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Unveiling Climate Change Dynamics: Understanding Global Warming Forecast

Explore the complex interplay of climate forcings and feedbacks, and how they drive global temperature changes. Understand radiative forcings, greenhouse gases, and Earth's energy balance. Dive deep into solar radiation, greenhouse gases, and more.

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Unveiling Climate Change Dynamics: Understanding Global Warming Forecast

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  1. ATM S 111, Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast Dargan M. W. Frierson Department of Atmospheric Sciences Day 3: 04/06/2010

  2. Climate Forcingsvs Climate Feedbacks • Climate forcings: • Things that change global temperatures directly • Climate feedbacks: • Things that respond to temperature changes (but themselves affect temperature too!)

  3. Outline of This Topic • Climate forcings • Things that directly change global temperature • How to put different effects on the same ground • Radiative forcing will be a key concept • Forcings important for climate • Including greenhouse gases, land cover changes, volcanoes, air pollution, and others… • It’s a long list! • Notion of “global warming” versus “climate change” will become more and more apparent

  4. Outline of This Topic • Climate feedbacks • Things that change in response to a climate forcing • Ice/snow • Ice melts when it gets hotter: classic example of feedback • Water vapor • Clouds • Why is there uncertainty in climate forecasts?

  5. Climate Forcings • Climate forcings directly change global temperatures • Examples: • Changes in strength of the Sun • Changes in greenhouse gas concentrations • Volcanoes (which block out the Sun) • We need a way to put these on equal footing in terms of how much warming they cause • Let’s recall how the Earth is heated/cooled

  6. Heating/Cooling of the Earth • Solar radiation in, longwave radiation out • The Earth is heated by shortwave radiation from the Sun • The Earth cools by longwave radiation

  7. Radiative Forcing • Radiative forcing is calculated as the changeinshortwavein or longwaveout due to the particular climate forcing • Measured in Watts per meter squared (W/m2) • An increase in shortwave radiation absorbed by Earth is a positive radiative forcing • A decrease in longwaveout of Earth is a positive radiative forcing • In response to a positive radiative forcing, the climate must warm

  8. Radiative Forcings: Shortwave Forcings • Radiative forcing: changeinshortwavein or longwaveout due to the particular climate forcing • For shortwave forcings, this is just the change in solar energy absorbed by the planet • Ex. 1: if the Sun increases in strength so 0.2 W/m2 more is absorbed, the radiative forcing is 0.2 W/m2 • OK that was obvious… • Ex. 2: if a volcano blows up and reflects back an extra 0.3 W/m2 of the Sun’s rays, the radiative forcing is -0.3 W/m2

  9. Radiative Forcing: LongwaveForcings • OK, so shortwave forcings were pretty easy • What about gases that affect the greenhouse effect? • Radiative forcing for greenhouse gases: • Instantly change the gas concentration as compared with a reference concentration (typically “preindustrial” values from the year 1750) • E.g., compare current CO2 levels with preindustrial times • Calculate how much longwaveradiation to space is decreased • Have to assume temperature is unchanged too • Ex: When increasing the concentration of a certain greenhouse gas, longwave radiation is decreased by 2 W/m2 due to this gas

  10. Radiative Forcings • In response to a positive radiative forcing, the system will heat up • And therefore will radiate more to space • Thus radiative forcing for greenhouse gases is calculated assuming no change in temperature • Ex: CO2 levels are increased to decrease the longwave radiation to space by 4 W/m2 • The atmosphere will heat up in response (because shortwave is greater than longwave) • It will radiate away more, eventually getting into energy balance

  11. Climate Forcing of CO2 • Radiative forcing of CO2 for current value versus preindustrial (year 1750) value: 1.66 W/m2 • Radiative forcing for doubling CO2: around 3.7 W/m2 • And the radiative forcing increase gets less as CO2 increases more

  12. Radiative Forcing of Other Greenhouse Gases • These are all current values vs preindustrial values Carbon dioxide: 1.66 W/m2 Methane: 0.48 W/m2 Nitrous oxide: 0.16 W/m2 CFCs: 0.32 W/m2 • But CFCs are decreasing now (everything else is increasing) • These numbers are how I calculated the percentages of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect from last lecture…

  13. Climate Forcings: Shortwave Forcings • Those were the major longwaveradiative forcings • Let’s do shortwave forcingsnext • Shortwave forcings affect how much solar radiation is absorbed) • Examples of shortwave forcings: • Changes in strength of the Sun • Changes in the surface albedo • Not changes in ice coverage – that’s a feedback • Volcanoes • Air pollution • This falls under the more general category of “aerosols” • Let’s discuss each of these in more detail

  14. Changes in the Intensity of the Sun • The Sun has natural variability in its strength • The changes are rather small though (around 0.1%) since we’ve been measuring accurately with satellites (1979) • The variability of the Sun is correlated with the sunspot cycle • Sunspots are temporarily darkened regions on the Sun 

  15. Sunspot Cycle • Sunspots vary over an 11 year cycle • More sunspots  more solar radiation • FF: Also more solar flares during solar cycles • These mess with satellites, communication systems, etc FF: Radiative forcing by the Sun = change in solar radiation absorbed on Earth = 0.7*(irradiance change)/4 = 0.2 W/m2 (max to min) (takes into account albedo and directness of radiation) Solar output Sunspot number 1975 Year 2010

  16. Current Solar Intensity We’re at the end of a deep minimum of solar intensity Peak to peak radiative forcing of the Sun: 0.2 W/m2 Affects global temperatures by around 0.2o C (research of Prof. Tung, Applied Math, UW)

  17. Sunspot Cycles over Time Sunspot cycles are not the same each 11 year cycle:  Global temperature  Carbon dioxide  Sunspots Solar variability may have led to some warming in the early 20th century

  18. Sunspots over Last 400 Years Sunspots since we’ve been observing them:

  19. A Preview of Some Paleoclimate Maunder minimum (1650-1700) coincides with “Little Ice Age”: There was also enhanced volcanic activity at this time We’ll discuss these & other periods more when we study paleoclimate

  20. Other Ways to Change Absorbed Solar Radiation • Changes in the Sun aren’t the only way to change absorbed solar radiation • We can also directly change the albedoof the Earth • Land cover • Soot on snow • Reflective particles in the air

  21. Land Cover Changes • Forests have low albedo (they’re dark) • Cutting down forests to create farmland/pastures tends to raise the albedo • This is actually a negative radiative forcing • Causes local cooling because there’s more solar energy reflected • Remember that deforestation is an important source of carbon dioxide though • Deforestation can cause global warming but local cooling… Princeton, NJ

  22. Soot on Snow • A tiny amount of soot (AKA black carbon) in pure white snow can change the albedo dramatically! • Currently a very active area of research (Prof. Warren, AtmosSci) Fresh snow over Greenland from high above

  23. Other Ways to Change Albedo • Can change albedoin the atmosphere as well! • Aerosols(fine particles suspended in air) make a large contribution to reflection of sunlight • Volcanoes! • Pollution (from coal burning or other types of burning) • Dust (e.g., from the Sahara) • And others

  24. Volcano Effects on Climate • Volcanoes can have a large climate impact • Certain big ones cause a temporary cooling of the climate Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, erupted June 1991, resulted in more than 0.5o C (0.9o F) global temperature decrease Direct heating of atmosphere by volcanoes is small. CO2 emission by volcanoes is <1% of anthropogenic emission.

  25. Volcano Impacts on Climate Dust and sulfates from volcanoes block out the Sun Before the Pinatubo eruption  2 months after  14 months after  Volcanic material spreads quickly around the same latitudes as the eruption Slight dimming seen across the globe over a year after the eruption Red colors = atmosphere is reflecting a lot of sunlight back

  26. Volcano Impacts on Climate Effects of big eruptions are felt for a couple of years Temperatures were cold for around 2 years before recovering Fun Fact: Tropical volcanoes that get lots of sulfates into the stratosphere have the biggest climate effect Observed (dashed) vs modeled (solid) temperature change (from Hansen et al 1996)

  27. Air Pollution Aerosols • Air pollution particles block out sunlight too • Sulfates from dirty coal burning are particularly important (sulfate aerosols) • This is the same stuff that causes acid rain • These are a big effect • One of the main uncertainties in our understanding of climate

  28. Aerosol “direct effect” Aerosol haze (here from east coast) reflect sunlight back to space and cool. They fall out over a few days.

  29. Aerosol “Indirect Effect” Aerosols also affect cloud formation Ship tracks can be seen as brighter clouds follow the ships’ smokestacks

  30. “Global Dimming” • Solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface declined by ~4% from 1961-1990 • This has coexisted with large increases in the global temperature. Why? • Increased aerosol concentrations partially to blame • Both direct reflection and indirect cloud changes are thought to be important • Trend has reduced since 1990s (likely due to Clean Air Act and similar laws in Europe)

  31. Aerosol Effects on Climate • Air pollution thus is another strange issue: • Sulfate aerosols reflect away sunlight so itself causes cooling • Cleaning up pollution has had great benefits for air quality, human health, acid rain, etc • However it has likely led to additional warming Aerosol increases/cleanup is likely partially to blame for the small warming from 1950-1970, and the rapid warming since then Another twist: China is pumping out lots of dirty coal emissions now

  32. Summary of Shortwave Climate Forcings • Shortwave radiative forcings can come from: • Changes in strength of the Sun • Changes in albedo at the surface • Changes in albedo of the atmosphere

  33. Summary of Shortwave Climate Forcings • Radiative forcingsfor shortwave agents in current climate vs preindustrial • Remember CO2 radiative forcing is currently: 1.66 W/m2 • Solar radiation changes: 0.12 W/m2 • Land cover changes: -0.20 W/m2 • Soot on snow: 0.10 W/m2 • Aerosol direct effect: -0.50 W/m2 • Aerosol indirect effect (clouds): -0.70 W/m2 • All of the above have significant scientific uncertainty associated with them though! • We just don’t know these values very accurately

  34. Radiative Forcings all Plotted Together Red = warming, blue = cooling Longwave and shortwave together here Radiative forcing of present climate vs preindustrial, with Uncertainties Aerosols (air pollution) are the biggest uncertainty IPCC AR4 SPM

  35. Climate Forcings Summary • Climate forcings either change shortwave radiation or longwave radiation • Longwaveforcings are greenhouse gases and include: • Carbon dioxide • Methane • Nitrous oxide • Ozone • Shortwave forcings include: • Changes in solar radiation • Changes in surface albedo by land use and soot on snow • Volcanoes • Aerosols

  36. Local Aspects of Many Climate Forcings • CO2 is still the main problem • And it is global (essentially the same concentration everywhere) • Hence “global warming” is an appropriate name • Many of the other climate forcings are much more localized though • Soot on snow, land use, aerosols all tend to be localized • Hence “climate change” is a better term when covering these

  37. Next: Climate Feedbacks • Things that change when the climate gets warmer or colder • We’ll discuss the following: • Water vapor feedback • Ice-albedo feedback • Cloud feedbacks • Feedbacks are of critical importance in determining temperature response to climate forcings • Positive feedbacks are things that amplify warming

  38. Climate Sensitivity Global warming theory: = common symbol indicating the change in a quantity = change in temperature (in degrees C) = radiative forcing (in W/m2) = climate sensitivity

  39. Climate Sensitivity • Lots of positive feedbacks means a very sensitive climate (large ) • Large change in temperature for even a small forcing • Lots of negative feedbacks means small • What are the main climate feedbacks? • And are they positive or negative?

  40. Water Vapor Feedback • Water vapor feedback • Remember water vapor is the number one greenhouse gas • This feedback is very confidently expected to be positive • Why? Because warmer air can hold more moisture

  41. Surface Water Vapor Content Surface water vapor content Source: NCEP Reanalysis Most water vapor is in the tropics where it’s hot

  42. Water Vapor Content • Winters are much drier than summers • Simply because cold temperatures means small water vapor content January surface water vapor content July surface water vapor content

  43. Water Vapor Feedback • Basic idea: • A warmer climate means a higher water vapor climate • 20% more humid climate with 3o C temperature increase • As with all feedbacks, water vapor doesn’t care what the forcing is that caused the warming • Any kind of warming will result in an increase in water vapor content

  44. Water Vapor Feedback • A warmer climate means a higher water vapor climate • Essentially no arguments out there that water vapor should act as a negative feedback • Some reasonable skeptics argue that the feedback might be weak • Arguments focus on how upper atmospheric water vapor might change • Observations show evidence for a strong positive feedback • Water vapor increases/decreases right along with global temperatures

  45. Ice/Snow Feedbacks Can you think of a feedback involving ice/snow? Arctic sea ice

  46. Ice-Albedo Feedback Warming  ice melting  dark open ocean visible  more warming Similar feedback is present for snow (revealing darker land surfaces below)

  47. Cloud Feedbacks • Cloud feedbacks are much more uncertain • Partially because clouds have both an albedo effect and a greenhouse effect High (thin) Clouds Warm Low (thick) Clouds Cool

  48. Cloud Feedbacks • Cloud feedbacks lead to the largest uncertainty in global warming forecasts • More low clouds could lead to less warming than predicted • However, roughly equally likely, less low clouds could lead to significantly more warming… • Uncertainty: a reason not to act or to act quickly?

  49. Lapse Rate Feedback Main negative feedback: “lapse rate feedback” Upper atmosphere warms faster than lower atmosphere in climate models This is where longwave radiation to space comes from Funny skeptic argument: upper atmosphere wasn’t warming as fast as Expected (resolved by Professor Qiang Fu and Celeste Johanson at UW): If it had been true, this would have meant we’d expect more warming! Height (km)

  50. Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity • Climate models say that expected warming is approximately double that expected with no feedbacks • Warming response to doubling CO2 (we’ll likely get to this around 2050) with no feedbacks is around 1.5o C • Models predict 3o C average response to warming • There’s some uncertainty in the feedbacks though • And it’s hard to rule out high sensitivity climates

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