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KOHAKU. Nidan Kohaku Yondan Kohaku Inazuma Kohaku Sandan Kohaku. Kuchibeni Doitsu. TAISHIO SANKE. SHOWA SANSHOKU. Hi Showa Kindai Showa . UTSURIMONO.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KOHAKU Nidan Kohaku Yondan Kohaku Inazuma Kohaku Sandan Kohaku

  2. Kuchibeni Doitsu TAISHIO SANKE

  3. SHOWA SANSHOKU Hi Showa Kindai Showa

  4. UTSURIMONO Shiro Utsuri Hi Utsuri Ki Utsuri

  5. BEKKO Shiro Bekko Shiro Bekko Aka Bekko

  6. ASAGI / SHUSUI Narumi Asagi Shusui

  7. GIN RIN “A” GO SANKE Gin Rin Kohaku Gin Rin Sanke Gin Rin Showa

  8. GIN RIN “B”ALL OTHER VARIETIES Gin Rin Goshiki Gin Rin Ochiba Gin Rin Tancho Showa

  9. HIKARI MUJI Orenji Ogon Platinum Ogon Yamabuki Ogon Doitsu Platinum

  10. HIKARI OTHERUTSURI AND MOYO Hariwake Tora Kikusui Kujaku Doitsu YamatoNishiki

  11. KAWARIMONO SumiNagashi Ochiba Shigure Kumonryu Midorigoi

  12. KOROMO/GOSHIKI Ai Goromo Goshiki

  13. TANCHO Tancho Kohaku Tancho Sanke Tancho Showa

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