to the MCP armor at the Outdoor Range in original issued condition. • Officers will not turn in any issued weapon damaged, altered or with after-market parts. If so, the officer will be financially responsible for the replacement of those factory parts.
Questions? Direct any questions you have to the Firearm/Range staff: Outdoor Range: 301-972-7804